19 movie facts* that you probably didn't know

* disclaimer. May not all be facts.

  • Apart from Alan Rickman and Alexander Gudunov all the bad guys in Die Hard were played by European male models.

There was the Chinese-American guy who steals the chocolate bar.
I was wondering about him the other day. I think I was watching Big Trouble in Little China.

As for the Die Hard villains, there was also the black dude hacker who I doubt was a Euro man-slut.
There was also this guy.


He wasn't a euroslut, he was called Dennis.
There are as many urban legends about strange facts from films as ones that are actually real, such as a claim that a scene in Doctor Zhivago where a woman trying to climb into a moving train and gets run over actually got run over.

She didn't, if she had I somewhat doubt they would have put it in the final cut.
When the film the Lion King was released there was a stir in Japan. The film was very similar to the well known anime series 'Kimba the White Lion'. First there is the obvious similarity in names (Simba and Kimba). Also, both had a baboon as a shaman. But the similarities don't end there, both had an evil uncle - 'Scar' in the movie and 'Claw' in the series - as well as henchman hyenas. Plus a pose by a king on a rock. The possible lawsuit was dropped, because Osamu Tezuka's (the producer's) widow said that he would have been flattered that Disney was inspired by the series

It was meant to be a remake of Kimba and Disney were sitting on the script since the 60's, but weren't able to release it due to obtaining the legal rights. Rumour has it it was actually agreed in a deal between Disney and Osamu back then that involved Osamu remaking Bambi and Disney getting Kimba. Disney were unable to secure the rights fully though as they were owned by various companies and sat on it until the 90's. Osamu's people in Japan wanted it to be made and were themselves angry at the fact that the project was held up.
A dwarf hangs himself at the end of the Wizard of Oz doesn't he?
The Jean Claude Van Damme film Cyborg was produced purely in order to use $2m worth of sets and costumes that had already been made for a proposed but cancelled sequel to Masters of the Universe. The script was written over a weekend, it cost just $500,000 to make over 24 days.
The Wizard of Oz is called Oscar. Great fact that. And what an amazing name too.

The credits of American Werewolf in London contain a congratulatory message for the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. It was included because during the scene when David is trying to get arrested, he shouts, "Prince Charles is gay!"

also John Landis' wife gave Indiana Jones his hat.

And while we're still on Die Hard, in Germany the terrorists were changed to be English and Hans was called Jack. Which means the man playing Hans/Jack is a German man, doing and English accent, speaking German, covering for an Englishman, doing a German accent, speaking English.
The Michael Myers mask in Halloween is a store bought William Shatner mask.

Bodyguards were hired for Sonny Landham, who plays Billy (an occasional porn actor too) during the filming of Predator......to protect the other actors from his instability.

And JC Van Damme was originally cast ad the predator, until he was sacked for 'allegedly' purposely injuring a stunt man.