What is Greenwald’s actual political leaning these days? I’m not sure “hates everyone on all sides” is a legitimate position.
He's an asshole contrarian who hates what he thinks of as the mainstream, which to him is the liberals he interacts with on twitter. So his politics is IMO stupid. (For example he can't see police violence as a part of mainstream America that millions of people appreciate, he will say the mainstream are the #defund people whom he gets into fights with).
But he's been very consistent on this - free speech and journalistic freedom - since Bush, and warned about tech overreach and censorship as the natural outcome of Russiagate right at the start (2016).
He has a point here in their application of the rule, when really it should have been banned for disinformation.
Because the story was clearly bullshit. Youre welcome.
May 2019, NYT:
You can read the story, it reeks. If this was a Trump son the conclusions would be obvious.
I'm not aware if anyone has disputed the truth in the emails the NY post published. I remember that after Clinton wikileaks, the common refrain here was that the emails themselves were wrong, but that defence was clumsily exposed by Hillary herself during a debate with Trump, when she defended what she had written in the emails.
I find NY Post's origin story about a forgotten hard disk and a call to Rudy very hard to believe. Probably a hack, again. But unless there is concrete proof the emails are faked I won't believe it. And in that case, whatever Glenn says is true - the Pentagon papers were stolen and leaked, Conitelpro was revealed because of a robbery of FBI headquarters, etc etc.
Not exactly related, but the head of FB India has said many times how much she loves our prime minister and what he does. Her platform has oceans of pro-Modi propaganda. I have zero faith in that company to be an kind of neutral arbiter of anything. If twitter and fb continue this kind of censorship, I think the free speech extremists like Glenn or our
@crappycraperson will be proven right. They do no deserve this power.
edit - following the Corbyn antisemitism story and how it spread has made me super cynical and skeptical about everything. this is one part of that.