Best Acting Performance

No mention of Paul Newman yet? I'm surprised. I'd go for him in Cool Hand Luke.
A few -

Pacino - Godfather 2, Dog Day Afternoon
Brando - On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire.
De Niro - Raging Bull
Gloria Swanson - Sunset Blv.
Vivien Leigh - A Streetcar Named Desire
Robert Deniro - Raging Bull & Godfather II
Al Pacino - Godfather
Marlon Brando - On the Waterfront & Godfather
James Stewart - Harvey & Mr Smith goes to Washington
Alec Guiness - Bridge on the River Kwai
Jack Lemmon - Glengarry Glen Ross
Jack Nicholson - One flew over the Cuckoo's nest
James Cagney - Angels with Dirty Faces
Daniel Day Lewis - There will be Blood
George C Scott - Patton
Gene Hackman - French Connection
Bruno Ganz - Downfall

All amazing performances, If I had to pick one it'd be James Stewart in Mr Smith goes to Washington.
Pesci - Goodfellas and Casino

"You jew mutterfecka you!"

As previously mentioned, Spacey was magnificent in American Beauty. Thought he was class in K-Pax as well. And Usual Suspects.
Some not-so-great performances getting the nod so far in this thread, IMO.

My short-list would include:

John Hurt - The Elephant Man
Bob De Niro - Taxi-Driver
Al Pacino - Dog Day Afternoon
Casey Affleck - The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford
Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood

Last two might be influenced by still being fresh in my mind. But I still reckon they're awesome.

Those three definately belong up there awesome movies with some amazing performances. Especially Casey Afleck who has almost single handedly changed my mind about the need to eradicate his brother(almost).

I'd add Russel Crowe in both Gladiator and Master and commander(possibly playing the same character).
:wenger: @ posters who have mentioned even the likes of Tom Hanks, Cage and Russel Crowe. Then Di Capiro is also worth a shot.

Monica Bellucci in Malena and Irreversible.

There are loads of Asian Movies ...Indian actors not bollywood have done better than the so called performances listed above.

One greatest Asian actor is Toshiro Mifune, the hero of all Kurasowa movies.

His performance in Red Beard and Rashomon, doubt any of the actors listed in this thread barring Brando and DeNiro can come close.
Read post #1.


I agree with a lot of the ones mentioned. I`m not sure I can see a very good acting job tbh. I do remember taking notice of Sean Penn in Mystic River though. It`s also one of my favourite movies and it hasn`t been mentioned yet.

Sean Penn - Mystic River (the scene where he finds his dead daughter is the best single scene in that movie, IMO.)
:wenger: Sorry.

I'll say Leo DiCaprio for The Aviator or Blood Diamond. Or The Departed (I know these have been mentioned).

I thought he was shite in Blood Diamond. I could do a more convincing South African accent. Unless he was from Zimboland. Wasn;t all the great in The Departed and all.
I thought he was shite in Blood Diamond. I could do a more convincing South African accent. Unless he was from Zimboland. Wasn;t all the great in The Departed and all.

It was awesome when he got shot in the end though. best part of the movie (I just pretended it was DiCraprio and not the character in the film)
A few others:

Henry Fonda in 12 Angry Men.
Orson Wells in Citizen kane
Bogart in Casablanca.
Jack Lemmon in The Apartment
Newman in The Hustler.
Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet.
Peter Sellers in Dr Strangelove.

Been watching Hopper in a tv show he's doing in America - basically a spin off from the film Crash (the film about racial tension) - its brilliant, makes me want to watch more stuff by him, will have a look into Blue Velvet.
Been watching Hopper in a tv show he's doing in America - basically a spin off from the film Crash (the film about racial tension) - its brilliant, makes me want to watch more stuff by him, will have a look into Blue Velvet.

Cracking film. Very dark and moody.
You all have mentioned pretty much every big acting performance in the history of cinema, I'll just throw in some rather not very well known (or well thought of ) ones that spring to mind

Laura Dern in Wild at Heart
Willem Dafoe in The Last Temptation of Christ
John C. Reilly (Magnolia)
Jodie Foster (Contact)
Richard Farnsworth (The Straight Story)
Bryce Dallas Howard (The Village)