2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I’ve said it before. White males are deciding this election and making it a landslide.

I was watching the queues in Georgia and just thinking to myself, this version of democracy is so outdated. No real wonder the US and U.K. is messed up compared to countries like Canada and Australia. It needs a radical overhaul, but isn’t in the interests of those in power to make one.
Interesting. How do you think the Canadian electoral system is less messed up than in the UK? Isn't it virtually the same?
Greenwald seems to hate the Clintons and everyone connected to them in some shape or form. Or at least thats pretty much how he has been presenting himself for years now. If you look at his opinions through that lens then all his hating and what its targeted at makes a lot of sense. Its no wonder some folks raised questions about whose pocket he may be in.

More than the just the Clintons, he despises what he sees as the self-serving hypocrisy and dishonesty of liberal America.
I heard a rumor that the trump kids are banned from running a charitable foundation in NY state because they were caught stealing from a children's cancer. Is this true because I cant find it on Twitter or Facebook?
More than the just the Clintons, he despises what he sees as the self-serving hypocrisy and dishonesty of liberal America.
what i see is that for "liberal America" censorship is bad when it doesn't suit their purposes, but when it does, they find ways to justify it

to be fair, left and right are the same
Twitter are not trying to influence the results of the election (which I assume is what the right wingers are getting at), but think Biden will win, so they want to make it look they they're acting responsibly so they don't get regulated once Trump is out.

Same with Facebook suddenly getting all moral out of the blue and banning QAnon and Holocaust denial.

Or they don't want a repeat of last time where they acted in 2016 the same way many did; they assumed Clinton would win and did little to nothing about disinformation. They were criticized for their actions during 2016 and, in the case that Trump wins again, they probably want to be able to point to the tangible steps they took to limit the spread of disinformation
What is Greenwald’s actual political leaning these days? I’m not sure “hates everyone on all sides” is a legitimate position.

He has a point here in their application of the rule, when really it should have been banned for disinformation.
A bit of a fair weather political ambulance chaser.
They'll be upset. That is for sure. A lot of them have done well out of Trump financially.
Corporate media has 'benefited', plenty of resistance and Trump grifters. Thing is, if Trump loses, what happens then? The Resistance wouldn't resist Biden? I hope they don't turn into government shills. Heck what about the people who respond to every Trump tweet?
A landslide for who?


Interesting. How do you think the Canadian electoral system is less messed up than in the UK? Isn't it virtually the same?

Just read up on it now; apparently Trudeau abandoned your Federal electoral reform. I’ll still argue the states are somewhat better positioned. (im sure they somewhat control their own immigration and stuff too.)
Voted first thing this morning on my way to work. Waited about 1:20 to do it, but it was the first day of early voting in NC.

Also, I got the best "I voted" sticker in America.

right, but when they date that rule to 2018 and we see that this same year they didn't censor information that was obtained spuriously, then the hypocrisy is pretty obvious

Fair point, I wasn't aware of the specifics just wanted to argue with you :angel:
Voted first thing this morning on my way to work. Waited about 1:20 to do it

Crazy. I think the longest I've ever waited to vote was... ten minutes? Maybe fifteen. Whether voting early or on the Monday itself (or Sunday evening, which is open to voting in most municipalities). Obviously I don't even remotely live in New York - not even Oslo - but there has to be a way to scale elections...
Looks like twitter is down, must be all the rage tweeting about the Hunter Biden story :nervous:
Is it a good thing for Trump that this many people are voting early, or a bad thing?
Crazy. I think the longest I've ever waited to vote was... ten minutes? Maybe fifteen. Whether voting early or on the Monday itself (or Sunday evening, which is open to voting in most municipalities). Obviously I don't even remotely live in New York - not even Oslo - but there has to be a way to scale elections...

I've never really waited before, but I went first thing on the first day of early voting in NC. I think cumulatively I've waited like 30 minutes in all of the other elections I've voted in (since 2004). I don't usually go on the first day of early voting, much less when it opens, but I don't want to get sick and have to worry about how I'd vote then. I've been working at a COVID-19 testing site for the last two months so my risk is slightly higher.

If I'd waited to go after work, the wait would've been about 10-15 minutes and much less if I'd gone later this week.
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Is it a good thing for Trump that this many people are voting early, or a bad thing?

Likely a bad thing for Trump. Historically, early voting leans Democratic and the levels of enthusiasm seen in states like Georgia, NC, and Texas are not a good sign for him. Republicans are more likely to vote on election day and historically voted more often by mail, but Trump has undermined that.
Wasn't it Diane Feinstein that said she wants Susan Collins to keep her seat? She needs to be put to pasture.

Only democrats can be this shit at politics

She's an absolute bitch. Her and her husband profited off the pandemic. At this point she's only in it for her greedy self. After Trump is thrown out on his fat ass the people should turn their attention to old pricks like her Pelosi and Grassley.
She's an absolute bitch. Her and her husband profited off the pandemic. At this point she's only in it for her greedy self. After Trump is thrown out on his fat ass the people should turn their attention to old pricks like her Pelosi and Grassley.
Yep. There definitely needs to be a culling of the crypt keepers on both sides.
What is Greenwald’s actual political leaning these days? I’m not sure “hates everyone on all sides” is a legitimate position.

He's an asshole contrarian who hates what he thinks of as the mainstream, which to him is the liberals he interacts with on twitter. So his politics is IMO stupid. (For example he can't see police violence as a part of mainstream America that millions of people appreciate, he will say the mainstream are the #defund people whom he gets into fights with).

But he's been very consistent on this - free speech and journalistic freedom - since Bush, and warned about tech overreach and censorship as the natural outcome of Russiagate right at the start (2016).

He has a point here in their application of the rule, when really it should have been banned for disinformation.

Because the story was clearly bullshit. Youre welcome.

May 2019, NYT:

You can read the story, it reeks. If this was a Trump son the conclusions would be obvious.
I'm not aware if anyone has disputed the truth in the emails the NY post published. I remember that after Clinton wikileaks, the common refrain here was that the emails themselves were wrong, but that defence was clumsily exposed by Hillary herself during a debate with Trump, when she defended what she had written in the emails.
I find NY Post's origin story about a forgotten hard disk and a call to Rudy very hard to believe. Probably a hack, again. But unless there is concrete proof the emails are faked I won't believe it. And in that case, whatever Glenn says is true - the Pentagon papers were stolen and leaked, Conitelpro was revealed because of a robbery of FBI headquarters, etc etc.

Not exactly related, but the head of FB India has said many times how much she loves our prime minister and what he does. Her platform has oceans of pro-Modi propaganda. I have zero faith in that company to be an kind of neutral arbiter of anything. If twitter and fb continue this kind of censorship, I think the free speech extremists like Glenn or our @crappycraperson will be proven right. They do no deserve this power.

edit - following the Corbyn antisemitism story and how it spread has made me super cynical and skeptical about everything. this is one part of that.
Trump getting grilled by a female moderator. Meltdown imminent.

I just wasted of an hour of my life watching that garbage. 90% of stuff that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie, or just a car crash, emboldening the QAnon crew and anti-mask conspiracists.
That's a shocker by Ernst.

Which Bush was it that didn’t know how much staples (bread, milk, etc.) at a supermarket cost? I want to say Pappy as he was part of the gilded class?

Ernst just seems like she doesn’t give a flying feck, just like Mitch when he was laughing about the Senate going on vacation.
Trump getting grilled by a female moderator. Meltdown imminent.
Grilled? There isn't any kind of debate, is there? What's the occasion?
Just read up on it now; apparently Trudeau abandoned your Federal electoral reform. I’ll still argue the states are somewhat better positioned. (im sure they somewhat control their own immigration and stuff too.)
Yeah, that went nowhere once the variant that would have benefited his party most was torpedoed by all the other parties. By far the biggest disappointment of his tenure for me. I'd say Canadian provinces and territories are pretty similar to US states in their level of authority; or in any case, they are pretty autonomous on health care, justice system, infrastructure, education, and so on. Immigration is national though, although Quebec has some exceptions. In terms of government, it's the Westminster system entirely, including federal and provincial parliament setups and the first past the post / winner takes all electoral system. In short, nothing in sight to be happy about... (Well, it's not a dictatorship, money doesn't rule everything, and there is still some civility in politics.)
I'd say Canadian provinces and territories are pretty similar to US states in their level of authority; or in any case, they are pretty autonomous on health care, justice system, infrastructure, education, and so on.

The justice system here is a bit weird because criminal law is established at the federal level and administered by the provinces, and then there's the Federal and Provincial prisons to consider, too.
The justice system here is a bit weird because criminal law is established at the federal level and administered by the provinces, and then there's the Federal and Provincial prisons to consider, too.
Yeah, true - and then provinces and territories can set their own laws, and cities have by-laws. I considered that, but then figured that I was probably already giving @owlo too much information as it was. ;)
how can anyone take this idiot or his campaign seriously?! beats me

Whats wrong with that? Cops get taught to take out the legs generally anyway when not using guns (i.e. with batons) . Shooting above the waist is much more likely to lead to a fatal or life altering injury.

Only thing of course is that it doesnt factor in the difficulty of it and/or the threat the officer's life, but the thought behind it - especially with the de-escalation he mentioned isnt crazy. What he should have said that the use of a gun should be avoided bc of the lethal ability it carries and the almost near automatic reason that its typically pulled to permanently take someone out. Out of touch with the profession perhaps yes, from the perspective of a civilian however it makes sense.
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