See my problem was that I thought the show itself had run its course. It just seemed to be repeating itself at that point, so they obliterated most of the original cast and added new characters in order to keep it running as long as possible. I know the show is still massively popular and probably rakes in the cash for Fox, so I can understand why they do it, but I just don't really like stuff like that. I can understand why people do like it, it's mindless entertainment with explosions and crazy twists and shit (by the way, Michael Bay directed The Rock, bad Boys, Transformers etc), but I just find that all a bit boring and repetitive.
24 used to have reasonable plot lines and character development underneath all that, but by season 5-6 (can't remember which one I watched last, the one with the hobbit I think) they seemed to have gotten rid of that and focused more on Jack going around torturing people and blowing stuff up in order to save us from a virus/nuke/terrorist bombing/insane president.
Still, I'll no longer slate it, I mean, I love Lost, and I'm sure some people hate that, so meh, personal preference and all that jazz.