2024 U.S. Elections | Thread Closed

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It's gonna be impossible for Biden to shift the narrative now. He could have a decent performance, and then make one gaffe and it will shared endlessly on both traditional and new media. Every news website in the world is running with the headline that he said Putin instead of Zelensky. And him keeping it to one gaffe would be a dream scenario for him.

It's over and he needs to realize it.
It's gotten to the point where I'm genuinely hesitant to watch any clips of Biden talking because it's too cringe. The second-hand embarrassment is too much. It's like President Michael Scott, except Michael Scott was still a great salesman.

It's even worse. He's now the guy getting ushered out of the room by Michael Scott.

Debate night:

I think Joe Biden is an absolute fecking cnut, and if Trump is on it tonight, surely it will be the end of Biden's bid for a second term?
One debate loss, especially the first one, will hardly get Biden jettisoned from the campaign.
Why would it be? There is still around four months until the election. Plenty of stuff is going to happen in between, including more debates.
It's gunna be a walk in the park for Biden. He's got limitless amounts of ammunition. Trump's got "you're old", he'll no doubt resort to just trying to disrupt it somehow, his options are limited with muted mic's though.

If you've end up with these 2 clowns, you have to completely transform the political system. They're a fecking laughing stock.
Depends on how low a bar you set up for the leader of the free world I suppose.

He was terrible - and I disagree with most of what he said, not to mention how he said it.

In short, feck Joe Biden.

Sure. My bar was Trump. Feck Trump.
Democrats need to wakeup and smell the coffee.

Biden is a guaranteed loss at this point even to Trump.
Reading the guardian’s take is like something out of the twilight zone. Basically it’s a strong performance with a couple of gaffes.

People will only see the gaffes now. The rest doesn’t really matter
Gaffe is some innocent lapsus linguaue.

But he called Zelenskiy Putin and Harris Trump. Those are not gaffes, those are huge blunders.
What must it be like trying to have serious meetings with him. Does he just sit there and let advisors speak, or does everyone listen, nod their heads and let him ramble. It must be so awkward.
This is just like Ten Hag last season. We need one disastrous performance before everyone admits what they already know, and he keeps scraping draws or acceptable defeats.
This is just like Ten Hag last season. We need one disastrous performance before everyone admits what they already know, and he keeps scraping draws or acceptable defeats.

Biden's debate performance was the 0-4 to Crystal Palace away. Ten Hag then went on to win the FA Cup and keep his job. So Biden will win?
Biden's debate performance was the 0-4 to Crystal Palace away. Ten Hag then went on to win the FA Cup and keep his job. So Biden will win?
If Biden wins we all lose.

EDIT: Wins the nomination, I mean. Not the election. Which unfortunately he can’t win.
Gaffe is some innocent lapsus linguaue.

But he called Zelenskiy Putin and Harris Trump. Those are not gaffes, those are huge blunders.
I’m fully with you and it’s just cope to suggest anything otherwise at this stage
The Biden's would rather have Trump, than to give up their shot at power in an election they can never win.

Jill Biden is the real monster here
I can't wait for the inevitable scandal where key democrats knew Biden had a cognitive illness and pushed for him to be president anyway.
I can't wait for the inevitable scandal where key democrats knew Biden had a cognitive illness and pushed for him to be president anyway.
Can you imagine how many of these blunders he’s had in private. Every day. The mental process of mass denial and coverup in his camp will have been quite something
Get out, Joe. I like you but this is the final straw. I cannot believe I'm witnessing the Dems hand this crucial election to Trump on a silver platter. The saddest thing is I've known since 2020 that Trump would get back in, despite everything that's happened, and all of this just makes it more certain now.
I mean seriously what’s in it for him to continue? He can just retire and enjoy life a bit. Totally baffling

Once you taste that sweet sweet nectar called Power, its difficult to let go.
It is a mistake anyone could make.
Anyone else sure, but not him.

What you don't seem to understand is that this is the only kind of mistakes people are now seeing and waiting for. Each single one will be under intense scrutiny, magnified and used against him.
Apart from a few gaffes, the reactor operators at chernobyl had a solid performance on april 26th 1986.
I don't think so. The vast majority of delegates are already committed to vote for Biden. Them not doing so would break the DNC's own rules. Do that and there really would be the danger of the new candidate not making it onto the ballot in a number of states (if not all of them). Biden has to step down and then direct his delegates to do x,y or z. It has to come from him or the Dems have to change their rules.
It’s unlikely because the party have an unspoken hierarchy structure where the most senior person who wants to run for President is generally supported by the party apparatus. The only conceivable person other than Biden or Harris is Newsom, and he has recently doubled down that he’s supporting Biden.

Damn, thats bleak. This moment is going to go down in history for all the wrong reasons. America really needs (needed) a third party to break the duopoly.

Republican establishment arrogance led to Trump taking over the party. Democrat establishment arrogance has already handed him one term and about to gift him another.
It is really sad that the people close to him are allowing this to happen. I am pretty sure a younger intelligent, sound of mind Joe Biden would be appalled at this and it is really sad that he is put out there for the world to ridicule him.
With such stances Biden doesn’t stand a chance for reelection, hopefully the Dem candidate to replace Biden will have a better political intuition. One thing he doesn’t fully grasp is USA love a winner not a loser.
Why is there no talk of a 3rd candidate momentum? Don't tell me the only current options are fecking Jill Stein or the lunatics from the libertarian party?
Surely this is the best opportunity in decades to break the two party system? I mean, even if no one expects a win, surely million of people are happy to get behind a third option just to make a statement when the two other options are a potential dementia patient and fecking Trump?
Wasn't there a viable 3rd option back in the early 90s?
Why is there no talk of a 3rd candidate momentum? Don't tell me the only current options are fecking Jill Stein or the lunatics from the libertarian party?
Surely this is the best opportunity in decades to break the two party system? I mean, even if no one expects a win, surely million of people are happy to get behind a third option just to make a statement when the two other options are a potential dementia patient and fecking Trump?
Wasn't there a viable 3rd option back in the early 90s?

It's literally impossible unless the entire party collapses. Amy Klobuchar would smoke any third party candidate, and she's awful. The system simply isn't designed for it, even more than the British one.
How is the entire US press saying anything other than: WHAT THE FECK IS WRONG WITH US?

How does an entire nation just go along with this. Humans are such a remarkably idiotic herdlike species. Get these 2 morons off the fecking world stage you lunatics.
How is the entire US press saying anything other than: WHAT THE FECK IS WRONG WITH US?

How does an entire nation just go along with this. Humans are such a remarkably idiotic herdlike species. Get these 2 morons off the fecking world stage you lunatics.
Trump has caused a big damage, probably permanent, to the U.S. political system. He lowered the bar in so many ways for what’s acceptable from a nominee for president. The goal posts are moved constantly.
Frankly his comments about age with "The only thing that age does..is help you with..cr-cr creates a bit of wisdom if you pay attention" are just as bad as the name gaffes. Who in his team thought that poorly delivered line was a perfectly acceptable answer? It's as if they expect no one has ever seen another 80 year old deteriorate apart from Biden.
Frankly his comments about age with "The only thing that age does..is help you with..cr-cr creates a bit of wisdom if you pay attention" are just as bad as the name gaffes. Who in his team thought that poorly delivered line was a perfectly acceptable answer? It's as if they expect no one has ever seen another 80 year old deteriorate apart from Biden.
Yes, it’s desperation at this stage.

Despite the big risk, it’s time to move on. We have time to replace him. Harris should drop too. I want a totally new ticket.

As for the Convention; it can be pushed by few weeks. It’s okay to have in early-mid September.
Frankly his comments about age with "The only thing that age does..is help you with..cr-cr creates a bit of wisdom if you pay attention" are just as bad as the name gaffes. Who in his team thought that poorly delivered line was a perfectly acceptable answer? It's as if they expect no one has ever seen another 80 year old deteriorate apart from Biden.
You mean to tell me my old granny who puts the TV remote in the toaster and occasionally pisses herself isn’t fit to run the world?
Damn, thats bleak. This moment is going to go down in history for all the wrong reasons. America really needs (needed) a third party to break the duopoly.

Republican establishment arrogance led to Trump taking over the party. Democrat establishment arrogance has already handed him one term and about to gift him another.

It can't, the parties alter the rules as they see fit to ensure only they have a legit chance. They changed the percentage rules after Perot nearly broke it, which keeps other party candidates away from the debate stages.

However, if there was a massively popular person out there that could draw from center, left, and right, and get beyond the 10% (or is it 15%?) polling requirement, he/she would get a spot at the debates. In today's climate that's probably a celebrity or war hero or whatever and he/she would battle against far-right nutters and far-left progressives to narrow the gap. Going against weak and despised candidates such as Biden and Trump, it could theoretically happen, but the problem with someone like Trump is he has reached demigod level with 25-30% of the eligible voting block which represents a difficult roadblock to overcome in a general election. Let's say in 2028 such popular person arrived, he/she would be going against a more likely popular Dem nominee while who knows if the GOP try to somehow retain Trump (SCOTUS rules for him, perhaps) or they find another charismatic nutter that retains Trump's core block (perhaps with the orange clown as VP running a shadow monarchy).
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This guy is in charge of the nuclear codes. How the hell can the US be in this situation?
It's fine. For the last six months they've told him that the Easy-Bake Oven in his playroom is the nuclear football.

The real football is in a lockbox with "Password is the current year" etched on the side of it, so we're safe.
Frankly his comments about age with "The only thing that age does..is help you with..cr-cr creates a bit of wisdom if you pay attention" are just as bad as the name gaffes. Who in his team thought that poorly delivered line was a perfectly acceptable answer? It's as if they expect no one has ever seen another 80 year old deteriorate apart from Biden.

Reminds me a bit of GWB 'fool me once' quote in the way the delivery completely contradicts the intended sentiment.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again"
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