2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I still don’t understand, unless this is a joke.

The polling data showing leads at the corresponding times of Hilary and biden against Trump.

I was trying to see what the poll numbers mean for Biden now and see if Hilary did ever have a similar lead against Trump.

I was wrong about my initial post. Bidens numbers are way better compared to clinton
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The polling data showing leads at the corresponding times of Hilary and biden against Trump.

I was trying to see what the poll numbers mean for Biden now and see if Hilary did ever have a similar lead against Trump.

I was wrong about my initial post. Bidens numbers are way better compared to clinton

what stands out is that unlike last time, no polls show trump leading, and also the number of big leads.
something interesting i've seen now in a few polls is 65+ breaking for biden or split, while 54-65 remain with trump. first saw it in 2 polls in april and now in 2 more polls. covid effect?
what stands out is that unlike last time, no polls show trump leading, and also the number of big leads.
something interesting i've seen now in a few polls is 65+ breaking for biden or split, while 54-65 remain with trump. first saw it in 2 polls in april and now in 2 more polls. covid effect?
Possibly that, along with the riots and violent language from the right. Older voters are inherently more risk averse, and they probably see Biden as a return to normalcy whilst Donnie is stoking these flames. This is perhaps why Florida is in play.
Slightly annoying to see so many people send money to a candidate who is going to lose by double digits.

Nah. The more GOP has to fight on their base, the less they can get ground on Democrat states. In addition, on polls, Harrison is doing quite well, more or less tying Graham which will force GOP to play defense there and spend a lot of resources. Same on Kentucky, McConnell is likely not gonna lose, but he will have to fight for his seat. Which means, less resources available for really battleground states.
The polling data showing leads at the corresponding times of Hilary and biden against Trump.

I was trying to see what the poll numbers mean for Biden now and see if Hilary did ever have a similar lead against Trump.

I was wrong about my initial post. Bidens numbers are way better compared to clinton

The other promising thing with Biden is that he's tracking close to 50%, so it seems like there's a lot less of the undecideds floating about, with the potential to be shy-trumpers.
Why? For sticking to his platform on which he won the primaries?
I think there is going be an interesting dilema for the left / progressive / AOC / Sanders wing of the party
Do they push for a biden win with potentially Kamala as VP knowing that if biden wins and does one term its exceptionally likley Kamala will be the 2024 nominee and that could well equate to 2032 before somebody they see alinged with their values runs for president.
i think we might get a progressive equivalent of the lincoln project activley campaigning against biden / kamala (if he picks her)
Why? For sticking to his platform on which he won the primaries?
The bastard. Apparently the trump campaign are basically incapable of using their one strategy: demonise the opponent and create fear because Biden is so unscary.
I think there is going be an interesting dilema for the left / progressive / AOC / Sanders wing of the party
Do they push for a biden win with potentially Kamala as VP knowing that if biden wins and does one term its exceptionally likley Kamala will be the 2024 nominee and that could well equate to 2032 before somebody they see alinged with their values runs for president.
i think we might get a progressive equivalent of the lincoln project activley campaigning against biden / kamala (if he picks her)
Big climate change meeting seems to have gone well with AOC and Sanders and the Biden camp yesterday. They're working together.
I think there is going be an interesting dilema for the left / progressive / AOC / Sanders wing of the party
Do they push for a biden win with potentially Kamala as VP knowing that if biden wins and does one term its exceptionally likley Kamala will be the 2024 nominee and that could well equate to 2032 before somebody they see alinged with their values runs for president.
i think we might get a progressive equivalent of the lincoln project activley campaigning against biden / kamala (if he picks her)

AOC would be eligible for the VP slot in 2024.
You guys bitching about Biden do know him and Sanders have been working together on a policy framework that they just released right? Recognize the importance of unity for at least this point in history. Now is not the time to be utopian about the world, while we have a virus pushing things further away from what your ideal world looks like every single moment of each day.
Big climate change meeting seems to have gone well with AOC and Sanders and the Biden camp yesterday. They're working together.
The climate goals sound more positive than healthcare for example. There is some good shit in that EJ/climate section. Now how much it is adhered to...
The climate goals sound more positive than healthcare for example. There is some good shit in that EJ/climate section. Now how much it is adhered to...
Agreed, that's always the issue, but at least it's something.

The healthcare is genuinely a difficult one politically, which is why we are where we are.
the lobbies opposing universal healthcare are not necessarily stronger than those opposing action on climate change.
though maybe the lowered oil price (and consequent fracking collapse) has left GOP-friendly coal as the main climate change group, which would mean that *within* the Dems, climate change is easier than healthcare (since pharma and insurance are still strong in both parties).
anyway, as i said before, there is no reason to trust the words from someone with a record like his. it's interesting that he wants to signal something positive on climate action but does not want to make the politically painless choice of pushing for legal weed. which to me suggests he has had some personal input in this - i can't believe a consultant would tell him not to throw in that popular freebie.
You guys bitching about Biden do know him and Sanders have been working together on a policy framework that they just released right? Recognize the importance of unity for at least this point in history. Now is not the time to be utopian about the world, while we have a virus pushing things further away from what your ideal world looks like every single moment of each day.

it's funny you say that because biden's healthcare argument is that bernie wanted to throw people off their beloved pvt insurance plans, while he would not. then the virus came and proved that nobody can actually keep the plan when they want, and tens of millions lost those beloved plans. biden still opposes universal healthcare, presumably to protect people from being thrown off their pvt plans. bravo.
I still can't figure out if he's trolling or not.
Not sure what's going on in his head, but based on all contextual data, he's trolling, and also supposedly has a new record coming out soon. According to the FEC, the only presidential candidate with Kanye's name is from 2015 under the name of "Kanye Deez Nutz West".
Not sure what's going on in his head, but based on all contextual data, he's trolling, and also supposedly has a new record coming out soon. According to the FEC, the only presidential candidate with Kanye's name is from 2015 under the name of "Kanye Deez Nutz West".
already past the deadline to appear on some states ballots as well i think (unless he got a party to nominate him but i dont see that as likley given his persona)
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