2024 U.S. Elections | Thread Closed

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Actually, I'll take it back, Lichtman isn't trying to weasel his way out of this, he is so confident he is correct that it seems he is personally trying to convince the campaign to keep at it.
All the Democrats coming out to express their concern about Biden's memory issues, mental decline and electability is probably the most counter-productive the DNC has been for a very long time. The Republicans don't even need to do anything. You should be pretty damn sure the president will listen when you go out this hard against your own candidate. They are tanking any chance he has of getting reelected.

Now that Pelosi has also suggested the Democtats enter a free for all round for the candidature if/when Biden resigns, the Democrats are running a real risk of destroying themselves. Unless a new candidate wins the election, the fallout after this is going to be massive.
What's the play here? Do Conservatives in the UK generally like the Republicans and Trump? Is that why she is sucking up to them so hard, or is it just a matter of trying to stay relevant?

Liz Truss and Donald Trump are not conservatives. They are right-wing popularists who detest and undermine the institutions that traditional conservatives revere. Truss is unhinged, was an appalling minister, a catastrophic prime minister and, thanks to the last election, is now confined to the dustbin of irrelevance.
All the Democrats coming out to express their concern about Biden's memory issues, mental decline and electability is probably the most counter-productive the DNC has been for a very long time. The Republicans don't even need to do anything. You should be pretty damn sure the president will listen when you go out this hard against your own candidate. They are tanking any chance he has of getting reelected.

Now that Pelosi has also suggested the Democtats enter a free for all round for the candidature if/when Biden resigns, the Democrats are running a real risk of destroying themselves. Unless a new candidate wins the election, the fallout after this is going to be massive.

That's the chance you run when you coronate an 81 year old with every chance of losing their faculties and becoming patently unfit to govern for the next 4 years.

Actually, I'll take it back, Lichtman isn't trying to weasel his way out of this, he is so confident he is correct that it seems he is personally trying to convince the campaign to keep at it.

What else would Klain say. He's getting out ? Lichtman is such a self-promoting moron.
This is so embarrassing if they had eliminated Biden quickly there would be at least some sense of unity. You can tell it’s all old fossils unable to band together and be agile.

Honestly, if they don’t get their act together soon wouldn’t matter who the democratic nominee is.
All the Democrats coming out to express their concern about Biden's memory issues, mental decline and electability is probably the most counter-productive the DNC has been for a very long time.
It is almost unbelievable.

After Biden beat Trump last time, at the first sign of him having cognitive health problems, surely the power brokers in the democratic party should have been saying, " look you beat the beast, you got him off the stage, you will go down in history, take your laurel wreath go and enjoy your family" adding perhaps "don't hang around Joe, the omens are bad".
This was when the pressure was only a distant spot on the horizon, but sure as hell coming Joe's way and gathering speed.

Meanwhile, they came to bury Trump, but instead he has been resurrected and has had the opportunity of last year of playing the martyr; hours of free publicity, gaining a number of 'firsts'... first ex-president to face charges for acts conducted as President, then first President to become a convicted felon for such acts.... and finally he dodged the 'proverbial bullet' and is still standing.

The message is clear, "what else Joe does it take, your whole political life is hanging in the balance, the ships crew do not want you to go down with the ship, for their own sake as much as yours, take to the lifeboat.... please Mr President"?

Pages upon pages of absolute drivel yet none of you people who don't live here or vote here have put a comparison of the Biden administrations policies/2024 platform compared to a Trump administration. I emphasize the word administration.
I plan to vote, I dont sit it out like a coward and I vote based on the best interests of my family as well as the public, like an adult. You people should start telling me in your own words, not random shite pulled from your twit box, what will be the benefit of a Trump administration to my family and the public at large?
And none of this "well Biden is...". I want you to sell republican policy to me, try make me feel it's as unimportant to me as it is to you. I want you to explain the other side of the coin. Democrats are weak and feeble, Biden is old and in decline. None of that is in dispute at this point. But how good is the alternative? Where will this type of conservatism take us?
Pages upon pages of absolute drivel yet none of you people who don't live here or vote here have put a comparison of the Biden administrations policies/2024 platform compared to a Trump administration. I emphasize the word administration.
I plan to vote, I dont sit it out like a coward and I vote based on the best interests of my family as well as the public, like an adult. You people should start telling me in your own words, not random shite pulled from your twit box, what will be the benefit of a Trump administration to my family and the public at large?
And none of this "well Biden is...". I want you to sell republican policy to me, try make me feel it's as unimportant to me as it is to you. I want you to explain the other side of the coin. Democrats are weak and feeble, Biden is old and in decline. None of that is in dispute at this point. But how good is the alternative? Where will this type of conservatism take us?

Are you in a swing state where voting actually matters ?

But there’s something the Democrats can do that would not just put a lump in people’s throats with its appeal to stop-Donald-Trump-at-all-costs unity, but with its originality and sense of sacrifice. So here’s my pitch to the writers’ room: The Democratic Party should pick a Republican.

At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I had to double check to make sure it was not a parody article. Damn, Sorkin has become a parody of himself.
Are you in a swing state where voting actually matters ?
Nope, Maryland. But there is a difficult and important decision to be made by some folks with Hogan on the ballot, I hope they get over that and vote blue all the way.
My extended family up and down the east coast and mid west. No maga lunacy I'm aware of but a lot of religious republicans. They are all cool enough people. They've all voted for Obama at least once.
Who specifically was he referring to ? Has someone in the thread advocated voting Republican ?
I was referring to his comment about voting for what was best for his family and not sitting the election
Nope, Maryland. But there is a difficult and important decision to be made by some folks with Hogan on the ballot, I hope they get over that and vote blue all the way.
My extended family up and down the east coast and mid west. No maga lunacy I'm aware of but a lot of religious republicans. They are all cool enough people. They've all voted for Obama at least once.

Hogan being on the ballot is definitely more than enough to actually go through the trouble of voting imo. At this point, the election is less about the most recent polls and more about GOTV. Both favor Trump at the moment.
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Hogan being on the ballot is definitely more than enough to actually go through the trouble of voting imo. At this point, the election is less about the most recent polls and more about GOTU. Both favor Trump at the moment.
Definitely. It's lined up perfectly for them. A new ticket has got to be the only play from here. It maybe a bit of a shit show until someone is picked but feck it. The SC is in their pocket this time around so a win at all costs should be the Dems goal. But knowing them they will concede like they mostly do.
No reply so. Not surprised really.
You gave unknown people who said non-specified things the best part of 50 minutes to answer a question which would involve specific knowledge of the Democratic and Republican Party platforms, when only one party has had a convention. Do you really think, given the politics of this forum, that there are dozens upon dozens of closeted Trump supporters?
You gave unknown people who said non-specified things the best part of 50 minutes to answer a question which would involve specific knowledge of the Democratic and Republican Party platforms, when only one party has had a convention. Do you really think, given the politics of this forum, that there are dozens upon dozens of closeted Trump supporters?
Not trump supports but a couple of posters have a total naivety on the choice this November in a country that's pretty fecked right now. Their dick reply highlights that.
One side has passed a lot that has made people's lives somwhat better the other has not. As far as I can see one side has a plan and wants to govern appropriately (watery as baby shit but still something), what does the other choice offer. What did we learn from the republican convention?
The election is so much more than the clown show that is Biden v Trump. When there is a shift every two years in the house and a +1 in the Senate it's going to stay volatile and everyday normal order of business becomes a battle because of idiots like MTG or people getting silenced and labeled because of their criticism of Isreal.
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