2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Inject this directly into my veins
The exciting thing is not that Bernie has a tiny meaningless lead over Joe Biden. It's 3rd (Warren with decent numbers) and 6th place ("a woman like Gillibrand or Harris" with terrible numbers) that have me happy. If the voters want an economic message over an identity message, Bernie is going to walk this.
He would do well to get a younger, up and coming person on his ticket. Maybe someone like Kamala Harris, who isn't quite ready herself, but has similar views and would complement Bernie nicely.
Yeah it's not a nice thing to say but Bernie age is a worry. But the little bit's I've seen of Harris policies, she seems all over, Good on the banks but on the justice system she seems pretty bad. I would be surprised if Bernie picked her for VP but then at the same time there's not a lot ''lefties'' to pick.

But wouldn't the presidential debates be awesome... presumably Vince McMahon hosting them

Oh God. I can image Vince wanting the first lady to be decided by who wins the mud wrestling match.
Bernie would be a fantastic option, he'd steer the country right... he really would and be strong and imperative enough not to succumb to Trump's attacks, infact not really a whole bunch you can attack him on...

Trump: That leftie wants free healthcare, well not on my watch
Rest of America: So? Yes please!

78/79 though by the time elections swing about and if he was a two term president - 87!
Bernie would be a fantastic option, he'd steer the country right... he really would and be strong and imperative enough not to succumb to Trump's attacks, infact not really a whole bunch you can attack him on...

Trump: That leftie wants free healthcare, well not on my watch
Rest of America: So? Yes please!

78/79 though by the time elections swing about and if he was a two term president - 87!

I admire Bernie's policy views on various issues but am under no illusion that if elected, he would be able to implement any of them, especially healthcare and free education and am definitely not interested in seeing him indecisively flounder about on foreign policy.

Is that a big deal...
He would be what 40 in 2020... Pretty good orator from what I've seen... Certainly some name recognition and presumably some historic family connections into the top of the party.
Could he be an outsider for 2020 even possibly. V. P. Candidate?

That's what these response speeches and DNC convention speeches are generally about - to put a rising personality on the national stage to see how well they are received. If he does well here, then his star will definitely be on the rise.
Bernie would be a fantastic option, he'd steer the country right... he really would and be strong and imperative enough not to succumb to Trump's attacks, infact not really a whole bunch you can attack him on...

Trump: That leftie wants free healthcare, well not on my watch
Rest of America: So? Yes please!

78/79 though by the time elections swing about and if he was a two term president - 87!
I still don't think the Dems want Bernie at all. They'd do everything possible to stop him.

Is that a big deal...
He would be what 40 in 2020... Pretty good orator from what I've seen... Certainly some name recognition and presumably some historic family connections into the top of the party.
Could he be an outsider for 2020 even possibly. V. P. Candidate?
Not yet. He'll probably be eyeing a Governor position somewhere first I imagine. He'd usually be picked apart for lack of experience anyway, but I guess Trump changed all that.
I still don't think the Dems want Bernie at all. They'd do everything possible to stop him.

It depends where the power structure of the party is in the next couple of years. If there’s a Dem wave this Nov then it may give momentum to Bernie’s chances. If Dems do moderately well but don’t take back the Congress then that will favor someone like Biden.
It depends where the power structure of the party is in the next couple of years. If there’s a Dem wave this Nov then it may give momentum to Bernie’s chances. If Dems do moderately well but don’t take back the Congress then that will favor someone like Biden.
Regardless of what happens, the DNC will favor Biden (or even Hillary), they simply don't want to have their party hijacked by Bernie.
Regardless of what happens, the DNC will favor Biden (or even Hillary), they simply don't want to have their party hijacked by Bernie.

Except this time, the DNC won't be rabidly in the tank for one candidate since Bernie will start off the frontrunner and Keith Ellison is Perez's co-leader at the DNC. That will likely result in a more Bernie friendly platform. Much of course will depend on what happens this November and what other Dem candidates announce they are running in 2019. There may be a dark horse candidate who appears out of nowhere that throws everything into disarray.
Except this time, the DNC won't be rabidly in the tank for one candidate since Bernie will start off the frontrunner and Keith Ellison is Perez's co-leader at the DNC. That will likely result in a more Bernie friendly platform. Much of course will depend on what happens this November and what other Dem candidates announce they are running in 2019. There may be a dark horse candidate who appears out of nowhere that throws everything into disarray.
I really hope so, people used to laugh at China for having old men running the country. But it's now the US who have a president in his 70s, and all the usual suspect will be in their 70s if they run in 2020.
Regardless of what happens, the DNC will favor Biden (or even Hillary), they simply don't want to have their party hijacked by Bernie.

Liberals will riot if the out of touch DNC Wall Street/DC elitists try to nominate Hilary again.

It will be someone new like Kamela Harris.
Liberals will riot if the out of touch DNC Wall Street/DC elitists try to nominate Hilary again.
I honestly don't think she wants to go through it again.

The only scenario where she'll run is if there's definitive proof that she should have been elected in 2016, and it was stolen from her by some kind of criminal activity.
I honestly don't think she wants to go through it again.

The only scenario where she'll run is if there's definitive proof that she should have been elected in 2016, and it was stolen from her by some kind of criminal activity.

well there is definite proof she would have been elected if the States didn't have a bad system like the electoral college. So a better use of her time, imo, than running for President would be campaigning to get rid of the electoral college :p
well there is definite proof she would have been elected if the States didn't have a bad system like the electoral college. So a better use of her time, imo, than running for President would be campaigning to get rid of the electoral college :p
I think the Dems will do that the next time they control all 3 branches of government.
Seems entirely plausible, although there are probably several Dem candidates who could play the Carter role.

Not really because Carter was a true outsider. Not a part of the democrat machine at all. They tried to dig out Hubert Humphrey FFS.
I still don't think the Dems want Bernie at all. They'd do everything possible to stop him.
I really hope so, people used to laugh at China for having old men running the country. But it's now the US who have a president in his 70s, and all the usual suspect will be in their 70s if they run in 2020.

So given that Joe Kennedy is giving the state of the union response, that would work well with someone younger to reconnect with the youth vote.
So given that Joe Kennedy is giving the state of the union response, that would work well with someone younger to reconnect with the youth vote.

One thing is for sure. If a viable younger candidate emerges between now and 2020, they will have a good chance of doing well given that most others will be in their 70s (Bernie, Biden, Trump).
The youth vote isn't going to vote for someone just because they are young. They are going to vote for someone who represents their values.
Everyone represents their values against Trump, surely those who didn't vote for Hillary are regretting it.
Everyone represents their values against Trump, surely those who didn't vote for Hillary are regretting it.

:lol: I can’t tell if that was intentional or not...
Hopefully they've learnt their lesson.

It once again highlights how voting third party is completely pointless as the third party never wins and it just advantages the opposition candidate. We've witnessed this over and over again from Perot and Nader's repeated runs to as recently as this past cycle with Stein and Johnson.
I really hope so, people used to laugh at China for having old men running the country. But it's now the US who have a president in his 70s, and all the usual suspect will be in their 70s if they run in 2020.

Be careful.. that’s how I got my tagline :p
It once again highlights how voting third party is completely pointless as the third party never wins and it just advantages the opposition candidate. We've witnessed this over and over again from Perot and Nader's repeated runs to as recently as this past cycle with Stein and Johnson.
Indeed, voting third party = not voting
It once again highlights how voting third party is completely pointless as the third party never wins and it just advantages the opposition candidate. We've witnessed this over and over again from Perot and Nader's repeated runs to as recently as this past cycle with Stein and Johnson.

Surely one could flip that and say that it highlighted how the DNC can’t count on the argument of «the lesser evil» being sufficient?
Surely one could flip that and say that it highlighted how the DNC can’t count on the argument of «the lesser evil» being sufficient?

I'd say so, yeah.

I do think that if you were left-wing then voting third-party or abstaining was a silly choice, even as someone who disliked Clinton...but repeated statements of that nature strike me as a bit pointless now.

Irrespective of whether it's silly or not we know there are a good number of progressives and disillusioned voters who want a genuine progressive to represent them in 2020. That's something that needs to be addressed, whether it's in the form of Sanders or someone else.
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