New Stadium | 100k Stadium to be built - design visualisation released

Thoughts on the design?

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It's a ship canal. You'd build them somewhere they can come in by sea. I don't know which firms can already fabricate the parts or whether they could be done by a shipyard that fancies diversifying even.

I doubt the logistics are impossible though - though the cost of making it possible might turn out to be. I suspect it's easier than building in a landlocked city centre though. I'm guessing we'll hear more from Peel Holdings etc if the canal infrastructure is going to need work.
Will be fecked as soon as the swing bridges in Warrington feck up (again)
Not sure if I love it or hate it. It's not what I was expecting.

It does resemble the SoFi Stadium concept, which United's senior management team reportedly visited when exploring the options for the stadium project, so we should have guessed they would go with a design encompassing some kind of enormous roof canopy.

Berrada on the all-important question of how on earth will this be paid for: "we're looking at all the options. It's still very early days. We do see this as a very attractive investment opportunity, as part of the wider regeneration project. So, we're quite confident that we'll be able to find ways to finance it". That doesn't tell us much and it doesn't sound like they know much at this stage.

Yes. If the government doesn't come through on the wider project of the regeneration of south Manchester, this stadium will never be built. Ratcliffe and Berrada have been quite careful yesterday and today to frame this stadium project within the wider (and government funded) regeneration - without that, it won't be viable and they'll look to do a refurb of OT instead.
They'll sell/rent the land out around the new stadium for an absolute fortune to developers, hotels, shops, restaurants, etc.
23,500 seat Stretford End (for contact the North Stand now is 26,500)

Will be some atmosphere if they can get it right.
Nah it looks like a build, and maybe chop of a bit of OT at some point (excuse the crude photoshopping)

There is a bit of a graphic on this video at 11:03 which shows the build process and the stadiums next to each other

https:// youtu .be/WhhPy99ZH5o?si=JIHIuPmV0NZyAPNm&t=663 - if anyone can add this I'd appreciate it.
From this it looks like a demolish and then build...will we be groundsharing during this period?
I think you would be able to build 80 % of the New stadium while the original stadium was still in place in some fashion. Particularly if they are building it in modular units. You would just have a transitional period where the East facing stand couldnt be built until the Stretford end was demolished. The other alternative is to demolish the Stretford End first and have the club play in a much reduced Old Trafford capacity - but that will mean dealing with reduced revenue for longer.

So if say 70% of the new stadia was built by the end of one season they could demolish the old stadium and finish the last stand. That wouldn't be done by the start of the next season but they must have a plan to either use the partially completed new stadia or use a different ground for a few months until it was completed.

Given the area was extensively bombed in WW2 and is at the junction of a number of rivers, railways and potential archeological sites - there is a big potential for delays once the railfreight area is dug up. As the stadia is going to go deep in the ground this will be the stage that takes the longest - getting to a stable surface. They may chose to level as much of the area as possible to see if there are any delaying hazards lurking underground.

Yeah ultimately that’s what I wanted as well. Atmosphere for big time Championship games should be top.

Absolutely! This was the most important detail/factor for me. I was dreading we were going to go the route a lot of modern stadiums seem to go with a huge gap/race tracks in between stands/crowd and pitch. I'm so relieved we aren't going for that - them injury time daggers vs Blackburn Rovers to get us into the playoffs will feel electrifying
Love the design and ambition of the project- really exciting.

Being a fan that regularly drives up from the south to watch games, and the absolute ball ache I have every time with traffic and parking, I’m just wondering where the hell 23,000 more fans are going to park?
There are always people who don't like change. And this is a very big change.
But I completely agree with Sir Alex Ferguson. We must be brave and strive for the very best in everything. And that includes the stadium.

Old Trafford is our home. But it is looking and feeling extremely tired.
I have been to the new Tottenham Hotspur stadium and it is breathtaking.

So as long as it is done well including the finances, I am very much in favour.
Hope I will live to see it.

Totally agree! If this is realised, then it’s going to be absolutely magnificent. I’ve been wanting a new stadium like this for years and years so I’m - mildly put - very excited!
I quite like it. I'm happy to see stuff like solar panels and water collection are part of the design if what I'm reading is to be believed. Although it really should be a given these days.
Would have prefered to refurb Old Trafford but have been resigned to there being a new stadium for a while now - will be a great regeneration for that part of Manchester at least

I dont hate the design even if the tent is a bit weird - main questions are how it is going to be financed and how ticket prices will be affected
Well, this looks like it will have the highest ticket prices in all of football.
Why? That's a very long time period to build a stadium. Wembley, Spurs' and the Emirates took much less time

Can imagine the only delay from this point is the financing
Apparently they won't start until there's local government approval (and funding?) for the surrounding area redevelopment which looks extensive.
Not overly impressed by the appearance but I'm probably not the demographic they had in mind when designing it, I'm happy that the general consensus is positive, as someone who knows the area I'm intrigued by how they will go about bringing in the foot-fall required to continually fund the project, what are the surrounding buildings going to be? I'd imagine hotels, apartments, shops, restaurants OT is very quiet on non match days, so hopefully there's a big uptake in tourism to the city otherwise they can only pull in revenue from pre existing places. Also let's hope they turn a corner in terms of PR and look after local people, staff etc.
Looks great, very impressive.

How on earth are we going to fund this, seeing as we're over a billion in debt and the senior management team are cutting costs at every corner?
Looks great, very impressive.

How on earth are we going to fund this, seeing as we're over a billion in debt and the senior management team are cutting costs at every corner?
More debt? Huge naming rights deals? Middle Eastern sugar daddy's?
Not overly impressed by the appearance but I'm probably not the demographic they had in mind when designing it, I'm happy that the general consensus is positive, as someone who knows the area I'm intrigued by how they will go about bringing in the foot-fall required to continually fund the project, what are the surrounding buildings going to be? I'd imagine hotels, apartments, shops, restaurants OT is very quiet on non match days, so hopefully there's a big uptake in tourism to the city otherwise they can only pull in revenue from pre existing places. Also let's hope they turn a corner in terms of PR and look after local people, staff etc.
They are building 4000 homes around the stadium, that is 10,000 people. The museum currently has 300,000 visitors a year. This would increase massively in a new stadium with 100,000 people attending once a week. Judging by the scale of the project, it will be a huge entertainment complex, so people will make a weekend out of it.

Transport links from Manchester city centre are already very good, it is only a few stops on the tram. The entirety of the waterside from Salford Quays, all the way round the Trafford wharf will be bustling with bars and restaurants. It will be a destination as well as a place where people live.
Well, I don’t particulary like the design but it’s alright.
But I think it will just be a gigantic overpriced mall and a cash machine designed for tourism.
It make me sad as I see everything around me becomming like this. Every great City are turned in souless museum cities while people living there are pushed away.
It was much better to travel 20 years ago. Now, everything is full of travellers. I don’t see the point.

I am not from England but I am a bit sad for local supporters who will be pushed away because it will be overpriced and kind of souless.
Well, I don’t particulary like the design but it’s alright.
But I think it will just be a gigantic overpriced mall and a cash machine designed for tourism.
It make me sad as I see everything around me becomming like this. Every great City are turned in souless museum cities while people living there are pushed away.
It was much better to travel 20 years ago. Now, everything is full of travellers. I don’t see the point.

I am not from England but I am a bit sad for local supporters who will be pushed away because it will be overpriced and kind of souless.
Hardly like the ground is full of workers from Trafford Park now, or has been for many years. The whole area is full of media, residential, hotel and retail developments that relate to OT and has been for many years. This new ground won't change any of that.
I like the design conceptually with the glowing trident and all, but I can't help it but think that it makes it look a little mosque-like? This is kind of a stadium design I would expect in Saudi Arabia or Qatar. Other than that everything looks pretty cool about it.
Props and A+ for uniqueness, it's certainly waaay more interesting than a lot of renderings I've seen lately.

Not sure how it'll translate in person though. The exterior gives me the vibe of those scaffolding covers for when buildings are under construction.
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Looks great, very impressive.

How on earth are we going to fund this, seeing as we're over a billion in debt and the senior management team are cutting costs at every corner?

I guess the idea is to get in a better position financially via the cuts. Then funding a new stadium not so scary.

It's not like we have to start paying for it today.
Just watched Ratcliffe's interview and he did drive home the point that most modern stadiums are quite interchangable. He wanted a stadium that will be instantly recognisable as Man Utd.

I think it does tick that box quite well.
Just watched Ratcliffe's interview and he did drive home the point that most modern stadiums are quite interchangable. He wanted a stadium that will be instantly recognisable as Man Utd.

I think it does tick that box quite well.

Does it? If you strip away the net it looks like any other Ufo (coming from a bayern fan im not saying the allianz arena win any originality or beauty competition either)
I have been to the new Tottenham Hotspur stadium and it is breathtaking.
I mean it's not though is it? It's a perfectly nice stadium, but as a football ground it gets blander every time I go.
Obviously illuminati inspired.
Does it? If you strip away the net it looks like any other Ufo (coming from a bayern fan im not saying the allianz arena win any originality or beauty competition either)

Yeah if you remove an absolutely enormous and distinctive part of it sure.

If you remove the pitch it's not even really a football stadium.
I like the design conceptually with the glowing trident and all, but I can't help it but think that it makes it look a little mosque-like? This is kind of a stadium design I would expect in Saudi Arabia or Qatar. Other than that everything looks pretty cool about it.
Do mosques have a trident shape? Had no idea. Either way, I think it looks fantastic