Wing Attack Plan R
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Just found out about the 3 Body Problem murder scandal.

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Tepid. No cliffhanger, nothing that you’re anxious to have resolved, and you spend a lot of time with Saul who is dumber than a bag of hammers.How disappointing was the finale?
Half of that was probably d&d paymentHow the feck did this cost $160m to make?
I loved the books so was really looking forward to this. Watched the first episode when it first came out and thought it was so bad that I didn't bother watching any more. But then I sat on it for a few days thinking maybe I was being unfair and it was just because I'd read the books first meant I'd set the bar too high.
But no, having tried to watch it again, it is objectively awful. With the budget they had, why couldn't they find any half competent actors? Even the recognised 'names' seem to be off (either poorly cast, poorly directed or maybe the script is just too bad for them to do anything with it). In any case, the casting directors should be shot. And why do the UK scenes look like they've been directed by someone whose only other experience is directing Mrs Brown's Boys? Tonally it's all over the place and while I appreciate there's a lot of complex exposition (which is equally mind-blowing and fascinating in the books) here it just seems mundane. I'd give it a strong 4 out of 10 and three of those are for the original novels!
Have watched 5 episodes and not sure I can stomach the rest.
I had this exact reaction when I watched the first live action Cowboy Bebop. I went back twice to try and enjoy it but everything that’s wrong with 3 Body Problem is also wrong with Cowboy Bebop: mind boggling casting, terrible photography, abysmal/non-existent directing, and whatever the soul of the project was has been lost.I loved the books so was really looking forward to this. Watched the first episode when it first came out and thought it was so bad that I didn't bother watching any more. But then I sat on it for a few days thinking maybe I was being unfair and it was just because I'd read the books first meant I'd set the bar too high.
But no, having tried to watch it again, it is objectively awful. With the budget they had, why couldn't they find any half competent actors? Even the recognised 'names' seem to be off (either poorly cast, poorly directed or maybe the script is just too bad for them to do anything with it). In any case, the casting directors should be shot. And why do the UK scenes look like they've been directed by someone whose only other experience is directing Mrs Brown's Boys? Tonally it's all over the place and while I appreciate there's a lot of complex exposition (which is equally mind-blowing and fascinating in the books) here it just seems mundane. I'd give it a strong 4 out of 10 and three of those are for the original novels!
Have watched 5 episodes and not sure I can stomach the rest.
I've not watched this but it seems to be a common thread of so much mega-budget TV now, I don't understand where the money goes.How the feck did this cost $160m to make?
I seem to recall that in Game of Thrones they stuck to the books pretty closely, until they caught up to the published stuff and had to freestyle. That resulted in David Benioff and D. B. Weiss just rubbing their dicks together like they were trying to start a fire. On the one hand, those books needed to have some things shorthanded or changed for storytelling speed and clarity, but on the other hand, these two guys are singularly ill-equipped to make those changes. It's even worse that they wrote several of the episodes themselves, especially after it was clear that they were 1.) good at visualizing someone else's writing, and 2.) utterly fecking shit when it came to creating something themselves.Binged the last three episodes and yup, was as disappointing as I'd anticipated. Just feels so cheap. There are already a lot of deviations from the books (which I don't have a problem with per se) but the majority of those deviations are the most dull characters created for the TV series. I never read GoT ... did Weiss and Benioff take a lot of liberties creating characters for GoT (who were then the worst characters?!) or is it just 3BP?!
Just saw that John Bradley from Game of Thrones and a massive United fan is in this, and his character is named Rooney. There was no Rooney in the book, so I’m viewing it as a badge of fandom.
Yep. Next episode after I write that we see his screensaver, and then later on he has a shot glass and mini blue shirted football player like from those old games (forget name).He is a City fan in the show...
He is a City fan in the show...
...and just look how things turned out for him.
Started alright with the first few episodes now it’s boring me. The 5 geniuses are terrible especially the low self esteemed poundland George Russel. How and why the hell he got so much screen time? Someone tell me? He has basically no use, brings nothing to the table except for pondering like a teenager whether to tell her crush or not and then backing off and then being pushed again by other scientists cum teenagers and then backing off again. Reminds me of Lindelof.
Auggie is alright. As ill fitted as she is for this role atleast she’s worth looking at. The others are just. The worst is Lindelof by far.
Just have the last episode left but it's been decent so far. The premise is interesting enough to carry the show although i think they could have done better with the source material. The cast is meh except for the asian looking actors
Yea the casting is poor.
I think as well the cinematography is poor although it gets better as the episodes progress. Poor camera angles as well - all these close ups with the background out of focus.
Benedict Wong is the Asian cop: he’s great. He grew up in Salford, he had better be a Red.
He is iirc
I’m sure an actor like him is totally down to earth and cool. The ones who aren’t pretty boys are generally super cool.Yeah he was wearing a United jacket in one of the show's interviews. Random titbit; My sister lives next to his brother, much to my BIL's delight as he's a bit of a Marvel nerd and he apparently has a bunch movie props from Endgame, etc in his house.
She sounds like she's anI quite enjoyed it on the whole, though I can see why many won't. The characters didn't turn out so bad in the end, just takes 4 episodes for them to get semi-interesting, they each have their purpose. Auggie getting too much hate, miscast sure but seems fine as an actress.
Did anyone notice Jin's accent slip on the plane in the final episode? "He's a livin brehhhn" Sounded so out of placeLike she's been spendin too much time with Wong or Ser Davos.
She sounds like she's an aussie in disguise.
That's very sad. I'm sorry, I didn't know.The actor is a Kiwi. So close but no cigar.