Gaming COD4 (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare) - XB360/PS3/PC

To be honest I don't really know what level heat is as I havent played the single player campaign in ages, but if you're only 6 from the end you must have done the sniper level as well I think. I imagin ethe sniper level is one shot, one kill.

Yes. I didn;t find any problems with it. Thought it was dead easy. Is that one where you have to take the helicopter down straight after the assassination?
Which the level where you have to walk up the hill to a village, you go into the like clock tower and snipe people? You also have air support.
Yes. I didn;t find any problems with it. Thought it was dead easy. Is that one where you have to take the helicopter down straight after the assassination?

Yes then when you're mate gets shot and you have to defend him at the park / fairground. That bit I found really hard on veteran
Aye, I've never played too many shooters but really getting into them, tried this on easy and done it rather quick, started it on the hardest difficulty now, appears much harder!
Manx, you've clearly got genius IQ. I wouldn't have thought the hardest level would've been more difficult than the easiest. But there you go. You really ought to play it on LIVE. I need to get my BB connection sorted out first- 2mg is pretty gay. Seems to be loads of FPSs on the 360. I've played Halo 3, Half Life 2, Ep1, Ep2, Portal and now COD 4. . .I'm getting Bioshock this week, as well. But I've enjoyed them all, immensely, even Halo 3, although it's not a patch on the original. Mass Effect should be something different, however.

I've played Halo 3, Vegas and CoD4, I've recently got GoW but not had time to play it yet, may get another one in the week too.
CoD4 is the best by far IMO.

I need to get BB sorted to still on dial up when I'm home from uni.
Get The Orange Box. Half Life 2 is a great great game and a must for anyone with or without LIVE. I've enjoyed COD, but it's not really a single-player.

I've not played GoW. What's it about, again?
I will give it a go.

I'm not to sure as I haven't played it yet... my mates who love these type of games love it...

I think its something to do with a team if mercenaries having to save the world from some sort of invasion, Lambs?
Probably is, but I think it does have a much better single player, than a lot of other 'online' games.

I think the likes of CoD and Vegas are said to be the better online.
Get The Orange Box. Half Life 2 is a great great game and a must for anyone with or without LIVE. I've enjoyed COD, but it's not really a single-player.

I've not played GoW. What's it about, again?

Its basically a third-person shooter with a shit load of testosterone. You can control some steroid-abusing bad-boy marine Marcus Fenix and his squad while you kick some Alien ass defending planet earth in a losing war. Its one of the highlights on the 360 and actually has a very good (but short) singleplayer with some replayability. Of course its also very good online.
Finished COD4 last night. Yeah, I enjoyed it. I was perhaps being a bit too harsh on it, earlier. Although, as has been pointed out by many people, the campaign isn't it's strongest point.

Oh and I sussed out how to throw frags(not fags). Basically hurl them into a certain area. . .and keep shooting in that direction. This way on one will be able to throw them back.

Just keep your hand on R2(ps3) for longer so that they don't have time to throw it back.
Normal. I've done alright for casual gametard. That said, my sniping is pretty good. . .which please me.

I thought my sniping was good...until I played it online and realized it wasn't anywhere near as great as I thought. Now though it really is good and its pretty much the only weapon I use. Get your ass online Spoony and play pipeline, overgrown or creek. I don't think you can really become that good a sniper on single player. On multiplayer you literally have a split second to take your shot before you get shot or they move out of view. It's not even about the accuracy so much, its the speed and the ability to spot half an inch of helmet sticking out from behind a pile of rubble from 300 metres away whilst making sure you dont have anyone sneaking up behind you. It's why I play hardcore search and destroy, no HUD, no radar, one shot kill and if you die you're out the game. COD how it should be played :D
What does the R2 button do then?

It cooks the grenade, you'll learn to time it so the second it lands, it explodes. Its the only way to get grenade kills on multiplayer as the enemy have an annoying habit of running away when they see a grenade land. The idea is to not give them anytime to run away
I thought my sniping was good...until I played it online and realized it wasn't anywhere near as great as I thought. Now though it really is good and its pretty much the only weapon I use. Get your ass online Spoony and play pipeline, overgrown or creek. I don't think you can really become that good a sniper on single player. On multiplayer you literally have a split second to take your shot before you get shot or they move out of view. It's not even about the accuracy so much, its the speed and the ability to spot half an inch of helmet sticking out from behind a pile of rubble from 300 metres away whilst making sure you dont have anyone sneaking up behind you. It's why I play hardcore search and destroy, no HUD, no radar, one shot kill and if you die you're out the game. COD how it should be played :D

I had a feeling that it'd be more difficult in the real life, online, LIVE world of COD4. And I will be online, just let me sort out my BB connection. To be honest I've only really started to use my 360 this month, it's been gathering dust for a couple of years, previously. But it's quality. Oh and I've had mine flashed. But I've not played any 'back up' games, yet.

And I'd like to be on your team. (We should make a Redcafe team, and take on the world.)
It cooks the grenade, you'll learn to time it so the second it lands, it explodes. Its the only way to get grenade kills on multiplayer as the enemy have an annoying habit of running away when they see a grenade land. The idea is to not give them anytime to run away

I see. So, what's the equivalent button on the 360 pad?
I had a feeling that it'd be more difficult in the real life, online, LIVE world of COD4. And I will be online, just let me sort out my BB connection. To be honest I've only really started to use my 360 this month, it's been gathering dust for a couple of years, previously. But it's quality. Oh and I've had mine flashed. But I've not played any 'back up' games, yet.

And I'd like to be on your team. (We should make a Redcafe team, and take on the world.)

Yeah I would be up for that, a redcafe clan or summit. Your best bet would be to play some of the multiplayer levels against a mate or something first, as if you dont know the levels youre doomed from the start.

I see. So, what's the equivalent button on the 360 pad?

Its the grenade button (RB of LB for special grenades) you just hold it down for a few seconds before throwing it- its called cooking the grenade
okay. I'll have my BB connection sorted in August. After that it's LIVE!

Sweet. Just make sure you clear a large section of your social calendar for August then, because COD4 is very addictive on LIVE for the first few weeks
Sweet. Just make sure you clear a large section of your social calendar for August then, because COD4 is very addictive on LIVE for the first few weeks

First few weeks smashed????? Its way worse than that, I play it on PSN and im foookin hooked beyond belief absoluteky amazing game cant wait for my new HD telly to play the bastard a snipe the shit outta poeple :D
Sweet. Just make sure you clear a large section of your social calendar for August then, because COD4 is very addictive on LIVE for the first few weeks

Excellent. As for teams. I guess we could make a few teams on here. How many usually in a team, though?
:lol: yeah there is a few who play it on here alright. Id give ya a good oul game only im not a xbox person meself although part of me says just get one for the hell of it.

Its the best FPS ive ever played as I always found them a little hard to truly get into but the online and the game itself is just amazing then next one will be a let down compared to this
Teams of three then?

Must be at least 15 people with COD 4 on here. . . Just don't put me in the same side as Manx. We'd end up killing each other, accidentally.

It depends what game mode you play, most people new to online play just play team deathmatch which generally is 6 v 6 . The only problem is you can't setup who you fight against, well unless you dont want to play for xp points. I think you can set up a custom game of say 3v3 but you wouldn't get any xp from it, which to be honest isn't really that important though you wont have any decent guns until you start getting xp and unlocking them. So youre going to be at a disadvanatge from the start
It's the one that we're talking about, bonehead. One shot, one kill.

I'm on the penultimate level - No Fighting in the War Room.

It's picked up. Last few levels have been good.

feck off. I couldn't be bothered to read your mindless chit chat.

But yeh, that level is fecking impossible on Hardcore. I started the game on that difficulty and its been ok so far. But Im considering doing it on Normal as I hear the ending is superb.
okay. I'll have my BB connection sorted in August. After that it's LIVE!

You massive gay.

My Mrs has 2mg broadband and I play online at her house no trouble at all.

I've been waiting to shoot you online for years. Not sure if any of these other cnuts play much, or if they are on my list. Everyone else on RR seems to have given up on CoD.
I'll probably be on your list Nate, not that you will of ever seen me online...
Word up, Nate. Okay, if it's decent enough on 2 meg, I'll see what I can do.

I'm also planning to get a plasma. Panasonic TH-50PZ800 is meant to be the bollocks.

Who's got CoD on RR then? and how crap are they?