Lights on for Luke
Absolutelyyou can tell the moment when he decides I'm just gonna ad lib a little bit here to spice things up

Facts, stats and more importantly “maths”, be damned

Absolutelyyou can tell the moment when he decides I'm just gonna ad lib a little bit here to spice things up
This guy has been sharing Barron Trump stories and feck me that family is even worse than we thought.
As much as dicking on Trump and his family is fun - I'm skeptical of these kind of stories.
Stuff like the Vance + Couch story and my favourite one of all:
Gerard Pique cheated on Shakira by fecking Gavi's mum.
It just doesn't sound very believable.
He got pictures to prove the kid was in his summer camp class. The more outlandish claims would net him a lawsuit from Trump pretty quickly if they were false.As much as dicking on Trump and his family is fun - I'm skeptical of these kind of stories.
Stuff like the Vance + Couch story and my favourite one of all:
Gerard Pique cheated on Shakira by fecking Gavi's mum.
It just doesn't sound very believable.
Eh, Trump makes up completely fake stories on the daily, birtherism, real unemployment in 2016 was 30%, Ted Cruz father assassinated JFK, do i need to go on?
Dems should get down in the mud with these freaks, making up stories about them is completely warranted imo, they asked for it.
He got pictures to prove the kid was in his summer camp class. The more outlandish claims would net him a lawsuit from Trump pretty quickly if they were false.
The gist of it isn’t something we haven’t suspected for a while anyway, besides the revelation that Barron is heavily on the spectrum.
this is so not trueI don't think the right move is to sink to that level and normalize this behaviour in politics any further than it already has been.
Fair enough, but I don't think Melania has been an alky for what is it now, over 10 years? You can spot an alky a mile off and she just doesn't look like one to me.
Nope, not even close.this is so not true
Fair enough, but I don't think Melania has been an alky for what is it now, over 10 years? You can spot an alky a mile off and she just doesn't look like one to me.
A functioning alcoholic with an entourage carefully managing her public appearances.Fair enough, but I don't think Melania has been an alky for what is it now, over 10 years? You can spot an alky a mile off and she just doesn't look like one to me.
A functioning alcoholic with an entourage carefully managing her public appearances.
Anyway, this is the most serious claim
Animals aside, if no real kid has been attacked at knife point by Barron, he would lose every single last penny he has by a defamation suit.
this is so not true
Maybe that is true for some as alcoholism is not the same for everyone, but I have known multiple people who hid it for years if not decades.Maybe my experiences are really skewered then, I'm not an expert on this in any capacity.
Three friends of mine basically fell into alcoholism due to mental health problems and within months their behaviour had turned really odd - stopped turning to social events, pale, taunt, and restless and twitchy constantly.
You serious? He will be 82 by then. His physical and cognitive decline, which is clearly showing already in 2024, will only be worse.
Actually, it would be the best thing that could happen to Democrat party.
Maybe that is true for some as alcoholism is not the same for everyone, but I have known multiple people who hid it for years if not decades.
No, not introverted. Some were friends, some family. For some the shame (because the addiction did not prevent them from realizing what it was) was so great, that they went to absolute extreme lengths to hide it. Did those who lived with them know? Probably, but those who did not, but saw them frequently were shocked.Were they relatively introverted?
One of the friends who developed the problem, I spent a lot of time helping him.
He would vomit if he didn't have a drink by evening time. He couldn't go to watch a film for example because he would just need alcohol so badly just sitting down.
How did your friend(s) manage to hide it?
There are certain ways to mask alcoholism. One way is to switch to drinking vodka & chasing it with mouth wash that contains alcohol (all alcohol leaves an odor on one's breath, vodka leaving the least; the mintiness of the mouthwash overwhelms the alcohol aroma). Vodka also is perfect mixed with anything as its aroma is often drowned out by the other liquid. Many alcoholics are on some sort of sedative to help keep tremors (DTs) at bay a little, thus masking a very noticeable tell of alcoholism.Were they relatively introverted?
One of the friends who developed the problem, I spent a lot of time helping him.
He would vomit if he didn't have a drink by evening time. He couldn't go to watch a film for example because he would just need alcohol so badly just sitting down.
How did your friend(s) manage to hide it?
I’m loving this continuous stream of Vance expose.
I’m loving this continuous stream of Vance expose.
I’m loving this continuous stream of Vance expose.
It's in the men's bathroom. He seems to be condoning such. That literally flies in complete conflict with his stated beliefs now. Totally fair game, especially when realizing how young Vance is.I understand that people are having fun with the pretence that Vance is a hypocrite over that pic and the wig ones but if I'd been celebrating how successful my strategy of casting my opponent as a weirdo was, I would not start sharing photos of a younger them evidently having a good time with their perfectly normal looking friends.
He’s not a weirdo because of the drag or fooling around with his high school friends, he’s a weirdo because he did a 180 to dunk on all that and act like women are just broodmares and housekeeper.I understand that people are having fun with the pretence that Vance is a hypocrite over that pic and the wig ones but if I'd been celebrating how successful my strategy of casting my opponent as a weirdo was, I would not start sharing photos of a younger them evidently having a good time with their perfectly normal looking friends.
Yeah, I do not think that argument is being served by sharing the most humanising pictures of him we are ever going to see.He’s not a weirdo because of the drag or fooling around with his high school friends, he’s a weirdo because he did a 180 to dunk on all that and act like women are just broodmares and housekeeper.
The weirdness is being angry and bitter all the time to anyone and anything challenging that worldview, a group he once belonged to according to the dug up evidence.
It's in the men's bathroom. He seems to be condoning such. That literally flies in complete conflict with his stated beliefs now. Totally fair game, especially when realizing how young Vance is.
Maybe my experiences are really skewered then, I'm not an expert on this in any capacity.
Three friends of mine basically fell into alcoholism due to mental health problems and within months their behaviour had turned really odd - stopped turning to social events, pale, taunt, and restless and twitchy constantly.
Let's say he is 15 or 16 in that picture. That's only 20ish years removed from Vance's age today. It's not like a geriatric boomer getting outed by a college picture in blackface. It has relevance both due to the minimal amount of years since & that Vance today is substantially against such a happening today. It just slots seamlessly into the weirdness category & offers up a credible talking point.Seems like fairly mundane middle school stupidity. Surely the Dems can do better than to hang their hats on this sort of thing. At least in Walz's case, he was literally arrested for something.
Is Melania a friend of yours that you have regular, frequent, hours long personal interaction with?
As mentioned, functioning alcoholics and some functioning drug addicts can 100% hide it for a long time from friends and family. The idea you can determine if a public figure is an alcoholic or not based on media clips is frankly an insane suggestion man to be real with you.
But no one thinks he is now. Or thinks anyone is. We are all very aware the trans bathroom freakouts are about not wanting trans girls in the female toilets. People do not fearmonger about trans boys being in the boys toilets.I'm guessing the point of sharing that picture is to show that teenage Vance wasn't at all threatened by the existence of women in men's toilets. Now of course it's "beware the big tampon"
It's not the best, it's not the worst.