'No comments' news threads in the Transfer Forum

"No Comments" Player News Threads

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Really not sure a NO COMMENTS thread was needed for De Gea and Jones as both looks certainties tbh
Really not sure a NO COMMENTS thread was needed for De Gea and Jones as both looks certainties tbh

I didn't start the Jones one, but it look like it could be a while before we actually sign De Gae and everyone seems a little on edge until we get real confirmation, so an updates thread might help us all keep track of anything and everything that's said in the meantime.
I didn't start the Jones one, but it look like it could be a while before we actually sign De Gae and everyone seems a little on edge until we get real confirmation, so an updates thread might help us all keep track of anything and everything that's said in the meantime.

You did that three times in the no comments thread, btw.
Good call folks, makes the transfer forum a lot more manageable
Apparently there are some posters who are using the no comment article threads to moan about why they can't post in them.

To reiterate - You can talk about the player in question in the long threads and post articles without comments in the separate threads.
3. No more posting Kermit the Frog or any other muppets in the Transfers. Its annoying and no one wants to endure the entire summer seeing this sort of thing.

4. Obviously, all posters please refrain from wummery, false announcement's of player signings, and transfer rumours without suitable links. Although this forum is mainly rumour driven we need to keep at least some semblance of sanity.

Another joyful step towards killing the fun of this forum

You're all taking this shit far too seriously. The place is getting less & less entertaining as it is without enforcing rules to make it so FFS.

IMO of course..
I agree with mockney on this one.

Banning Kermit? That's a step too far!
Another joyful step towards killing the fun of this forum

You're all taking this shit far too seriously. The place is getting less & less entertaining as it is without enforcing rules to make it so FFS.

IMO of course..

Thanks, noted.
This forum is attractive (or was to me) because of it's madcap, often irreverent sense of humour...Not because of it's in depth, accurate & uninterrupted Transfer discussions.

Again, this place is becoming less entertaining with more personalities being banned and more rules being applied....I've no idea why, it was fine as it was, but since you seem to be overly sanitising the place, feck it, it's your choice, go for it. I'm just saying I think it's needless and OTT....It's a fecking football forum, not a UN diplomacy meeting. Lighten up people.
I'll never quite understand the concept of 'no comment' threads. It's a forum - people comment. That's the point.

A lot of people have said how much they like it, so that's the point. I can't grasp how some of you find it such a challenge to have a thread in which you cannot post your opinions in, when the OP of that very thread shows a link to the thread in which you can post as much commentary and opinion as you like about the very same topic. We're not stopping you from discussing transfers, just saying that those particular threads are not the place to do it; why's that so difficult to understand?
This forum is attractive (or was to me) because of it's madcap, often irreverent sense of humour...Not because of it's in depth, accurate & uninterrupted Transfer discussions.

Again, this place is becoming less entertaining with more personalities being banned and more rules being applied....I've no idea why, it was fine as it was, but since you seem to be overly sanitising the place, feck it, it's your choice, go for it. I'm just saying I think it's needless and OTT....It's a fecking football forum, not a UN diplomacy meeting. Lighten up people.

Wrong thread, Mockney. If you want to Brad-off about the running of the site then get your own thread to do it in, man.
I think the 'no comments' news threads are a good idea, which means the discussion threads can then be left to run their course as they please. If people want to know the latest, go to the 'no comments' thread. If people want to get involved in the (sometimes abstract and entertaining) back and forth of the discussion thread then just take it as it comes.
Surely banning Kermit is a step too far. The transfer forum is it's traditional home. With respect I agree with Mockney. If we're having "news only" threads, then, IMO there's nothing wrong with a bit of muppetry and fun in the discussion threads.
I don't really understand the problem with the no comment threads. The entire rest of the site is open for comment, these are just a way for people to dip in and read actual media reports of what's going on rather than our idiotic opinions. They aren't stopping people from discussing anything, they're just an additional, slightly more reliable source of news.
Another joyful step towards killing the fun of this forum

You're all taking this shit far too seriously. The place is getting less & less entertaining as it is without enforcing rules to make it so FFS.

IMO of course..

I think you're right but I don't think we'll be banning people for things like that, it's simply trying to keep a reasonable lid on the amount of nonsense. The place can be irreverent without going so far as to encourage people to post utter shite.
The really clever bit about the update only threads is it makes all the inane jibber jabber in the other threads much less annoying, as you don't have to wade through pages of semen-related gigs and people talking about their erect penises in order to find out what the feck is going on.

So yeah, I don't have a problem with people posting any old bollox in the comment threads, so long as the other threads are left alone.

No transfer WUMs though. That's just annoying.
I don't really understand the problem with the no comment threads. The entire rest of the site is open for comment, these are just a way for people to dip in and read actual media reports of what's going on rather than our idiotic opinions. They aren't stopping people from discussing anything, they're just an additional, slightly more reliable source of news.

I think this is the key, they add to, not restrict. And we've never liked transfer WUMMING. Much ado ...
Am I the only one who hasn't looked at the 'No comments' threads?

They don't come up on my 'User CP' (obviously) and generally aren't on the first page of 'New Posts', so even though I check the Cafe out several times a day I still haven't read them.

While I'm on, Mockney's right as well.
This forum is attractive (or was to me) because of it's madcap, often irreverent sense of humour...Not because of it's in depth, accurate & uninterrupted Transfer discussions.

Again, this place is becoming less entertaining with more personalities being banned and more rules being applied....I've no idea why, it was fine as it was, but since you seem to be overly sanitising the place, feck it, it's your choice, go for it. I'm just saying I think it's needless and OTT....It's a fecking football forum, not a UN diplomacy meeting. Lighten up people.

This sounds intriguingly similar to what a few other posters I know have been saying. Interesting.
No comments? The day Redcafe turning into a communist forum.

Thanks for the comment. :confused:

BTW, I've removed the bit about posting muppets. That said, it needs to be kept to a minimum. Posting a dead kermit each time someone suggests our transfer activity is done for the summer, or a pre-wanking kermit every time it looks like we have a new transfer lead is not going to fly.
Hehe, Kermit is back.

Please keep it in moderation and where appropriate.
It depends on what people want from the Caf. I don't use it as a news website, and I never thought it was supposed to be one. If you do take your info about transfers from the Caf, I see the need of a no comment updates thread. I just thought most people read the BBC wesbite or something, then came on here to discuss what they'd read.
What a fecking stupid idea. RedCafe is a discussion forum, not a news feed.

If you want a news feed, why not simply put it in a blog which can be updated?

I don't see why there cannot be a bit of both? Having no comments threads doesn't change anything regarding the other threads?
I don't see why there cannot be a bit of both? Having no comments threads doesn't change anything regarding the other threads?

That's precisely what we're doing. Trial run for now, but if it works we can look at keeping it. So far the reaction has been slightly more positive than not.
It depends on what people want from the Caf. I don't use it as a news website, and I never thought it was supposed to be one. If you do take your info about transfers from the Caf, I see the need of a no comment updates thread. I just thought most people read the BBC wesbite or something, then came on here to discuss what they'd read.

Precisely. I just click on this ]NewsNow:]NewsNow: (All Sources]]NewsNow:) (All Sources]). However, there are people who come and check out transfer news on the Caf, and if they can easily achieve that by reading a dedicated thread it's no big deal. No one is suggesting we shouldn't carry on with our discussions in other threads.
I think they are a great idea. They don't restrict discussion, merely give an undiluted source of news. I haven't voluntarily come into this forum in years but I do now for these threads.