2024 U.S. Elections | Thread Closed

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Didn't it seem like the GOP/right were putting all their eggs into the DeSantis basket? If he bombs now can he recover for a retry in 2028 when Trump is assumingly out of the picture or is he done? If not him, who will they make the face of the next presidential run? A 'moderate' won't cut it anymore with MAGA, but the MAGA-heads like MTG are a joke.
So rising star and golden boy DeSantis doesn't seem to have a good campaign going, does he?
Didn't it seem like the GOP/right were putting all their eggs into the DeSantis basket? If he bombs now can he recover for a retry in 2028 when Trump is assumingly out of the picture or is he done? If not him, who will they make the face of the next presidential run? A 'moderate' won't cut it anymore with MAGA, but the MAGA-heads like MTG are a joke.

That is not sure, but as of now, it looks like Ramaswamy is in the winds, wouldn't be surprised if he actually ends up 2nd in the primaries, above DeSantis, if he carries this momentum forward is not sure.

Then again, no matter if he is quick on his feets and charismatic, i do think his name and immigrant background will be a huge trouble for him in many states during the GOP primaries.
Didn't it seem like the GOP/right were putting all their eggs into the DeSantis basket? If he bombs now can he recover for a retry in 2028 when Trump is assumingly out of the picture or is he done? If not him, who will they make the face of the next presidential run? A 'moderate' won't cut it anymore with MAGA, but the MAGA-heads like MTG are a joke.
Four years is a long time in politics. Hopefully, he fecks off and the FL is done with him at that point.
Four years is a long time in politics. Hopefully, he fecks off and the FL is done with him at that point.

Does it matter? They will no doubt go for the next republican a-hole on the list, Florida has chosen their path.
So far out of his depth, which admittedly is pretty shallow. These aren’t scripted pressers outside of Florida…

Does it matter? They will no doubt go for the next republican a-hole on the list, Florida has chosen their path.
Can't say for the next asshole that I have not known yet. But I will be happy that that happens to the asshole I know.

And yet I still don't trust it. If Trump magically becomes a non factor - where will they flock to?
Honestly one the worst problems DeSantis has though I think, despite being an inspiring pompous creep - is that he shares the State with people like Tim Scott who I believe would love nothing more than to see him fail to be remembered more positively as governor/champion of Florida than be overshadowed by Ron. But perhaps that is a stretch.
And yet I still don't trust it. If Trump magically becomes a non factor - where will they flock to?
Honestly one the worst problems DeSantis has though I think, despite being an inspiring pompous creep - is that he shares the State with people like Tim Scott who I believe would love nothing more than to see him fail to be remembered more positively as governor/champion of Florida than be overshadowed by Ron. But perhaps that is a stretch.
Rick Scott, but I get what you are saying.
Four years is a long time in politics. Hopefully, he fecks off and the FL is done with him at that point.
He'll be term limited as Governor, he's already been a congressman, senator or president are all that's left and I'm sure Disney will be funding the opposition like crazy

Wonder why he uses the number of days instead of the number of weeks like a normal person? Probably because he's antisemitic scum.
Typical GOP. Both Kennedy and desantis want the taxpayers assistance for their campaigns.

On desantis; If I was a Florida taxpayer I’d be miffed.

Wonder why he uses the number of days instead of the number of weeks like a normal person? Probably because he's antisemitic scum.

To make it even weirder, the 14 days part is made up and the 88 is wrong, so he really shoehorned those in.

The whole complaint is made up as well, since 1970 the only candidate to have protection at this part of the campaign was Obama.
So RFK was kicked out of school three times for acting like a cnut and being a drug addict and still got into Harvard. Seems like that's the sort of bias in accepting students to prestigious schools you should combat rather than the whinging about minorities getting the nod?
So RFK was kicked out of school three times for acting like a cnut and being a drug addict and still got into Harvard. Seems like that's the sort of bias in accepting students to prestigious schools you should combat rather than the whinging about minorities getting the nod?
Disgrace to use those initials. Shits all over the true RFK.

Wonder why he uses the number of days instead of the number of weeks like a normal person? Probably because he's antisemitic scum.

I’m not usually one to look for these dog whistles, but this is just too suspect. First of all the numbers are actually wrong, and second there are many other ways he could have written it, but this is what came out.

I’d say a likely (and maybe generous) explanation is that he doesn’t run his SoMe accounts himself, and that his campaign is filled with very dodgy individuals that would do stuff like this.
So RFK was kicked out of school three times for acting like a cnut and being a drug addict and still got into Harvard. Seems like that's the sort of bias in accepting students to prestigious schools you should combat rather than the whinging about minorities getting the nod?

Ever since Harvard led the charge against Affirmative Action, it has become obvious that Harvard is no longer anything else but a giant whorehouse for spoiled kids from very rich families. RFK Jr. looks to me like a totally unqualified person to even enter Harvard.

Affirmative Action >>>>> Money.

Watch most of them crawling back to him and endorsing him when he is the nominee though.

Even people like Barr, who has said he is unfit and dangerous, has also said voting out dems is more important at the end of the day.

GOP is a cult, not just Trump.
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