#1 on the day you were born

This really has been number 1 in Britain once? Ffs. :eek: :lol:

Number 1 in the US when I was born. Sure am glad I don't have any memories from that time.
Ireland - Rhinestone Cowboy, Glen Campbell
UK- Space Oddity, Bowie
I'm not sure I want to play this game TBH...

Oh alright then, looks like I'm going to win though...:(


Never heard of it, but she looks like a game bird...;)


Good stuff...I approve...:)


wtf? Well the crowd seem to like him anyway...:confused:

I'm not Greek though, they do odd things. We wear flat caps in Lancashire, rear whippets, race pigeons, drink pints of mild, and dragged the people of the Earth kicking and screaming into the modern world. No time for rogering your mum and little boys like the Greeks had.
UK Anyone Who Had A Heart - Cilla Black
US I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
AUS I Saw Her Standing There / Love Me Do - The Beatles
UK:With A Little Help From My Friends / She's Leaving Home - Wet Wet Wet and Billy Bragg

US:One More Try - George Michael

AUS:Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy Ocean