I agree on that to some extent; I think the weirdness or non-GOP-ness of Trump is overstated because of his idiocies; but in terms of actual policy (insofar as there has been any), he is not that far off most Republicans. Actually, I might say that he does not seem to care about a lot of it (except the tax break, since it affects himself), and will just let the Reps have their way. On the other hand, if you find a Republican who thinks climate change is fake but feels very strongly about universal health insurance, then you could give him that one file (health insurance, not the EPAMaybe evil was the wrong word since it is usually a moral judgment, so I will go with reprehensible. The Republicans platform for 2020 is literally "We support President Trump". His views on systemic racism, police brutality, climate change, healthcare and wealth disparity are, to me, reprehensible.
Any "True" Republican you bring into a Biden administration is going to agree with a least a portion of Trumps views, because if they didn't they would likely be Democrats. Many of them have the same views, they just don't like Trump. No one who believes there is no systemic racism, that we should not tax the rich more, that healthcare is not a human right, that climate change is a fact, etc. should be anywhere near a Biden administration.
(But more generally, I would refer to my post above, and would hope Biden moves left instead of right if he wins the presidency.)