2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He deserves respect for enduring torture, certainly, but I still have more respect for any politician who dodged the draft and chose not to go to South-East Asia to kill foreigners.
So you respect Trump more then? ;)

(I agree, I don't think there's any glory in going to Vietnam)
Jake Tapper on Kamala Harris.. probably a good time for Republicans to learn how to say her name.

Accidentally deleted my post (I am not a flip-flopper, I'd never edit or delete a post. Not ever):

This alone - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain#Prisoner_of_war - makes him more deserving of respect than 99.999999% of politicians.

He deserves respect for enduring torture, certainly, but I still have more respect for any politician who dodged the draft and chose not to go to South-East Asia to kill foreigners.

Special thanks to @Siorac for preserving it for the future.
So you respect Trump more then? ;)

(I agree, I don't think there's any glory in going to Vietnam)

There is an incredible amount of glory in being kept in a POW camp for 6 months, having 3 of your limbs broken, enduring constant torture and being offered a way out - but refusing as you don't want to leave your fellow soldiers behind/as you don't believe you should receive preferential treatment. It's an incredibly brave story.
Can anyone tell me what's the deal with all theses copy/paste messages i've been seeing on twitter? Sarcasm? Where does it come from?

"That’s it. That seals the deal. I’ve been an american citizen for 54 years and in all my time of being one i’ve never seen an election this bad. I’ve had enough of it, until you fix this country.I’ll be packing my bags to England where they actually know how to run a country. "
Remember end of Return of the Jedi with that great song when they all celebrate beating the empire. Someone smarter than me should make a mock up video of that reflecting this
Can anyone tell me what's the deal with all theses copy/paste messages i've been seeing on twitter? Sarcasm? Where does it come from?

"That’s it. That seals the deal. I’ve been an american citizen for 54 years and in all my time of being one i’ve never seen an election this bad. I’ve had enough of it, until you fix this country.I’ll be packing my bags to England where they actually know how to run a country. "

Mix of delusional folk who have been brainwashed and bots thrown in there as well. Ask them to provide evidence and they won’t have any.
Fox News now giving praise to Biden - Trump has been dumped as yesterday's man in less than 5 minutes.
Rudy going to give another press conference according to Sky News... should be comedy.
There is no gif, meme, picture or anything that can accurately portray just how happy I am!!!
Conservatives have long been extremely Victorian about not wanting any discussion of sex, that's true. And arguable detrimental when, instead of factual, science based sex education, they push for radical abstinence-only programs in schools.
Murder, however, conservatives have never had a problem with being shown in media. They love violence that's directed against the people they don't like. Just look how quick Trump supporters are to want to fight anyone that disagrees with Trump or how aggressive they get over simply wearing a mask for health reasons

I can understand not believing Biden is for the working guy. But to then conclude that Trump of all people is for the working guy shows some massive cognitive dissonance.

The guy that went bankrupt multiple times sticking taxpayers with the bill, that profited off taxpayer loans to even start his business (corporate socialism), the guy that embraced Roy Cohn, a ruthless anti-citizen policies under McCarthy, the guy that pushed for years a movement to claim America's first black President was actually born in Africa, the guy that was pals with Roger Stone, the PR guy for dictators and worse, the guy that litigated anyone that he doesn't want to pay fairly for their hard work, the guy that doesn't pay his taxes, the guy that tries to cheat everyone, the guy that thought Biden's crime bill wasn't harsh enough, the guy whose entire Presidency was based on the richest billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class, etc
To think that that guy is actually FOR the working guy?
That is truly delusional or just ignorance.

If we are talking anecdotally, everyone I know that is smart and voted for Trump did so for one simple reason: they want to pay less taxes and they make over $150,000 a year.

The OG conservatives I know jumped ship on Trump when they saw what he was really about. They didn't like Biden but they didn't like Trump's proto-fascism even more.

Most Trump supporters have elevated their misguided views of Ayn Rand style laissez-faire market fundamentalism and/or belief in their arbitrary interpretation of the Constitution to near-religious status.

There is a reason the far-right has long been attacking universities and education. They don't want the next generation to think for themselves. They want them to buy their pre-configured belief system.

What are you on about? The far-right have not been "losing" for the last 40 years. They have pushed right-wing economics for the last 40 years (deregulation that led to the 2008 financial crisis), the crime bill that Biden sponsored was gleefully supported by the right-wing (they just didn't like the assault weapon ban), they've massively shifted the courts to the right, shifted the Overton Window to the right.

By just about every measure, the right-wing has pushed more of their policies in the last 40 years (to detriment of ordinary people). They are just whining because they aren't getting their way on EVERYTHING (like abortion and LGBT rights)

So much of this is so non-sequitur that there can be no response. Sorry. Case in point, the last part was made explicitly clear to be about their culture and you went on about finance.

I came across a few of these in the last month, and they were all rabid Trump supporters that literally wanted to fight anyone who said anything bad about the guy they believe should be on Mt. Rushmore.

Great. Did you also come across the part where it was clearly a good-natured joke directed at a particular poster and the joke is that yes, most of those guys are going to be of the type you described?
So you respect Trump more then? ;)

(I agree, I don't think there's any glory in going to Vietnam)

I agree too - war heroes mean feck all to me.

But he seemed like a pretty decent guy for a US politician to me.

I'm sure there's a million reasons to hate him, but whatever - my overall impression of the man was pretty good based on how he came across publicly from 2008 all the way to his death.
I didn't think soldiers fought for glory? That's an very naive view imo. Politicians declare war for glory, not soldiers.

Yea not the thread for it, but I strongly disagree with @nimic and @Siorac here. Not to mention it was the 50-70's. They didn't have the internet to give them information on the ground. There is no shame in serving your country. None.
Trump needs to f*ck off. He's such a huge, massive sh*tstain of a human being.
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