Television Fallout TV Series

It is all the small things, it is so recognizably Fallout in so many charming little ways. I just didn't expect that, so many other adaptations are happy to just shit all over lore, canon, lack the small world-building touches and visible affection for the source material that this shows and that quality undeniably makes me more accepting of it.

The plot of this first season is nothing special but for establishing the world and as a proof of concept it does the trick, and all the key characters work for me.
Got one episode left. It's brilliant. Initially thought it was just because of my incredibly low expectations but it's genuinely very good. Bodes well for the future as the lore and world have so much more to give.
Added some replies in the spoiler.

- Why didn't the Pip boys detect radiation when Lee Moldaver and the raiding party enter vault 33 on the pretext of Lucy's wedding?
Seems to just be an oversight imo. The pipboy in the game always goes off around radiation but the show seemed to pick and choose the moments to have it go off (otherwise it's going off a lot I guess)

The show requires a lot of suspension of disbelief and that was one such occasion. I thought it was poor writing asking us to ignore something so basic at the very beginning.

- How come Lucy's dad didn't recognize Lee? Did he completely miss her when he went and destroyed the California republic a few decades earlier?
Not sure. Maybe he did but didn't want to let on? I can't remember how much interaction they had at the start. If she was also frozen and due to come from 31 maybe it wasn't that shocking to him?

How can he not want to let on? I am sure he didn't think a sworn enemy was entering the vaults for a goodwill gesture. The whole wedding and the feast afterwards went on, which to me suggests they took another liberty with the script there.

She was the lady giving lectures against vault-tech and the whole cabal before the nuclear Armageddon. She tried to get Goggins to turn against his wife and spy on her. Unless she changed her mind, I don't think she would have agreed to have been frozen. At least nothing in the show suggests that. She looked the same before the catastrophe as she did in her final scene.

- Why didn't Lee Moldaver age in all those years? Just good skin care routine?
I'm assuming she was frozen for that time, like some of the others.

Again, see above.

- The time line was all off, they say Lucy's mom ran away taking Lucy and her siblings. And then she went on to establish the California republic. Obviously it was a few years after which Lucy's father came and destroyed it. How come Lucy and her siblings didn't age in that period?
Didn't it show her as like a 6 year old at that time? She has no real memory of living on the surface, except mentioning she was sure the light from the vault was as warm as the sun (turns out it was the actual sun)

Yes, she was 6 when her mother took her away. However, they mention in the show that it was a long period from her running away with her, establishing the New California republic and then her father coming to destroy it (50+ years, iirc). I think again, you require a suspension of disbelief here as the logic and the timeline don't follow.

- Who cleaned up vault 32 overnight? Just the brain-R2D2? Or did it summon some people from the pods and then put them back in their chambers after they cleaned up?
I'm assuming Betty and some other 31'ers like eyepatch girl did it.

That is a possibility.

- How come some Ghouls were dead with one shot but nothing could kill Walter Goggins? Or was it the feral ones were much more easier to kill than the non-feral ones?
Yeah feral ones appeared to be easier to kill. In the game there's not too much difference.

That is acceptable too.
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- Why didn't the Pip boys detect radiation when Lee Moldaver and the raiding party enter vault 33 on the pretext of Lucy's wedding?
Seems to just be an oversight imo. The pipboy in the game always goes off around radiation but the show seemed to pick and choose the moments to have it go off (otherwise it's going off a lot I guess)

The show requires a lot of suspension of disbelief and that was one such occasion. I thought it was poor writing asking us to ignore something so basic at the very beginning.

- How come Lucy's dad didn't recognize Lee? Did he completely miss her when he went and destroyed the California republic a few decades earlier?
Not sure. Maybe he did but didn't want to let on? I can't remember how much interaction they had at the start. If she was also frozen and due to come from 31 maybe it wasn't that shocking to him?

How can he not want to let on? I am sure he didn't think a sworn enemy was entering the vaults for a goodwill gesture. The whole wedding and the feast afterwards went on, which to me suggests they took another liberty with the script there.

She was the lady giving lectures against vault-tech and the whole cabal before the nuclear Armageddon. She tried to get Goggins to turn against his wife and spy on her. Unless she changed her mind, I don't think she would have agreed to have been frozen. At least nothing in the show suggests that. She looked the same before the catastrophe as she did in her final scene.

- Why didn't Lee Moldaver age in all those years? Just good skin care routine?
I'm assuming she was frozen for that time, like some of the others.

Again, see above.

- The time line was all off, they say Lucy's mom ran away taking Lucy and her siblings. And then she went on to establish the California republic. Obviously it was a few years after which Lucy's father came and destroyed it. How come Lucy and her siblings didn't age in that period?
Didn't it show her as like a 6 year old at that time? She has no real memory of living on the surface, except mentioning she was sure the light from the vault was as warm as the sun (turns out it was the actual sun)

Yes, she was 6 when her mother took her away. However, they mention in the show that it was a long period from her running away with her, establishing the New California republic and then her father coming to destroy it (50+ years, iirc). I think again, you require a suspension of disbelief here as the logic and the timeline don't follow.

- Who cleaned up vault 32 overnight? Just the brain-R2D2? Or did it summon some people from the pods and then put them back in their chambers after they cleaned up?
I'm assuming Betty and some other 31'ers like eyepatch girl did it.

That is a possibility.

- How come some Ghouls were dead with one shot but nothing could kill Walter Goggins? Or was it the feral ones were much more easier to kill than the non-feral ones?
Yeah feral ones appeared to be easier to kill. In the game there's not too much difference.

That is acceptable too.

None of that is spoilered btw
I watched the first episode and it’s… ok?

Weird vibe the way it mixes up a 50s sort of kitsch aesthetic with extreme violence but ok. The main problem is I have no fecking clue what’s going on. They’ve been living underground for hundreds of years but they seem to know about “raiders” that live above ground? Wouldn’t that make them a bit morecurious to see what’s going on out there? Why does it seem so crazy to them that yer wan might go for a look see? And I can’t for the life of me work out what’s going on in with the guys in the robot suits and their squires. Or why would they put razors in each other’s boots. Never mind why some dead person has IV fluids running into his grave and is regularly dug up to have bits cut off? WTF?! And who the feck were those guys who dug him up? And what’s a chicken got to do with anything? Plus why was the graveyard guarded? And why is everyone interested in some bloke and his dog?

Does all of this make sense to people who played the game? Because it’s muddled nonsense to me. Maybe it all gets cleared up in the next episode or two? It fecking better, or I’m outta here.

If I hadn't watched it yet and saw this as a review, you'd have completely sold me on it :lol:
If I hadn't watched it yet and saw this as a review, you'd have completely sold me on it :lol:

:lol: Reading it back, it does sound like the sort of thing I'd definitely want to watch!

Anyway, I'm into it now. Just need less dogs in it. I watch it after the wife and kids have gone to bed, just me and my dog on the couch. But he goes fecking mental every time that damn dog pops up on the screen. Wakes the whole house up. Oh and that weird scabby bear thing sent him absolutely nuts. Very relieved it was killed off early doors.
Anyway, I'm into it now. Just need less dogs in it. I watch it after the wife and kids have gone to bed, just me and my dog on the couch. But he goes fecking mental every time that damn dog pops up on the screen. Wakes the whole house up. Oh and that weird scabby bear thing sent him absolutely nuts. Very relieved it was killed off early doors.

Yeah the less screen time Michael Rapaport gets the better.
I thought the last ep was good but overall didn't enjoy it much. The two leads were annoying. I did like Walter though. Don't think this show is for me.
Full disclosure. I haven't played the game although I have watched my son play. I also recently watched silo which has similar themes.

I wasn't that engaged with this early on and the retro thing wasn't as fun as I hoped, but it did improve and the final episode brought things together and was a massive step up.

So I'm looking forward to S2.
Loved it! Probably my favourite sci-fi season in a long long time. Sci-fi tv always used to be low budget, b-grade stuff but I reckon GoT has changed all that.

I don't normally have celebrity crushes but I'd take an apocalypse right now if it meant getting together with Ella Purnell
This was great. Not played the games so sure some in jokes went over my head, but even so was engaged all the way through.

Loved the side plots, and enjoyed them so much I'm a bit worried about next season as the discoveries have been made.

Only thing I wasn't sure about, the lady, Almodava? Hadn't appeared to age but wouldn't have had access to cyro chamber so not sure what's happened there?
This was great. Not played the games so sure some in jokes went over my head, but even so was engaged all the way through.

Loved the side plots, and enjoyed them so much I'm a bit worried about next season as the discoveries have been made.

Only thing I wasn't sure about, the lady, Almodava? Hadn't appeared to age but wouldn't have had access to cyro chamber so not sure what's happened there?
There were some visual nods to the game, like when Goggins finds a PIP Boy bobble head, he picks it up and laughs. In the game, finding one of those gives you new abilities and they’re rare. Mostly they just faithfully renders the game world into real looking sets. Not much relied on having knowledge ahead of time from the games.
There were some visual nods to the game, like when Goggins finds a PIP Boy bobble head, he picks it up and laughs. In the game, finding one of those gives you new abilities and they’re rare. Mostly they just faithfully renders the game world into real looking sets. Not much relied on having knowledge ahead of time from the games.
When the fallout 4 music came on though…. :drool:
Finished the season. It’s alright. Passed the time anyway. The cowboy ghoul character is great. Couldn’t work up much of an interest in the rest of them. The ‘love story’ at the centre of it fell completely flat. Zero chemistry between two totally one dimensional characters. I also think a big issue for me was the kitsch music. It kind of works for a while, setting the scene, but just grates more and more with each episode. And undermines all of the action scenes. Could have a bit of a whinge about plot holes and stuff but maybe just wasn’t paying enough attention. It did all seem a bit muddled though.

I’ll probably watch season 2. More fool me.
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Finished the season. It’s alright. Passed the time anyway. The cowboy ghoul character is great. Couldn’t work up much of an interest in the rest of them. The ‘love story’ at the centre of it fell completely flat. Zero chemistry between two totally one dimensional characters. I also think a big issue for me was the kitsch music. It kind of works for a while, setting the scene, but just grates more and more with each episode. And undermines all of the action scenes. Could have a bit of a whinge about plot holes and stuff but maybe just wasn’t paying enough attention. It did all seem a bit muddled though.

I’ll probably watch season 2. More fool me.
What the feck are you on about? The love story is phenomenal and clearly you've misunderstood it (because you're dead inside).

It's about forbidden love. He knows that he shouldn't, and she's naive, but their attraction to one another is so great that even the foundations of our society can't keep them apart. And it should go without saying that chickens are incredibly erotic creatures.
What the feck are you on about? The love story is phenomenal and clearly you've misunderstood it (because you're dead inside).

It's about forbidden love. He knows that he shouldn't, and she's naive, but their attraction to one another is so great that even the foundations of our society can't keep them apart. And it should go without saying that chickens are incredibly erotic creatures.

Hehe. That lad was one of the best characters in it tbf.
What the feck are you on about? The love story is phenomenal and clearly you've misunderstood it (because you're dead inside).

It's about forbidden love. He knows that he shouldn't, and she's naive, but their attraction to one another is so great that even the foundations of our society can't keep them apart. And it should go without saying that chickens are incredibly erotic creatures.

Common Pigeon W
Just started the second episode and the overuse of music (in my opinion) is starting to grate.
Got pogue mixed up with mockney for a minute, but not enough flowery language.....
The recent Fallout hype got me to play New Vegas again. The hours fly by as always.
For the gamers, are the TV show characters the same as those in the games, and is the story the same?
For the gamers, are the TV show characters the same as those in the games, and is the story the same?
Not at all, set in a different timeframe to the games (which are all in different timeframes to one another).
Coming from the games, the uptick in violence for the TV show was quite a surprise.

Very enjoyable show.
Hmm. Don’t really understand why people say it gets better later on. I was happy to give it 8.5/10 after 5th episode. But my god 6 is boring and 7 is such bad humor that only 12 year olds can find it funny. And final is okayish, nothing more. So 7/10 on the whole. Undecided whether I would watch season 2
Hmm. Don’t really understand why people say it gets better later on. I was happy to give it 8.5/10 after 5th episode. But my god 6 is boring and 7 is such bad humor that only 12 year olds can find it funny. And final is okayish, nothing more. So 7/10 on the whole. Undecided whether I would watch season 2
It's fantastic so probably don't bother