2024 U.S. Elections | Thread Closed

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Good debate. Harris did well. Trump seemed a bit unhinged, although his base probably think he did well. Probably won't move votes either way.

It has to.

60m+ people would have watched that and would have heard Trump do nothing but talk down America and scaremonger.

He got fact checked on people eating pets. His response "but that's what they said on TV".

Not once did he mention a positive policy that would make the lives of Americans better. Apart from his healthcare plan where he said "he has concepts of a plan".

She put the bait out and he bit.
She didn’t really answer how she flip-flopped on fracking, decriminalizing border crossings and just went on a different tangent. Had a decent debate otherwise though, especially on abortion.
Both sides danced away from criticism and responded with more attacks
She didn’t really answer how she flip-flopped on fracking, decriminalizing border crossings and just went on a different tangent. Had a decent debate otherwise though, especially on abortion.

Yes, she skillfully squirmed out of answering the questions that were her weakest points.
Can you imagine the uproar in America if this was true? Americans care more about pets than people. People are getting killed..Americans meh. Pets are being eaten...Americans get me my gun.
That's partly the reason they're trying to push it so hard. Desperate stuff.
Yes, she skillfully squirmed out of answering the questions that were her weakest points.
She squirmed out with help from moderators who didn’t bother to press her further and Trump who took the bait and went on a tangent instead of calling out her dodging.

Anyway, this is the average MAGA take

r/conservative is less buoyant. A few even expressed disappointment at his ‘closing statement’, saying he offered nothing in it.
Her mainstream career disintegrated, pandering to MAGA is all she has left.
Megyn Kelly never had grace. Thats why she got found out as soon as she left Fox and was paid millions to hit the road

I haven’t been following her career so much.. she was at Fox and had prime time slots and now.. she’s a YouTuber? What happened that she got kicked off from Fox and other networks..?
She didn’t really answer how she flip-flopped on fracking, decriminalizing border crossings and just went on a different tangent. Had a decent debate otherwise though, especially on abortion.

She didnt need to. All that matters is her stance over the last four years and what it is going forward.
Can you imagine the uproar in America if this was true? Americans care more about pets than people. People are getting killed..Americans meh. Pets are being eaten...Americans get me my gun.
Cops over here would shoot a Yorkie in your yard the moment those little teeth are shown. Shoot first and a cowardly excuse after is the American way.
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