30 mins in:
34% possession
0 Corner kicks
0 shots on target
Looks like priority is cleaning up defense?
sancho makes so many runs forward and mctominay ignores it every time for a square pass to the fullback. so annoying.
Surely somebody has mentioned to him, if your defence is not great, do not put them under even more pressure.Stop passing backwards Scott
we’re celebrating crosses now
savage keeps saying no forwards runs but it’s more the passes get to go that wayNoticed this myself. Frustrating
Not sure he's interested in managingGive it to Sancho
Villarreal have 3x more passes
31% last I saw and we had a brief spell of possession just before they showed the statSo I'm guessing we have not had much possession.
Sancho's quality is obvious, we just don't get him on the ball enough because our midfield is shite.
Dr. Felix Brych