Music 2023 Music


Full Member
Jan 13, 2011
Couldn't find a thread. What have people enjoyed this year? Does anyone avoid singles/songs released before the album in the same way they do film trailers? I love the constant drip feed of new stuff to listen to, but am unsure if it's worth the inevitable disappointment from having heard all the best songs already by the time an album's eventually released.

Stuff I've liked:

Cory Hanson - Western Cum
Probably the worst album title/combo of the year, but my favourite that I've heard so far. Great guitars, unobtrusive vocals & the songwriting's probably just good enough. Come a long way since mmmbop.

Wednesday - Rat saw god
I like it a lot, but to my point above, I think I over-hyped it for myself with how much I enjoyed the pre-released songs. MJ Lenderman can do no wrong at the moment, love his new tracks too.

Pile - All fiction
I've done a complete 180 on this album. Couldn't get into it at all & felt they'd removed my favourite elements of their sound (loud layered guitars & great offbeat drumming). Whole sound felt too angular/meandering & lifeless until it just suddenly clicked & I think it might end up being my favourite album of theirs. The fact I struggle to pick out any one track to play to people that sounds great on its own, makes me question how good it really is - it just seems to work as a whole.

Cusp - You can do it all
Not sure what it is exactly, but it has that Steve Hartlett quality where I feel I like every song she's written. Nice album cover.

Shame - Food for worms
Protomartyr - Formal growth in the desert
Two vocalists I really struggle with. Joe Casey at least has a really nice recorded tone of voice on certain tracks & is an interesting lyricist. I think the Shame album opener is an all-time great, to the point I struggled to listen past it early on. Vocals are also slightly easier to listen to in parts on this album, I just really dislike spoken word vocals. The playing, especially on the first half of the album, is superb though. They're a great band. I like the different directions individual tracks go in. Love the album cover again.

The Protomartyr album might grow on me, it just sounds really solid for now like all their releases. They continue the run of great closing tracks - think they write a lot of great middle eights in general. Just outside of a handful of tracks I really love, I think theirs is a sound that's hard to get excited by.

The Church - The hypnogogue
Deerhoof - Miracle-level
Pretty crazy quality couple of albums from bands who have been going forever. Not always been the biggest Deerhoof fan but think they have a pretty individual sound. Have liked the late Bowie / Pink Floydy sound from the last few Church albums.

Ulrika Spacek - Compact Trauma
Godcaster - s/t
Love both albums in parts, but just slightly too much of each goes nowhere. On the best Ulrika Spacek songs I think the slow build multi-layered sound is paid off by a really catchy end section that somehow improves the original melody & ties the whole song together (like the best Women tracks). The opening track & Diskbänksrealism are great examples here & If the wheels are coming off, the wheels are coming off, might be the best track they've written. But a couple of the other longer tracks don't have the same payoff for me. The Godcaster is another I think I anticipated too keenly based on the opening two tracks (what a music video for Diamond's shining face!) The stretched out tracks haven't done it for me yet.

Screaming Females - Desire pathway
One of those albums I enjoy as a whole every time I listen to it - I just struggle to pick out any individual moments I love or that stick with me. Think they're a really consistent band.

Purling Hiss - Drag on girard
Quite like the album, but it feels like it's all about the last couple of really stretched out jams. Have annoyed a couple of captive audiences in the car with the never ending riff of the title track.

Pardoner - Peace loving people
Often unlistenable vocals almost ruins another great guitar album from them. Deadbeat into My Wagon are the 2 best tracks on the album, I think.

Shana Cleveland - Manzanita

Pleasant sounding but only the last couple of tracks stand out to me.

The Borzoi EP is pretty cool, has a Grifters like energy.


Dec 31, 2007
Not usually my kind of thing but I'm really enjoying underscores album Wallsocket.

Really interesting sound, quality production and a cool mash of genres including hyper-pop, punk, rock, folk, etc..


Jan 14, 2010
That's a pretty interesting album. Agreed that it's not something I'd usually listen to and probably won't add it to playlists but a good record.



Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Damn this is one dead thread. Not that this post will change that. But I came across a seemingly very popular country artist I wasn’t aware of. Probably my favourite ‘mainstream’ song of the year