Sweet Square

This is a snowball rolling down a very big hill and it is not going to come to a stop any time soon:
It's not quite 1968 in terms of the problems surrounding that election and the turbulence but Johnson knew he couldn't beat RFK and so stepped down (Vietnam and RFK simply being too much for him to continue).historically very few preidents fail to get a second term in office
Maybe wishful thinking, but when the NYT goes out this hard... I mean, somethings got to be happening right? Right?
That’s a nothing burger. Instead of “I’ll say that again” it came “say that again”.
It's not quite 1968 in terms of the problems surrounding that election and the turbulence but Johnson knew he couldn't beat RFK and so stepped down (Vietnam and RFK simply being too much for him to continue).
My chronology isn't perfect but I think the step-down happened much earlier (like 1967, late) than the proposed step down for Biden here. The frame was never LBJ vs Nixon whereas it has been almost been Biden vs Trump.
Learned a new word todaybeaglepuss
Or maybe he sees the writing on the wall and wants to hint at Biden needing to step aside for the good of the party, and more critically - the country. Its not like he's directly told him to do one and retire into the sunset with immediate effect.Kind of disappointed with him more than the others, just given how much younger he is than, say, the Clintons. He didn't have to support him after the debate, could have said nothing. Really need people like him to step up at this moment in time.
Even if he were to step aside, whoever replaces him would be facing an uphill battle. Is it even practical at this stage?
Biden is in bad situation, and it’s ok to cover the aftermath of his debate performance.
But, I wish people would also talk about the guy who was found guilty on 34 counts.
Exactly. It is disturbing how normalized Trump has become.
He's the republican candidate. Nothing anyone possibly does can change that.
You can write hes a criminal in 50 foot high letters on the empire state building, tattoo it on his forehead if you want. The reality is this. He is the presidential candidate, he is currently the most likely to win the election, and the dems need to find someone who can beat him.
There is zero point in trying to convince yourselves he can't possibly win again because he is a bad man. Half the country is going to vote for him. THat is where you are, and that is what must be dealt with.
No one is saying that. That's why everyone is nervous, because he most definitely CAN win.
And Biden is the Democratic nominee, and nothing anyone does can possibly change that. He won the primary election, didn’t he? Yet, for almost a week now, lots of calls on him to step down.He's the republican candidate. Nothing anyone possibly does can change that
Its not about if he can win.
Right now he will win.
Biden running means president trump. Anyone arguing in any way for biden, is saying they want trump as president.
I'm not sure who or what you are arguing against here. No one wants Trump to win. Biden is better than Trump, but Biden will most likely lose. We all want a younger and better candidate than Biden, but it is difficult to replace Biden if he doesn't step down by his own volition. What's your point?
My point is that we should have more talks about Trump’s conviction in a court of law. Why no one is calling for Trump to be replaced after being found guilty? Why it’s always one sided? That’s my point. Be consistent either way.
I wouldn’t mind if Biden and Trump are replaced by two other candidates, but I’m tired of seeing the double standards.
And Biden is the Democratic nominee, and nothing anyone does can possibly change that. He won the primary election, didn’t he? Yet, for almost a week now, lots of calls on him to step down.
My point is that we should have more talks about Trump’s conviction in a court of law. Why no one is calling for Trump to be replaced after being found guilty? Why it’s always one sided? That’s my point. Be consistent either way.
I wouldn’t mind if Biden and Trump are replaced by two other candidates, but I’m tired of seeing the double standards.
I’m sorry, but that’s the double standard right there. Treating him differently than others.No one is calling for it because he controls the Republican party and its core set of voters and anyone who strays from that reality is ostracized and exiled. Its a cult of personality party at this point until Trump leaves the political stage.
I’m sorry, but that’s the double standard right there. Treating him differently than others.
Surely the New York Times can…
I’m sorry, but that’s the double standard right there. Treating him differently than others.
Surely the New York Times can…
You keep talking about the cult. They won’t abandon their leader.Yes, its a double standard to most. Just as it is a double standard to Trump's gaslit MAGA followers that he is the only one being prosecuted, and not Biden as well. When you can create an alternate reality among Republican voters, the concept hypocrisy means nothing.
You keep talking about the cult. They won’t abandon their leader.
I’m talking about others, like the media. They should call on him to step down just like some did with Biden. Whether the cult likes it or not and whether Trump does it is a different matter.
We got to this point because many treated Trump differently (not just his followers) and many graded him on a curve. That was true in 2016 and that’s true now.
He has been, but now it seems that Trump’s legal troubles, January 6, etc. don’t matter. Only Biden’s age.You don't think Trump has been covered extensively by the media for the past 8 years ? Are you familiar with the Wapo list of 30k plus lies he's told or all the coverage about every legal case he's been up against ?
He has been, but now it seems that Trump’s legal troubles, January 6, etc. don’t matter. Only Buden’s age.
And it’s not like Trump is 45 years old.
I understand the part about the news cycle.Possibly because the media cycle only covers things in the present, and that means Biden's debate performance which even most Dems concede was calamitous. Trump's trials are far in the distance at this point, and some of them may not even happen if he wins. The bigger priority in terms of coverage right now, is quite correctly, who will replace Biden if/when he drops out.
I understand the part about the news cycle.
Now, when Trump was convicted few weeks ago, did we have this much talk about replacing him? (Say during the week after the verdict). Not really.
You can call for something. Whether it’s going to be done or not is another matter.That's because Republicans generally don't care what the mainstream media (the liberal media to them) have to say about anything. And Fox, Newsmax, and the rest of the right wing media are obviously not going to call for Trump to drop out because he's their meal ticket to political influence.