26 Feb 2006, Ice Hockey Final : Suomi - Sverige

very Ruud said:
Do you remember OS in Lillehammer the hockey part of course. ;)

Finland could have avoided Canada(and got the swiss) in the semis by losing a game, but they didnt do it. After they lost to Canada in the semi, Curre said summat like "Visst hade det varit taktiskt bättra att förlorat men för att vinna turneringen måste vi slå alla lagen och det ligger inte i den finska mentaliteten att inte alltid göra sitt bästa"

I rest my case.

Yes, well, no much point in Sweden whinging about doping or any other cheating in the future. Aftonbladet went so far to say that Bengt Åke is genious for losing that game :lol: You couldn't probably find a single coach in this world that would not be able to lose a game. The difference between a great coach is the exact opposite, the would be able to beat every team and still be champions. They also have a "hyllningar från världen" article where there is a total of one international comment saying something like "well defended for 3 periods" and the rest are comments from swedes :lol:

Was a poor game from us though, and in general, where every bounce went the wrong way, sort of says something about the potential we had in that team. It is typical though that we had a bad game when it mattered the most.
Gustafsson was a great player himself (remember 1987?) but he's not the brightest guy there is. This discussion about the game against Slovakia just shouldn't have happened. The idiot should have kept his thoughts to himself instead of speculating in front of a pack of Swedish reporters that it MIGHT not be a bad thing to lose against Slovakia so Sweden could face Switzerland instead of Canada. They tanked the game and we know it since Gustafsson told the reporters so.

A Swedish manager talking too much to reporters, anyone heard of such a thing before? ;)

I finally figured out what all those scores were the little cnut kept posting everywhere.

I take it the Finns lost in the final? :lol: