2011 Game Releases

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
So what are we looking forward to this year?

Looking at a couple of sites there seems to be quite a few games I will consider -

Killzone 3 - didn't like part 2 but willing to give it a shot. Also I have a move controller still sitting in its box yet to be used.

Marvel Vs Capcom - Good reviews thus far

Crysis 2 - Have a feeling it will be shit, not familiar with the previous game.

Mortal Kombat - Ps3 Version has Kratos from God of War. Dunno if thats a selling point to get it on that console or not. Either way it looks fantastic

Portal 2 -A sure thing. It simply will be excellent

L.A. Noire - The guys making it rarely fail. Looks amazing

The Elder Scrolls V - I still have to play the last one which has been sitting on my shelf for about 3 years now

inFamous 2 - Never played part one. But this looks good

Gears of War 3 - Will be game of the year 2011. Parts 1 and 2 can barely be beaten IMO
MLB The Show 11 - Gets slicker every year

L.A. Noire - Can't miss with this one I don't think

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Hopefully a return to the first games roots

Yakuza 4 - Enjoyed the last one alot
I'm only anticipating LA Noire and the new FIFA to be fair, these are the only two titles that I'm likely to pick up on the release day. I might be giving a 3DS a go if I have spare money when it's out.
Is that out this year? I still have part 1 and 2 sitting on my shelf unplayed (I have a terrible habit of buying games and never playing them)
Yep didnt notice them. In that case Uncharted could very well be game of the year. Batman should be great too
Uncharted 3
Dark Souls
Mass Effect 3
Elder Scrolls 5
Arkham City
Hunted: The Demon's Forge
LA Noire
Saint's Row 3 (hopefully)
Star Wars: The Old Republic has been confirmed for the third quarter.
There's some belters on the horizon
dark souls, portal 2, la noire, elder scrolls, batman

I'm hopeful we might see street fighter vs tekken too but no confirmed date as yet
No Mortal Kombat fans here? I am very hopeful that the series will be rejuvenated like Streetfighter
saw that yesterday, never heard of it before. Do we really need more Zombies? Although I did enjoy the video
Looks terrible. But I suppose could be fun. Were the originals any good?

Good god man, did you not own a PS1? Twisted Metal 1 and 2 were great fun, nothing beat blowing up the Eiffel Tower, shooting electricity from a Cop Car or chucking napalm out an icecream truck.

Never played 3 or 4 but Black on the PS2 was just as mad and brilliant online.
Hitman 5, it's supposed to be out this year, but with Square Enix, I'm expecting 2013.
When is Twisted Metal out? Loved the first ones, was great playing with friends so reckon it would be a top game with an online mode. Vigilante 8 on the Dreamcast wasn't bad either although not quite as good. I used to pick Sweet tooth all the time and batter my brother into the middle of the next week with those pink rockets. Also the purple car with shadow bombs. Remote mines in the Tower etc.
Vigilante was great round my mates, i swear he had it on the N64 though. I remember he always played as the schoolbus and i was the camper van that fired out mini UFOs.

Anyway it's out sometime late in the year, no actual release date yet.
I am looking for a game to buy at the minute. I think I've played everything I want to. This is an outrage.
Fallout New Vegas is a cracking game - the next installment of that should be good
Fallout New Vegas is a cracking game - the next installment of that should be good

Agreed. It is a testament to the quality of the gameplay that I put over 50 hours into that, despite the crippling bugs. I swear, the longer I played, the more frequently it crashed. I stuck with it, though.
Been waiting on that Mortal Kombat game since I hear about the making of PS3.

Fifa 12 is a given as will Football Manager 2012 be.

Mass Effect 3...yes please!

Dark Souls and Uncharted 3 competing for the game of the year in my mind without me having seen little but trailers.
You get the Sly trilogy in the end? That'll wittle away some hours.

No, the Prince of Persia HD trilogy put me off remastered games. It has even made me reconsider buying the ICO collection.

I am seriously out of ideas. Considered Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions for a while yesterday.