Erik ten Hag vs Sancho


Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
I remember the very first week he signed and Lingard was his travelling partner, they was constantly photographed wheeling around portable bags for their ps/x box or whatever it was and I feared the worst then


Full Member
Aug 9, 2019
Midwest, USA
"The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."

-John Douglas, Mindhunter (book)


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
You place short term consequence over long term consequences. Wrong way to look at things.
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2013
You'd like to think so, especially as it's a situation he brought to a head by going public with private matters.

The club should maybe have a word with him on that count.
Completely disagree. It clearly hasn't worked in private. We only know the gist of what's going on. I am sure there is way more to this that we know. ETH isn't just going to randomly say that. It would've been clearly thought out. I would go as far to say he might have consulted his closest confidants within the setup before going public. They have not got the reaction they were hoping for out of Sancho. That's why, for me, he's done here.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2015
You'd like to think so, especially as it's a situation he brought to a head by going public with private matters.

The club should maybe have a word with him on that count.
That's my point, ETH needs to be careful. It should not be a public matter and this needs to be made clear to him. Shut the issue down. I'm not saying ETH is 'soft' with players, I am saying that this is looking shabby, and he needs to shut this down. Because this will reflect on him. (ETH)

Sancho does not warrant the attention he is getting. Man Utd have nothing to prove to Sancho. People have short memories, the club supported Sancho through his recent 'mental health' issues.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2016
Phantom Zone
Memphis Depay was a better signing than Sancho has been.
Until Depay's form fell off a cliff and he became almost a comedy routine, yeah. Sancho has become increasingly irrelevant in games, but he's never been as embarrassing to watch as Depay at his worst.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2013
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.
Even with Sancho playing his role as a part time employee, it will still be a ropey season because Sancho does feck all except whine.

A handful of goals and assists per season is what he contributes. Somebody else can pick up the mantle easily. It's not a high bar, it's a pathetically low one.


Full Member
Sep 18, 2019
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.
This will happen because Sancho has been frozen? Did you notice his absence when he missed 3 months last season? Sancho is hardly in ETH plans even now. He's third choice left winger. ETH prefers Bruno on the right over him as well as seen last season. His absence is insignificant.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.
From what we’re hearing, Ten Hag has tried to have clear the air talks with him and will let him back in the team if he apologises. He’s refused to do that and now won’t even train with the first team.

Sancho thinks he’s a scapegoat for some reason when all he’s being asked to do is come to work on time and try.

If we finish 6th this season it won’t be because the manager didn’t try, it will be because dickheads like Sancho downed tools in September.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.
You can only try to help someone so much ffs, it is not ETH fault Sancho is acting like a lazy cnut. The only consequences should be on Sancho, end of.

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Says it all. Can't get picked for club or country and this is what he thinks is an appropriate response. On top of that idiotic Twitter post. Unbelievable, Sancho. Really smart stuff from a top earner who isn't producing anything whatsoever. Hopefully he is sent to the reserves or benched till he is sold/loaned. Can't stand him.
"Player goes to birthday party - redcafe posters are furious"
Player who isn't applying themselves at their job, jaunts off for a long haul trip to see some people he doesn't know because the party looks cool and he can meet some celebs. Not like he went to his brother's birthday party.

There, fixed it for you.


Evens winner of 'Odds or Evens 2022/2023'
Aug 31, 2015
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.
To be fair to ETH he didn’t ask for any of this that is happening. He didn’t know sancho was gonna kick up a fuss. He didn’t know Antony was gonna get accused of stuff and be suspended. He didn’t know Mount, Varane and Martinez was all gonna get injured. He can only cope with what he’s got. So if we do start winning and manage to end the season in top 4 then it would have been a decent season considering the start we’ve had and what ETH has had to deal with.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
If we finish this season 6th or 7th, miss out on CL football and win feck all. Then there'll be short and long term consequences for Ten Hag and the club.

You can't write off a season because a players had a hissy fit. Especially if said player is second choice behind the guy that cost £80m but we've just had to suspend because of off field troubles.

Given the money Ten Hag has spent and the backing he's been given he can't afford a ropey 2nd season.
If we ended up relying on Sancho to prevent us finishing 7th, then we'd be finishing 7th.

Even without this incident it would have been absolutely zero suprise to see someone like Bruno favoured at RW ahead of Sancho anyway, so unless we suffer an injury crisis beyond the one we're already experiencing the impact of Sancho being excluded should be minimal.


Kermit Inc. 2022
Sep 10, 2013
Toronto, ON, Canada
It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2017
The guy turned up overweight at the start of his first season after signing a massive contract. Huge red flag that he has never removed.

He doesn't have the mentality, take whatever hit is needed to get rid and move on.

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Modern mentality is devoid of any commitment or allowing any expectation of yourself, including to yourself.



Full Member
Oct 30, 2005
Dig up stupid!
I wouldn't say there's no way back.
ETH has always been pretty straight, follow the rules and you'll be considered. The state of our injuries/suspensions/random legal issues suggest opportunities will arrive - if he'd apologised he'd probably have been playing on Saturday

The question is whether or not Sancho is prepared to fall in line and just how stubborn/childish is he prepared to be. The squad has a role to play here, a strong dressing room should be letting him know it's unacceptable over and above what the manager does, Sancho needs to know he's letting his teammates down, he should be ashamed of that.

Training alone can get real boring real quickly, I imagine he'll be back in contention soon


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.
I mean, let's hear it. The manager should be sacked if what he's saying is true. However it would seem to common denominator in this scenario is in fact Jadon Sancho.


Full Member
Sep 18, 2019
It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.
Sancho is easily the laziest among the current crop of player from what are see when I watch games, I don't see why it will be different in the training ground.


Full Member
Oct 12, 2013
Player who isn't applying themselves at their job, jaunts off for a long haul trip to see some people he doesn't know because the party looks cool and he can meet some celebs. Not like he went to his brother's birthday party.

There, fixed it for you.
Of all the things to do you chose to quote an old post to respond with a weird post as if you know the guy personally. Very odd behaviour


Full Member
Aug 1, 2016
It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.
Tbf, he's hardly done himself justice on the pitch when he has played.

Antony mightve struggled offensively lately but he's a proper grafter and gives full effort on both ends of the pitch each time out and probably does the same in training.

Can't expect to be ahead of others simply because of talent/skill if the same level of application isn't there...

The Purley King

Full Member
Mar 26, 2014
Sancho must be incredibly thick. Regardless of how he feels about ETH and his situation, surely he realizes that he is ruining his standing within the game, his reputation with fans and also with prospective future clubs. I guess if you're pocketing 300k a week you may not care though.
This is exactly it.
He trousers £1m a month.
Why should he care, with the 5 years we’ve given him he’ll earn £60m.
This is a kid from a council estate in London.
Maybe he’s thought “that is enough”
I guess in the same position many of us think that at 23 years old.
As Keane said (paraphrasing) “attitude and application are taken for granted at Utd and it’s the skill that will set you apart”.
Sancho is missing the first two items.


Kermit Inc. 2022
Sep 10, 2013
Toronto, ON, Canada
I mean, let's hear it. The manager should be sacked if what he's saying is true. However it would seem to common denominator in this scenario is in fact Jadon Sancho.
That point in Ducker's post reminded me of Sir Alex giving Cantona more favourable treatment and then justifying it with the rest of the team as him being an exceptional player. I'm sure the player(s) will get leaked out at some point; there's no way that Sancho will keep that internal if he's basically banished from the team.


Full Member
Sep 18, 2019
It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.
Why would ETH treat him differently though. Is he having an affair with his daughter?
I mean ETH interest is in team performance and results, maybe Sancho should be honest with himself.


Full Member
Jul 30, 2014
Ventura Highway
Fans need to back the manager and do whatever is necessary to teach these insolent children that they're NOTHING if the fans don't love, respect, support and admire them. There's virtually nothing to love or admire about way too many players these days. I refuse to respect or support them.