‘24 NFL Fantasy League | Draft on Wed Sep 4th, 8:30pm UK time

You can vote for a draft date on Sleeper now.
You can vote for a draft date on Sleeper now.
You can still vote in the league chat. Looks like not everyone has voted yet, but Wednesday September 5th seems the only viable option at the moment (day before the season starts), unless we look at evenings in the week before that.
Almost an entire work week on and it seems like still not everyone has voted. I am not going to drag you all through this process guys, if you can't bother enough to check the Sleeper app regularly now then the game clearly isn't for you.

Monday Sep 2nd or Wednesday Sep 4th seem to be the most popular choices so it'll be either one of those. I'll put Monday Aug 26th in here and in the chat as a last resort alternative, but if you can't figure something out by next week, I'm done with it.
Interested if a spot becomes available in a league

Have been in the Caf one last few years but didn't get tagged in any posts so missed this years by the looks of it :(
I also am a few weeks late to this thread. If another league sprouts out please tag me
I'd have no qualms playing with 14 either this seaon, but no idea about the rest of the guys. The more the merrier.
Doesn't look like we'd have enough interest for another league at this stage so still up for being added to the main one if everyones good with 14
Robin used to do draft grades but he’s flopped and doesn’t do that anymore

You can just enter your Sleeper league ID in KeepTradeCut and it'll give you a league Power Rankings these days (although I think that's for dynasty rather than redraft). Loads of other sites do it as well.

I like my team, just drafted based on players I like and like watching, rather than based on ADP or best value. My core of Chase-Waddle-Nabers is the ultimate OBJ GOAT tribute.

You can just enter your Sleeper league ID in KeepTradeCut and it'll give you a league Power Rankings these days (although I think that's for dynasty rather than redraft). Loads of other sites do it as well.

I like my team, just drafted based on players I like and like watching, rather than based on ADP or best value. My core of Chase-Waddle-Nabers is the ultimate OBJ GOAT tribute.
Ok ok don’t be such a baby about it :)