Maguire | he stays!

Yet I provided you a report that says Moyes wanted him and United decided against it - and similarly there are reports that Mourinho wanted Maguire - and again, United decided against it - which caused you to start writing fan-fiction I’m not interested in reading.

Seems a bit strange that, considering the fact that Moyes says the complete opposite, that he didn’t need a defender due to the players we had available and that he didn’t try to bring him to United. Moyes even highlights the importance of Maguire needing to reach a point in his career where he was ready for the move, and that moving at a younger age could’ve had a detrimental effect on his career. If reading still isn’t for you, then i suggest you watch the video In the hope that it might help.

Mourinho clearly wanted Maguire, he’s said so himself, and the club clearly went against him, which is quite logical given the overall circumstances. One quite obvious circumstance being that we had just spent well over £60mill to sign Bailly and Lindelof, the latter the same summer as Leicester signed Maguire for £12mill without much actual competition, and we were looking at having to break the british transfer record to bring him in. Shame Mourinho didn’t fancy him then.
Would aim for higher but it's not a bad fee. He's England's #1 CB.
30-35 Mill is what I valued him at at the start of the summer. Sounds like he will be leaving which is great news.
Please take that. 30m and his wages gone is a nice lift off our books and we can instantly grab Todibo for around that price who is the ideal replacement.
We wont actually get any money from it. 28m will be written off for amortization. 10m off wage bill though, i guess theres that.
You lot are fecking brutal. He’s an experienced international and our fourth choice, maybe even fifth choice centre back. £30m is probably fair but we won’t be able to replace his quality for that amount, we’d be buying potential or no PL experience, which is always a risk. Given his wages I’d accept the offer, but the way you all talk about him is an embarrassment. He’s not suited to our football style now but he’s still a good player and he’ll prove that at West Ham
It needs to be accepted but I don't trust the decision makers at United.
We wont actually get any money from it. 28m will be written off for amortization. 10m off wage bill though, i guess theres that.

Pretty sure that’s not how it works.
You lot are fecking brutal. He’s an experienced international and our fourth choice, maybe even fifth choice centre back. £30m is probably fair but we won’t be able to replace his quality for that amount, we’d be buying potential or no PL experience, which is always a risk. Given his wages I’d accept the offer, but the way you all talk about him is an embarrassment. He’s not suited to our football style now but he’s still a good player and he’ll prove that at West Ham
Agreed. Which is why it's probably already been rejected.

I reckon we can probably get 35-40 for him.