2018 US Elections

Don't worry too much about that 538 forecast as its still early. If its like that in an hour or two, then you can start to panic.
Senate could end 54-46 tonight if McCaskill, Donnelly and Sinema all slipped up.

This is why Senate was always a very very long shot. Even not counting the possible 51st pick up, there are way too many close races and one or more will swing the other way.
Haha and so on:
Kim Davis – the county clerk in Kentucky who famously denied marriage licenses to same-sex couples – has lost to Democratic challenger Elwood Caudill Jr.
Saw someone said Broward may be misreporting the % of their precincts in, 90+% instead of 51%. If that’s the case, that’s the Dems fecked and basically a repeat of 2016 when the exurban areas and panhandle went strong for the GOP, cancelling out high early and absentee ballots.