Napoli president:English women have a stinky cooch disease


Shameless Musketeer
Jun 8, 2004
Thats utter horseshit!

Especially with my generation, all of my friends including myself are exceptional cooks. I find when i go abroad, the restaurants are really very basic. We have such a diverse culture in england that there are many different cuisines, and this inspires us to cook all sorts of different meals. For example last week i cooked lasagne, chilli, chicken biryani, lamb shanks and spatchcock chicken.
We're not talking about you, but English people in general. And even most English people I know confirm that it is not the problem that you dont have good dishes, but rather that cooking or eating is of a low significance to you and therefore most English people cook very simple and for others rather "strange" food.

Count Duckula

New Member
Feb 16, 2007
Tali'Zorah vas Normandy.
To be fair Escobar is right -- he's not saying that the English lack cultured food, although we don't really have any traditional dishes of our own, but rather that eating to us is seen as an end to a means rather than the end itself as it is in other countries (like France and Italy). So we'll cook something cheap and basic because it fills us up and does the job, and some continental types can't understand that. To them the eating itself is the important part.


Shameless Musketeer
Jun 8, 2004
To be fair Escobar is right -- he's not saying that the English lack cultured food, although we don't really have any traditional dishes of our own, but rather that eating to us is seen as an end to a means rather than the end itself as it is in other countries (like France and Italy). So we'll cook something cheap and basic because it fills us up and does the job, and some continental types can't understand that. To them the eating itself is the important part.
Exactly what I meant. Over here, people sit together, take their time to eat, it's an integral part of your daily routine. While in England, it's rather seen as a waste of space and should be done as quick as possible. And that's why you lot (generally spoken), dont take much time to cook.

But nonetheless, the English girls are very very underrated!!!

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
To be fair Escobar is right -- he's not saying that the English lack cultured food, although we don't really have any traditional dishes of our own, but rather that eating to us is seen as an end to a means rather than the end itself as it is in other countries (like France and Italy). So we'll cook something cheap and basic because it fills us up and does the job, and some continental types can't understand that. To them the eating itself is the important part.
I would havt to beg to differ here a fair bit i think.

In the modern kitchens we do have our faults yes, but on the street i would doubt that Rome is in a position to preach to place like London. The cuisine out there in Britain today is of a variety and with a customer base open minded to a level that many cannot boast in kind.

If the President of Napoli wishes to have mud slinging match i'd first advise him to look a little closer to home, where he sits is no utopia either.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
What has the fact that Napoli seem to be a shihole of a place to do with the fact that Italian women are clean or not ;) ? Anyway I'm editing this post because the comments made by the Napoli president are cringeworthy and I hate when people make general assumptions like these. I hate clichés big time


Full Member
Jul 4, 2008
Exactly what I meant. Over here, people sit together, take their time to eat, it's an integral part of your daily routine. While in England, it's rather seen as a waste of space and should be done as quick as possible. And that's why you lot (generally spoken), dont take much time to cook.

But nonetheless, the English girls are very very underrated!!!
hmm, i completely and fundamentally disagree, but thats the problem with a stereotype i suppose, there are bound to be differences.

Where i am, we all get together and spend about two hours on dinner as its a good excuse to hang around. We all work around the county so we dont often see each other.

We do have words like Scran and Tuck and Fodder, which kind of strike me as immediate "get it down ya" words, but maybe its the younger generation that arent like that.


Full Member
Jun 13, 2006
For most of foreigners english food is horrible, i don´t know if its true, been to london a couple of times and the italian food at an italian restaiurant was ok, but as a tourist is difficult to find a restaurant where you can eat decent food, but in France, Spain or Italy you can eat wherever you want and probably you´ll have a nice meal.


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
Problem with Italy is that there are too many fascists. Berlusconi being the leader of the fascist party over there.


Full Member
May 25, 2004
Beyond Good & Evil
To be fair Escobar is right -- he's not saying that the English lack cultured food, although we don't really have any traditional dishes of our own, but rather that eating to us is seen as an end to a means rather than the end itself as it is in other countries (like France and Italy). So we'll cook something cheap and basic because it fills us up and does the job, and some continental types can't understand that. To them the eating itself is the important part.
"an end to a means"... just :wenger: !!!


Cat freak
Feb 18, 2008
North West
I know many people who stayed in England with a family to learn English and all of them told me that they ate Spaghetti with Ketchup... shame on you
Did one of these friends of yours happen to say "IVE BEEN IN YOUR HOMES" by any chance?


Full Member
May 25, 2004
Beyond Good & Evil
Shit, yeh, looks like I typed them the wrong way round! feck, what am I going to do now? This changes everything! Suppose I better just kill myself right now, eh?

The worrying bit, C*unt, is that you may well have been thinking of them the wrong way round. Still, only you know how screwed up your thinking really is. ;)


New Member
Jul 28, 2003
It's the ultimate football atmosphere - Patrick Vi
To be fair Escobar is right -- he's not saying that the English lack cultured food, although we don't really have any traditional dishes of our own, but rather that eating to us is seen as an end to a means rather than the end itself as it is in other countries (like France and Italy). So we'll cook something cheap and basic because it fills us up and does the job, and some continental types can't understand that. To them the eating itself is the important part.
In fairness though we work the longest hours in Europe. We don't exactly have a spare three hours a night to prepare dinner. That said, most people I know cook fresh meals often, the myth that we live on takeaways or pre-prepared food is just that, a myth. It's typical continental arrogance (I say continental I mean France and Italy, they're the only ones who apparently feel they have the right to criticise our food and our lifestyle) if an English person had said this about them there'd be uproar.

The worst bit is when you go to Italy you rarely find the food of other cultures (let alone an English restaurant), so why they think they have the knowledge of our food to criticise it so often is beyond me.

Denis' cuff

Full Member
May 13, 2007
I've never even seen ketchup on spaghetti never mind eaten it

Of course we have our own cuisine if you can be bothered to take an interest

At home, we rarely eat takeaways or packaged food. The missus cooks something from fresh produce 90% of the time

Lazy myth

our women do have smelly fannies though. There's usually more than a suggestion of Fleetwood when I pay a surprise visit down there - I find they usually make an effort when they know they're in for a good time though
