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  • I want to let you know that one of your admins by the name of Solius has been causing trouble for myself & other folks. Solius was extremely rude & condescending in some of his replies to me & he deleted my posts, despite all my posts followed the guideline of Solius is a bully to myself & others & he's using his power as an admin to bully & harass. I sincerely hope something can be done about Solius.
    I have followed and translated so many time stuff about him online for others that i think i can add with my swiftness something to this forum already. Thusfar all
    my info is lost in the newbie forums where noone of the regular Manchester UTD looks at.

    If for some reason i don't get soon any reply again back i will kindly ask to close my account

    greets. Mast
    Hi there. This is my 3rd attempt to get some help but it seems noone takes the time or effort to reply. so this will be my final try.

    I asked if there as possibility as a new member to get full membership quicker then the 10 likes you need to get that because i am
    a dutchman and followed Van Gaal since the early 90's as a Ajaxfan and editor at Ajaxnews myself.

    page 2
    Niall as first poster on your profile page, I think I should be rewarded with something.

    Perhaps the ability to infract Hectic for a day??
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