2018 Redcafe NFL Fantasy League

Right I dont think theres enough interest but let's try one last time. Anyone else want to do a $50 money league?
We’ve got 7 so far - a mate of mine will play to make 8 (if needed)
Not sure when you were planning to do the draft but I'll be gone to Arizona from Aug 3-14th so preferably after my trip!
@Eboue If you need someone to fill the numbers for a money league, I'll play. Otherwise I'll bow out and make room for others as I'm already in three other leagues.
I'll play the money league but not at $50. $20 sure, scammer Eboue.

If it's $50 stick me in the free league.
I'll play the money league but not at $50. $20 sure, scammer Eboue.

If it's $50 stick me in the free league.

Someone’s scared :rolleyes::lol:
Someone’s scared :rolleyes::lol:

lol I'd love to play for 50 but it's just a bit too much for me right now mate, I'm not as rich as Eboue. My bank account is still recovering from the World Cup, spent an absolute fortune on drinking and gambling :lol:

I thought $20 would be more friendly.
which leaves this group for the poor leagues

  1. radon
  2. altodevil
  3. mighty boosh
  4. bosnian red
  5. carolina red
  6. utdfrom2002
  7. gloryhunter07
  8. backofthenet
  9. chip
  10. edgar
  11. roseguy
  12. hephaestus
  13. kazi
  14. ayush
  15. rediceland
  16. organic potatoes
  17. roland
  18. rdcr
  19. keysersoze
  20. cookiemonster
  21. russellwilson
  22. murder on zidanes floor
  23. edweatherall

which means we need 2 more in the free leagues to have 2 leagues of 12. will leave it open for another week for any late signups and then we will fill with igor drefilak and I will take a team in the free league if needed.

so if your name is on the above list, i need you to sign up for a draft date and that will be how we split the two leagues. i've found that 3 PM eastern time is a good compromise between the americans and the eurotrash poseurs.

league 1 (august league) will draft Sunday August 26th at 3 PM eastern
league 2 (september league) will draft Sunday September 2nd at 3 PM eastern

schedule format is round robin weeks 1-11. playoffs round 1 week 12, (top 2 get byes, 3rd-5th qualify based on record, 6th is a wild card for points scored). playoffs round 2 week 13 (top seed chooses opponent from the 3-6 teams that advance). championship week 14
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money league rules

10 players - $200 pot

  • round robin weeks 1-9
  • league splits into top half and bottom half after week 9
  • record is first, points scored is tiebreaker
  • all records and points reset after league splits into groups
  • bottom group plays round robin weeks 10-13, 5th place is eliminated
  • bottom group semi finals week 14 - 1/2 and 2/3 - losers eliminated
  • bottom group championship week 15
  • top group plays round robin weeks 10-13 - 5th place eliminated
  • top group semi finals week 14 - 1/4 and 2/3 -
  • top group championship week 15


$100 - winner of top half group
$50 - runner up of top half group
$15 - losing semifinalist 1 of top group
$15 - losing semifinalist 2 of top group
$10 - 5th place of top group
$10 - winner of bottom group

i would like to have this group draft august 26th at 1 pm eastern but i am open to changing that if needed. paypal your signup fee to ebouecaf@gmail.com
How did I end up in the money league?

It's fine for me but I genuinely forgot.:lol:
I'm fine with either draft date. Think you've already got my email but I'll PM you anyway.

We using ESPN again?
6 payouts for 10 players? What's with all this top/bottom group stuff? Sorry....I'll be in regardless, but surely just paying out 3 or 4 better.

100-60-40 or 100-50-30-20. In my opinion.
If you need an extra player to fill up the free league, I'll join but I can only do the September 2nd draft.
I'd prefer the September 2nd League but I can also join the August 26 League :)
okay heres what we will do

$20 money league

  1. eboue
  2. @JJ12
  3. jj13
  4. @Zen
  5. @JP77
  6. @Jagga7
  7. @JPRouve
  8. rpitroda
  9. man of leisure
  10. chetan
Sweet - time and day are perfect.

Could the payout structure be discussed - I’d be happy with 3/4 people getting paid and just keep it in one league. I’m in whatever.
Is Eastern -5 GMT or -4 GMT?

I think I'm free anyway, for the 26th.
I should be fine for the 26th. 10am UK time right?

Also what do I gotta do to sign up again? And money?
Nah mate, 3pm ET is 8 or 9pm UK time if I'm not mistaken.