2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Today, the Trump camp have had Guiliani in the media saying: "We have evidences", while simultaneously in court saying: "We do not have evidences". The important thing, however, is to get the message out - not to back it up. Many people will now believe that there are evidences - and then forget about them.
Even Tucker Carlson is calling out Trump's legal team

It's like post-WW2 Germany.

His base are having to come to terms with the Fascism they've enabled, and they're lashing out at the leadership that made them complicit with what just happened.

I can see Fox increasingly distance themselves from Trump in the near future. It was only ever a marriage of convenience and the divorce is about to get messy.

Trump was never a traditional Republican in any true sense. He built his brand primarily on being an anti-Democrat. That was good enough for Fox as long as he was cock-blocking Hillary. But mainstream Trumpism won't last long after he leaves, imo. American conservatism will go back to looking more like Bush and Romney (who were bad enough in their rights, to be fair). Though I do see some element of White Identity politics persisting, unfortunately. Just nowhere near as overt as Trump made it.
It's like post-WW2 Germany.

His base are having to come to terms with the Fascism they've enabled, and they're lashing out at the leadership that made them complicit with what just happened.

I can see Fox increasingly distance themselves from Trump in the near future. It was only ever a marriage of convenience and the divorce is about to get messy.

Trump was never a traditional Republican in any true sense. He built his brand primarily on being an anti-Democrat. That was good enough for Fox as long as he was cock-blocking Hillary. But mainstream Trumpism won't last long after he leaves, imo. American conservatism will go back to looking more like Bush and Romney (who were bad enough in their rights, to be fair). Though I do see some element of White Identity politics persisting, unfortunately. Just nowhere near as overt as Trump made it.
Im not sure what you are saying about Fox, they pander to their base and there base is largely the 70 million who voted for Trump and the large majority of those wo approve of his ways. I think Fox will stay right where they are.
I just finished watching Biden give a talk after a call with governors. He's clearly not worried about these shenanigans because he's got his own legal team and they're not having to conjure up bullshit because the facts are on their side. He's appearing on the news channels whereas Trump has gone in hiding leaving all his ghouls to do the dirty work. In that sense Biden probably is trying to act as a president now rather than the president in waiting. Things like facilitating the distribution of the vaccine, rebuilding the economy, safely reopening institutions are more worthy of his time to talk about than getting in the mud with Giuliani. Which is probably what Giuliani actually wants. He's no longer talking about Hunter Biden's laptop anymore.
Those legal cases aren't the focus anymore though. The more worrying part right now is Trump flying in the Republicans of Michigan's parliament to try and get them to reject the outcome of the vote and choose their own electoral college. That won't have any effect (it likely won't work, the Democratic Governor might be able to intervene, and Michigan alone won't turn around the elections), but it's more worrying than all these attempts to change things through legal means.

The GOP retweet and quotes by folks like the GOP leader in MI are just bat shit insane and utterly terrifying. That so many people are seemingly longing for a authoritarian theocracy with cult levels of conspiratorial thinking in a country where those same folks liked to claim it was the greatest democracy is just every other authoritarian in the world's dream.

As I've said before, I don't think the US is going to become the society from The Handmaiden's Tale, but it's scary to me that I can now actually see a path towards that kind of society.

But ultimately, I think this is true.
Is it worth going into cryogenic stasis until January 20th? Or would I merely emerge to a burning hellscape formerly known as planet earth?
You'd miss Santa being arrested for breaking his Covid self isolation to deliver presents.
Without a court victory for Trump proving these election fraud allegations, I don't see a single scenario how he could stay on, whether he wants it or not. He'd have to stage a coup that is supported by the US Military. Never going to happen. The Electoral College is not going to just hand the victory to him based on unproven allegations. That would cause a civil war.

That's why I am comfortable with letting this play out in court. Evidence, or lack thereof, will become publicly visible for all of us. It's for the benefit of every American - Democrat, Republican or otherwise - to know that the election system is functioning and that they are in fact living in a democracy where their vote counts.
Without a court victory for Trump proving these election fraud allegations, I don't see a single scenario how he could stay on, whether he wants it or not. He'd have to stage a coup that is supported by the US Military. Never going to happen. The Electoral College is not going to just hand the victory to him based on unproven allegations. That would cause a civil war.

That's why I am comfortable with letting this play out in court. Evidence, or lack thereof, will become publicly visible for all of us. It's for the benefit of every American - Democrat, Republican or otherwise - to know that the election system is functioning and that they are in fact living in a democracy where their vote counts.
Does that mean that we shouldn't worry about Trump & co trying to lean on and influencing republicans the way they did in Detroit just now? Not to mention Graham in the case of GA? Or trying to get representatives in the electorate college to ignore the election results and vote for Trump? This is basically what they're openly doing now isn't it? Also, how the feck is this not considered a crime? I'm not sure if I'm watching the Sopranos or a real life spectacle.
Does that mean that we shouldn't worry about Trump & co trying to lean on and influencing republicans the way they did in Detroit just now? Not to mention Graham in the case of GA? Or trying to get representatives in the electorate college to ignore the election results and vote for Trump? This is basically what they're openly doing now isn't it? Also, how the feck is this not considered a crime? I'm not sure if I'm watching the Sopranos or a real life spectacle.

The electoral college route is completely hopeless without a corresponding court verdict. Don't expect the EC to do something (as far as I am aware of) unprecedented and disobey their mandate just to please Trump. He has no leverage on them.

Unless Trump actually wins in court, no amount of wishful thinking or bullying will gift him a victory. Count on him to exhaust his legal options. That is every candidate's right and an essential part of the system of checks and balances. After that, game over.
The electoral college route is completely hopeless without a corresponding court verdict. Don't expect the EC to do something (as far as I am aware of) unprecedented and disobey their mandate just to please Trump. He has no leverage on them.

Unless Trump actually wins in court, no amount of wishful thinking or bullying will gift him a victory. Count on him to exhaust his legal options. That is every candidate's right and an essential part of the system of checks and balances. After that, game over.
That's reassuring.

Still really worrying what kinda long term damage this is doing though. I seriously hope they launch inquiries into this spectacle and turn every stone in order to expose all the dirty tricks currently being used. It won't convince the MAGA-crowd obviously, but just for the sake of at least trying to deal with the damage Trump is causing and the future of the US democracy.
That's reassuring.

Still really worrying what kinda long term damage this is doing though. I seriously hope they launch inquiries into this spectacle and turn every stone in order to expose all the dirty tricks currently being used. It won't convince the MAGA-crowd obviously, but just for the sake of at least trying to deal with the damage Trump is causing and the future of the US democracy.

I don't want to falsely reassure you here - this is 2020. I don't know how deep the rabbit hole of corruption goes. Can we trust the courts? The one good thing about lawsuits is that presented evidence becomes publicly available for all to see.

As for Dominion - if claims are true that they have falsified elections not only in the US but also in Canada, Australia, the UK and Germany....I think it's in the interest of all of us to know about it. That would be an all out attack on Western democracy itself.
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The Dems have many faults but I cannot imagine them allowing their president to carry on like this.
I don't want to falsely reassure you here - this is 2020. I don't know how deep the rabbit hole of corruption goes. Can we trust the courts? The one good thing about lawsuits is that presented evidence becomes publicly available for all to see.

As for Dominion - if claims are true that they have falsified elections not only in the US but also in Canada, Australia, the UK and Germany....I think it's in the interest of all of us to know about it. That would be an all out attack on Western democracy itself.
If they're a socialist or communist owned company falsifying elections in the UK then they should probably stop putting the tories in power. :lol:
If they're a socialist or communist owned company falsifying elections in the UK then they should probably stop putting the tories in power. :lol:
I can't find anything that says these systems are used in the UK. I may be wrong, but I don't think we use voting machines or software at polling booths at all - it's all pencil and paper.
I can't find anything that says these systems are used in the UK. I may be wrong, but I don't think we use voting machines or software at polling booths at all - it's all pencil and paper.
You mean you don't take a pen with you?!
This is setting such a bad precedent for all future elections, imagine elections in future which are actually close unlike this one.
I manage elections here in the UK for my Council, we don't use voting machines, its all pen and paper (yes people can bring their own pens or pencils). We have strict processes which we follow which are transparent and open to candidates and their agents.
Yeah I didn't think we did, guess they're just chucking names of countries out there to make themselves sound more credible to their base.
That pen thing comes up every time, it's nice to know you could defeat these evil plots by using your own pen or pencil.
Yeah I didn't think we did, guess they're just chucking names of countries out there to make themselves sound more credible to their base.
That pen thing comes up every time, it's nice to know you could defeat these evil plots by using your own pen or pencil.

Me and my colleagues had to laugh when staff were being accused of altering the vote for Brexit because they used pencils so people end up bringing their own pens. Its amazing how rumours spread and people start believing them.
Me and my colleagues had to laugh when staff were being accused of altering the vote for Brexit because they used pencils so people end up bringing their own pens. Its amazing how rumours spread and people start believing them.
So it's all because you lot didn't alter enough votes, eh?
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