A message to The United States of America and to many of my friends from there,
Thank you. A little over 8 years ago the world was in shit, and I mean deep shit. We were at war with Al Qaeda and the Taliban and everything was threatening to spill over to other countries, the USA had just left the rest of us in uber shit and the USA herself was still grieving and trying to recover from the biggest terrorist attack on her soil in history. George W Bush and Dick Cheney had pissed off pretty much every country on Earth and most of us had a massive dislike for American Politics and their stance on many global issues from the wars to climate change. There were huge protests everywhere and especially at the G8 events. Everyone was uncertain what was going to happen and John McCain was running to replace the two warmongers that were leaving office. Alongside him was a complete feckwit, the likes much of us had never seen before. She provided endless humour but also had us all very worried. IF her and McCain got elected then things would not only not change, but would definitely get much worse, especially in the Middle East and possibly with Russia and China too. The trouble was that their opponent was a black man, and many honestly thought that a black man had no chance of being elected in America, not yet anyway, it was too soon, especially considering he was talking about things many said were socialist issues! A Black socialist as President! Not a fecking chance! It was going to be the war hero and the bowl of fruit loops for sure!
On Tuesday November the 4th, the world all held our collective breath and we watched and waited. Sanity prevailed and the black senator from Chicago was elected as President of The United States of America. The world breathed a huge sigh of relief and the USA celebrated and we partied alongside her. For the last 8 years this man, Barrack Obama has been the leading light around the world. He has been that breath of fresh air we all hoped he would be. We could all sleep safely at night not worrying that a complete nutter 4000 miles away on the other side of the Atlantic had his finger on the nuclear button. Now admittedly, he faced serious opposition and couldn't do everything he wanted to IN THE USA! But around the world he achieved far more than many of us hoped. He spoke beautifully everywhere he went, and he spoke openly and honestly and extended his the hand of friendship, sometimes even to Countries who really didn't deserve it. He showed strength when needed, and restraint when required. He definitely did everything he could to avoid conflict AND he was on watch when the worlds most wanted and dangerous man was taken out!
For 8 years this man has steered the most powerful country on earth with a steady hand, he has led with honour, with passion, and with dignity and we love him for it. The majority of people on the planet love him and respect him. But now his time is up. Now we the world hold our collective breath once again because the USA now have to choose his replacement. Neither candidate are perfect, but one is the only sensible and clearly rational choice. The other doesn't really bear thinking about as he is a lunatic. A vicious, small minded, petty, nasty, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, egotistical, lying, disingenuous, venomous, sociopathic, groping, climate change denying, Russian loving, wife cheating, vengeful, spiteful feckwit of the highest order. PLEASE! PLEASE do not allow this moron to come in and undo all the good work Obama has done before him. Do not let the USA become the scourge of the world once again, and do not put the world on the edge of global destruction once again. Please let us sleep safely at night once more and please let the world spend the next 3 months before the inauguration celebrating someone who will undoubtedly become one of the greatest Presidents of all time. Let us thank you and him properly, and let us say goodbye to him properly, not spend the next 3 months crying, pining, and absolutely petrified about his replacement and the undoubted end of the world as we know it.
Thank you USA! Thank you! And remember, it's not just YOU who is affected when you vote, and not just your soldiers sent out to die. This election is bigger than you! So please, like Spike Lee said. Do the Right Thing!