Season 2018-19 Lineup Predictions League Table

Pos Username Points Predictions Average Score
1508 Reddevildans 16 2 8.000
1509 zhiyuan 16 2 8.000
1510 BehemothTerror 16 2 8.000
1511 alcaeus 16 2 8.000
1512 GudmH 16 2 8.000
1513 mdabat 16 2 8.000
1514 skimminstones 16 2 8.000
1515 Son of a Pitch! 16 2 8.000
1516 King Kunta 16 2 8.000
1517 Mullet_Man 16 2 8.000
1518 Wednesday at Stoke 16 2 8.000
1519 Scorpy 16 2 8.000
1520 Hosium 16 2 8.000
1521 Austria-Red 16 2 8.000
1522 lemon1978 16 2 8.000
1523 $inner_88 16 2 8.000
1524 Yergen 16 2 8.000
1525 stuski 16 2 8.000
1526 raultotti 16 2 8.000
1527 Frank Grimes 16 2 8.000
1528 Mciahel Goodman 16 2 8.000
1529 Hoof the ball 16 2 8.000
1530 Zorewa 16 2 8.000
1531 Shejin Mathew 16 2 8.000
1532 Berbasbullet 16 2 8.000
1533 ItDoesntEvenMata 16 2 8.000
1534 Satissh12 16 2 8.000
1535 wythyred 16 2 8.000
1536 billyboy777 16 2 8.000
1537 backer 16 2 8.000
1538 hane 15 2 7.500
1539 Møllemanden 15 2 7.500
1540 NickHobson86 15 2 7.500
1541 Fróði 15 2 7.500
1542 RedDevilzFox 15 2 7.500
1543 Abhinav 15 2 7.500
1544 Darius_MUFC1991 15 2 7.500
1545 Swearing Budgie 15 2 7.500
1546 Allie00786 15 2 7.500
1547 Brokenbeard 15 2 7.500
1548 EnelDoobacabra 15 2 7.500
1549 Reddevils18 15 2 7.500
1550 moany 15 2 7.500
1551 SaidA_12 15 2 7.500
1552 Versace 15 2 7.500
1553 jaszelda 15 2 7.500
1554 Smudgers 15 2 7.500
1555 Run_time_error 15 2 7.500
1556 Shez 15 2 7.500
1557 ravelston 15 2 7.500