Are penalties a disproportionate punishment for most handball offences?

I think it’s fine. What I’d like to see less of is the endless outrage, and I’d like to see more acceptance that sometimes fortune is against you, and that’s ok.
I think it’s fine. What I’d like to see less of is the endless outrage, and I’d like to see more acceptance that sometimes fortune is against you, and that’s ok.
Fortune is a lucky deflection, not a referee deciding to award the game's biggest chance arbitrarily.
Fortune is a lucky deflection, not a referee deciding to award the game's biggest chance arbitrarily.

If the ref didn’t award it, it would also be arbitrary by this definition. People need not to care this much about something so unimportant. The rage around it is so weird and unhealthy.
Probably.. I also think “tactical fouling” when being counter attacked should be an automatic card, that’s far worse than a ball accidentally hitting an arm in the box
Why are people so annoyed at the blatant penalty in the German game yesterday ? They've stopped a cross and good opportunity with their outstretched hand. It's a penalty in any era with the penalty rule. If you're getting away with that you'd be loving it as a defender, means you now have an extra weapon to defend crosses with.
I still think it should be as simple as ‘did that look intentional or not’. 90% (probably higher) it would be no
If the ref didn’t award it, it would also be arbitrary by this definition. People need not to care this much about something so unimportant. The rage around it is so weird and unhealthy.
I don't think it is. People don't watch or play sport to see how the referees get on. They participate because they feel they have agency and compete or watch a fair competition. A referee deciding to give a penalty because a ball hit a hand of a running player from 1-2 metres away is the opposite of that.

That's what people are pissed off about.
Why are people so annoyed at the blatant penalty in the German game yesterday ? They've stopped a cross and good opportunity with their outstretched hand. It's a penalty in any era with the penalty rule. If you're getting away with that you'd be loving it as a defender, means you now have an extra weapon to defend crosses with.
I agree. Who knows where that ball would have landed if Anderson hadn't put his hand out. He knows a cross is coming and that it's coming across the front of him. The offside was extremely unlucky, this wasn't.
I wouldnt even be fully against the hand ball rule being like field hockey style foot rules. No more discussion atleast. If a referee is supposed to interpret if a ball went to the hand or if the hand went to the ball, we get different outcomes from different referees. Or even different outcomes from the same referee.

Atleast field hockey style is clear.

Problem is that a penalty is such a good high chance to score in a normally low score game.

And field hockey is an incredibly staccato game. Always think with the skill level and the potential for spectacular highlights it would be a much more popular sport if not for the constant whistles, if any sport needs some tweaks to maximize the potential of the sport if it hockey.
Without introducing more technology/looking at multiple angles how could this possibly be judged in realtime?
Yeah, you'd need some highly sophisticated extrapolation to determine on target/off target of a ball that took a different trajectory. I'd argue it's impossible to do, because you'd also have to account for defenders who could block the shot in a rule conforming way, but who will also react to the hand deflection and move to different positions. It would competely devolve into hypotheticals and probabilities and everyone would have to trust computational results blindly. People don't even like the computer drawn offside lines we have now, and those are preschool level in comparison.
The really simple solution, which I don't understand why no one talks about, is to just make the penalty box smaller. There is no reasons why handballs or fouls in the corner of the box should matter so much. Make the box a semi-circle of 12 yards radius and 90% of these problems disappear.
Deliberate handball should be punished with a pen yes, blasting the ball at someone's hand from a yard away not so much.

Referees should get much greater leeway to decide what is deliberate or not.
Penalties are a disproportionate punishment for many offences in the box. Player is running towards the corner flag and the defender gets a bit too close and the attacker hits the deck. Penalty. That is massively disproportionate. Only offences that deny a clear goalscoring opportunity should be a penalty (so this would mean however some fouls outside the penalty area would in fact lead to a penalty).
If the offense is consistent across both sides, I don't see what the issue is.

Do you think Sociedad deserve an entire goal because a guy jumped and used his arms in a general jumping motion? If you pause the screen during that corner there’s about 5 players in the air with their arms in similar positions. Just because it hits one of them a team deserves a penalty? It’s so stupid.

Do you think Sociedad deserve an entire goal because a guy jumped and used his arms in a general jumping motion? If you pause the screen during that corner there’s about 5 players in the air with their arms in similar positions. Just because it hits one of them a team deserves a penalty? It’s so stupid.

It's so ridiculous.

I find it baffling they're doing nothing to try amend or sort out the handball law.