Listen to 1000 albums.

Saw these guys a couple of weeks ago and it reminded me how much I enjoyed this album on release. Relatively successful in the charts, but it always surprises me how few people I've met who actually listened to the album.

Album 3: Acolyte by Delphic

Spotify link: Acolyte by Delphic

Had a listen today, it wasn't really my thing, but i could appreciate it, id say a lot on here would like it.
By the way I gave Delphic a listen. It was quite catchy and nice enough for the first track or two, then it quickly declined into annoyance.
I was already a fan of Delphic so listening to them wasn't of interest. Saw them at Big Weekend too. They were good but unfotunately most of the crowd were a bunch of cnuts and didn't move.
No. Plus the fact the original post has been quoted doesn't help - why not post a new one?

Could we not just start a new thread and post the albums already posted in it then turn it into a poll?
I only pretend* hate you laphroaig mate


I'll give it a listen tomorrow, going to write my World Cup blog thing now.
I was already a fan of Delphic so listening to them wasn't of interest. Saw them at Big Weekend too. They were good but unfotunately most of the crowd were a bunch of cnuts and didn't move.

Same here and thought they were great, really impressed with how fluid their set was. Think I preferred them live than I did their album. Agree on the crowd too, was a bit crap for most of the day really, with a few exceptions. Did you happen to catch Plan B? Thought he was fantastic myself, personal highlight.
Jesus fecking Christ that Living Colour was a pile of shite. Pretentious lyrical bollox underpinned with uber dull music.
Same here and thought they were great, really impressed with how fluid their set was. Think I preferred them live than I did their album. Agree on the crowd too, was a bit crap for most of the day really, with a few exceptions. Did you happen to catch Plan B? Thought he was fantastic myself, personal highlight.

He's not really my thing. Crystal Castles was insane, was right at the front as well which was a bonus. Kids in Glass Houses were quite good and the crowd were alright for that. Went to see We Are Animal (the band I posted earlier) in the introducing tent and they were really good. Sub Focus was really good as was Pendulum. Was quite disapointed at not to being able to see Vampire Weekend due to the clash with Pendulum. Overall I thought it was a really good day but for the first few acts the crowd were shocking. And yeah I thought it was better live than on the album.
He's not really my thing. Crystal Castles was insane, was right at the front as well which was a bonus. Kids in Glass Houses were quite good and the crowd were alright for that. Went to see We Are Animal (the band I posted earlier) in the introducing tent and they were really good. Sub Focus was really good as was Pendulum. Was quite disapointed at not to being able to see Vampire Weekend due to the clash with Pendulum. Overall I thought it was a really good day but for the first few acts the crowd were shocking. And yeah I thought it was better live than on the album.

Crystal Castles really were good. Wasn't all that keen on the album on first listen but they had so much energy, great stuff. Sub Focus again was great, good crowd for that. He never dissapoints. Having seen Pendulum before (in two smaller venues) I can safely say I really don't want to see them on a big stage again, nowhere near as fun. Dissapointed I somehow managed to completely miss everything on the Introducing stage though, I twice tried to get over there only to find a band just finishing.
Crystal Castles really were good. Wasn't all that keen on the album on first listen but they had so much energy, great stuff. Sub Focus again was great, good crowd for that. He never dissapoints. Having seen Pendulum before (in two smaller venues) I can safely say I really don't want to see them on a big stage again, nowhere near as fun. Dissapointed I somehow managed to completely miss everything on the Introducing stage though, I twice tried to get over there only to find a band just finishing.

I'd seen them in Llandudno the other year and had watched the album preview set in Matter on the live stream. After acquiring Immersion on the Saturday before I was really looking forward to seeing them at Big Weekend. Where abouts were you in the tent because I was right near the mosh pit at the front and it was mental there?
Not too far from the front, towards the left of the stage. Which was probably the main problem, didn't feel like trying to push past people to get into the action at that point. Got my fill during Sub Focus to be honest. Not saying they were bad by any means, but for me, they're definitely one of those bands I prefer seeing in smaller venues. Managed to get a free ticket to watch them a couple years ago where they just nailed it. Would've been just before In Silico (I think Granite might have been out or soon to be released), so it was a crowd of proper fans. Still one of the best gigs I've ever been to.
Not too far from the front, towards the left of the stage. Which was probably the main problem, didn't feel like trying to push past people to get into the action at that point. Got my fill during Sub Focus to be honest. Not saying they were bad by any means, but for me, they're definitely one of those bands I prefer seeing in smaller venues. Managed to get a free ticket to watch them a couple years ago where they just nailed it. Would've been just before In Silico (I think Granite might have been out or soon to be released), so it was a crowd of proper fans. Still one of the best gigs I've ever been to.

Were you at all near the pit because I was to the left of that?

When I saw them in Llandudno it was during the tour to promote In Silico so it was kind of half proper fans and half fans of Propane Nightmares. You could spot them from a mile off though because for practically every other part of the gig they were stood there looking clueless.
Wouldn't say I was close, made my way in after listening to a big of Vampire Weekend, but could've probably pushed my way through if I'd really wanted. Also saw them at Wakestock around that time, was about 50/50 there too. Think they were better at the Big Weekend than they were there though.
I propose two additional rules:
1. A new album can not be posted until the previous one has been commented upon a couple of times. (Alternatively, a new album can not be posted by someone who has not listened to and commented upon the previous album.)
2. If you have posted an album you are prohibited from posting another one for the following 2-3 days/midnights/albums. (Alternatively, you are allowed to post but only an hour or two past midnight, in case noone else posts something.)
Just gave Ex Hex a listen, and I'm really not sure what to make of it. I definitely didn't hate it, just not sure whether it's something I enjoyed or not, if that makes sense. Had it on while packing so maybe didn't give it enough attention, will have to give it another try at some point.
I quite liked Acolyte by Delphic. Easy to listen to. Counterpoint was a good track.
I thought the Black Keys album was good - nothing wrong with the music or the songwriting, but I just didn't feel it. I get the impression it's a bit pastiche but I'm not sure why.
By the way I gave Delphic a listen. It was quite catchy and nice enough for the first track or two, then it quickly declined into annoyance.
A major annoyance from the first couple of bars, they want a good slap and a telling to feck right off with their noncey dindie posing.
cheers burndogg it's one of my favourites. Was worried it may be a little too well known for the thread but thought feck it, it's awesome.


Just oozes kool.
'The Only One' on that Black Keys album is a tune. Going to see them in a couple of weeks.
cheers burndogg it's one of my favourites. Was worried it may be a little too well known for the thread but thought feck it, it's awesome.


Just oozes kool.

It's 1000 albums - there has the be some classics in there. If anything, it just gives people the chance to listen to them again. I imagine a lot of people might have heard of the records but never properly listened to them.