Do we extend Ole's contract?

Judge Red

Don't Call Me Douglas
Feb 11, 2006
It doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? Even entertaining the idea of extending Ole’s contract confirms that the owners see us as nothing more than a top four club. Whether it’s Ole or someone else at the wheel, this season was apparently good enough for them.

We’re fully back in the 70s and 80s now and I for one am looking forward to our cup win sometime in the next ten years. #believe


Everton Fan
Mar 10, 2011
Honestly, Real, Barca and Chelsea have the right idea. A coach underperforms with them and they're out the door no questions asked.

Pearl's a minger

New Member
Mar 15, 2018
In a he must realise he's won the lottery by getting the United job. And after 2 and a half years perhaps now it's time to start applying pressure and maybe starting to seeing some return. But I think we all know he'll get an extension. It really is astounding how much slack he gets for being a club legend.

Red Shorts

Forrest Gimp
Jan 2, 2013
Location, Location
My original point was that he has outwitted top managers that you said he couldn't do.
Ok, so question to you: do you think he has come out on top against the top managers since he's been in charge, more often than not? The Pep stat is strong, sure, but have we had such control over games because of brilliant tactics?


Jan 17, 2012
Honestly, Real, Barca and Chelsea have the right idea. A coach underperforms with them and they're out the door no questions asked.
I mean most clubs have the right idea. Its just Manchester United and its fanbase who have an unhealthy relationship with the managers job.

When it comes to managers, the question any club should be asking is - what Florentino do? That'll help you reach the right answer 90% of the time.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2012
Honestly, Real, Barca and Chelsea have the right idea. A coach underperforms with them and they're out the door no questions asked.
We're not like that.

This club(and most of the fans) would have stuck with Kovac at Bayern and lost out on the treble.

@Skills is right. This fanbase has an unhealthy relationship with the manager. It's pinning for another SAF-like figure, when that doesn't exist and never will in all likelihood.

Champagne Football

New Member
Nov 28, 2015
El Beatle
Ole should definitely be kept on for a few more seasons, as long as he keeps getting top 4 and keeps developing kids.

Now is not the time to replace the manager. The time to replace him would be after he has turned the likes of Diallo, Garner, Mejbri into superstars in 2 years time. Otherwise you get some short-termism clown in like Jose or Conte, and all your best kids either get sold off for peanuts, or end up rotting on the bench.

We will sadly not get to see the greenshoots of great work Ole and the club is doing, regarding their longterm planning for another 18 months, when some of our talented kids start becoming stars.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
Ole should definitely be kept on for a few more seasons, as long as he keeps getting top 4 and keeps developing kids.

Now is not the time to replace the manager. The time to replace him would be after he has turned the likes of Diallo, Garner, Mejbri into superstars in 2 years time. Otherwise you get some short-termism clown in like Jose or Conte, and all your best kids either get sold off for peanuts, or end up rotting on the bench.

We will sadly not get to see the greenshoots of great work Ole and the club is doing, regarding their longterm planning for another 18 months, when some of our talented kids start becoming stars.
Because contes two recent title wins mean very little....


Full Member
Jul 24, 2014
I think it would be sensible to wait. A poor start to next season and the pressure on him will be massive.

I expect it will happen regardless, but we should be assessing our options now a lot of big name managers have left their posts.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2019
Ole should definitely be kept on for a few more seasons, as long as he keeps getting top 4 and keeps developing kids.

Now is not the time to replace the manager. The time to replace him would be after he has turned the likes of Diallo, Garner, Mejbri into superstars in 2 years time. Otherwise you get some short-termism clown in like Jose or Conte, and all your best kids either get sold off for peanuts, or end up rotting on the bench.

We will sadly not get to see the greenshoots of great work Ole and the club is doing, regarding their longterm planning for another 18 months, when some of our talented kids start becoming stars.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic


Full Member
Mar 16, 2014
Greater Manchester.
I wouldn't extend, but I'm certain they will and I'm sure it's been mentioned prior ( sorry, I can't be arsed trawling the entire thread ) but if they don't the media will have a fecking field day and it will stymie whatever intentions the manager has, good, bad or indifferent, to get the club moving forward for the coming season. And as they ( the hated ones ) have no intention to sack him, the whole exercise is futile, as the uncertainty will do nothing to motivate or redirect his efforts as manager.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2006
No we do not. Would another top club have signed Ole from Molde? Ole might have improved harmony - but we're not going to achieve anything further with his tactics. Pass to Bruno and pray he can conjure some magic.

Would much prefer someone like Conte - a top class manager.

Chelsea and Liverpool will be above us again next year.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
We have to in order to protect the club from disruptive rumours of Real, City or PSG trying to poach him right in the middle of our title chase.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Well done, ignore all the other points. That Inter team wouldn't have a chance in the Prem for a start. It is a poor league. It's a very good win to beat Juve to the title for sure, it's still a poor league. It tells you all you need to know when they take Sanchez, Young, Darmian and Lukaku off us to win it.

Then you make that final statement that is just ridiculous and childishly dismissive. Actually offer up a point.
Doesn't that say a lot about him that he managed to win a league title and get a squad with those players to punch above their weight? Anyway I don't even know what we're talking about right now. They flopped hard in the CL but then won their league title so of course it's a successful season for them. A successful season for a big club means seriously challenging for the competitions you are in. United was not in a place to seriously challenge last summer, and we didn't but we got top 4 comfortably. So we met the expectations in terms of the league, or if you want to say slightly exceeded by finishing 2nd and not having to fight for top 4 that's fine too.

We completely flopped in terms of the CL though. Every season you have 2 main requirements - the CL and the PL. If you meet expectations in one and completely fail in the other, how is that a good season? You then go into the realm of needing to make up for a failure - which is done by actually winning other lesser competitions. Not going far but failing. Anything but winning them is pretty much irrelevant, because you failed in your first goal which was doing well in the CL in the first place. This would have been a better season for United if we made the CL quarter finals and lost but still finished 2nd. But we got knocked out of the group stage. And then failed to make up for that failure in any way. We didn't challenge for the league. We didn't do anything in the domestic cups. And we lost in the final of the EL unfortunately, though we can't really say we deserved to win it either, as we didn't create anything. The same issues that hampered us all season, feck, even since Ole joined, were exposed yesterday. We struggle to break down a deep lying defence and create any meaningful chances, and are horrible at defending set pieces. Those exact 2 things being our ultimate undoing speaks volumes IMO.

So no, I just can't say it was a good season when we "met expectations" in the league, but failed completely in the CL, and then failed to win a trophy in the other 3 competitions we had a go in. And I don't understand how anyone can say it's a good season. Not sackworthy, but definitely not a good one. Basically one that increases the pressure on Ole to do something more next season.


New Member
Dec 21, 2017
Doesn't that say a lot about him that he managed to win a league title and get a squad with those players to punch above their weight? Anyway I don't even know what we're talking about right now. They flopped hard in the CL but then won their league title so of course it's a successful season for them. A successful season for a big club means seriously challenging for the competitions you are in. United was not in a place to seriously challenge last summer, and we didn't but we got top 4 comfortably. So we met the expectations in terms of the league, or if you want to say slightly exceeded by finishing 2nd and not having to fight for top 4 that's fine too.

We completely flopped in terms of the CL though. Every season you have 2 main requirements - the CL and the PL. If you meet expectations in one and completely fail in the other, how is that a good season? You then go into the realm of needing to make up for a failure - which is done by actually winning other lesser competitions. Not going far but failing. Anything but winning them is pretty much irrelevant, because you failed in your first goal which was doing well in the CL in the first place. This would have been a better season for United if we made the CL quarter finals and lost but still finished 2nd. But we got knocked out of the group stage. And then failed to make up for that failure in any way. We didn't challenge for the league. We didn't do anything in the domestic cups. And we lost in the final of the EL unfortunately, though we can't really say we deserved to win it either, as we didn't create anything. The same issues that hampered us all season, feck, even since Ole joined, were exposed yesterday. We struggle to break down a deep lying defence and create any meaningful chances, and are horrible at defending set pieces. Those exact 2 things being our ultimate undoing speaks volumes IMO.

So no, I just can't say it was a good season when we "met expectations" in the league, but failed completely in the CL, and then failed to win a trophy in the other 3 competitions we had a go in. And I don't understand how anyone can say it's a good season. Not sackworthy, but definitely not a good one. Basically one that increases the pressure on Ole to do something more next season.
So if expectations are to not flop in CL, why does that not extend to Conte who finished bottom in a much easier group than ours? We did just as well if not better in our own domestic cups. And with regards to their squad, it shows how poor their league is, you can look at the rest of the players in their league and the managers too - the quality is poor. Again not to dismiss him beating Juve to it and they're a relatively strong team still(albeit with an unknown manager)

In every cup we got knocked out of we lost to the winners. If we are going to act like that is all important too, why does that not extend to Klopp? Ole has done better than him in pretty much every domestic cup run since being in charge.

All teams struggle to break down deep lying defences, why do you think the managers deploy them? More often than not we get the job done.

We exceeded expectation in the league. Don't pretend otherwise just to suit your agenda. Most people thought we'd struggle for top 4 before the season. We beat better teams in Europe than most the teams actually in Europe (CL or Europa) but again only the one game matters. Black & White.

Ever since Ole joined our weaknesses have been clear. He wasn't supported in addressing any of them last summer and we still need the same players. CB, CM, RW. Klopp & Pep were both given all the support they needed to fill those voids, they done so and only then achieved what they were expected to.

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
Three year deal, Christ.

We are literally run by morons.

He’s at the stage where he’s got past three seasons and we’ve achieved the bare minimal. Keep it to one year, don’t fecking over commit for no apparent reason and then have to pay him off a giant chunk when the inevitable trigger gets pulled.

You don’t need to tie down managers nowadays to long contracts, let alone somebody who’s not going to be in demand. When are these idiots going to realise that?


New Member
Oct 23, 2016


Full Member
Jul 3, 2013
Extending him now doesn’t really make sense. Back him in the transfer market and tell him sink or swim.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
Sydney Australia
3 years for this fraud of a manager ...we truly are stupid

let him make a rubbish start to the season and lets see if he lasts to xmas


Full Member
Mar 15, 2018
Lot of blame going on OGS but we must consider the squad he is working with. Even our first (strongest) team has weak links, and quite a few at that. When we start playing the other squad members we really do struggle. If another manager comes in he will struggle and will want improvements in the squad. Will he get them? Likely not. Remember, if you are old enough, that even Fergie struggled for five years to win his first trophy before going onto win everything over the years. Had he been fired we might have been still waiting for the first trophy since winning the European Cup in ‘69. Believe me, in that time we had some really bad players and some terrible football was played but it all came right in the end. We need some serious investment in the team before we improve on the performances of this year.


New Member
Sep 15, 2015
He's just a Bruno's injury away from missing the top 4. But ok, let's give the guy a 3 yr contract to protect the asset (what asset?).


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Contract offer is a complete joke but just come to expect it with our yankee leech scumbags in charge and no sign of us appointing a proper DOF because VDS will be far too savvy so we take up the safe option of Arnold and keeping Ole too


Full Member
Oct 13, 2015
Paris Saint-Germain
United were always going to extend his contract. I don't have a massive problem with that as I don't see who the feck we could even get at this point. Ole is still learning on the job and it's obviously costing us in some games, but I don't see much of an alternative. Hopefully it all clicks next season and we win something mega.
I think that's a problem if it's just accepted that it was always the plan to extend him when you could just let him play his last year with an off-season to see what he's got. I doubt he's highly sought after, and his ties to United makes it unlikely that he would go elsewhere by running down his contract even if he finds success. I think the second spot has flattered him, and I have my doubts as to whether he can do as well or better next season.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2018
Melbourne, Australia
United minus the Glazers
He had over £100m of attacking players HE BOUGHT on the bench last night!
Agreed can’t argue with that. It has been tough trying to process the cup final defeat. It seems both players and managers need to shoulder the blame.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
I mean most clubs have the right idea. Its just Manchester United and its fanbase who have an unhealthy relationship with the managers job.

When it comes to managers, the question any club should be asking is - what Florentino do? That'll help you reach the right answer 90% of the time.
This is absolutely not true :lol:


Full Member
Jun 13, 2007
Jones, Bailly, Matic got an extension and they tried for Young as well

He will get a 5/6 yr extension


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
So if expectations are to not flop in CL, why does that not extend to Conte who finished bottom in a much easier group than ours? We did just as well if not better in our own domestic cups. And with regards to their squad, it shows how poor their league is, you can look at the rest of the players in their league and the managers too - the quality is poor. Again not to dismiss him beating Juve to it and they're a relatively strong team still(albeit with an unknown manager)

In every cup we got knocked out of we lost to the winners. If we are going to act like that is all important too, why does that not extend to Klopp? Ole has done better than him in pretty much every domestic cup run since being in charge.

All teams struggle to break down deep lying defences, why do you think the managers deploy them? More often than not we get the job done.

We exceeded expectation in the league. Don't pretend otherwise just to suit your agenda. Most people thought we'd struggle for top 4 before the season. We beat better teams in Europe than most the teams actually in Europe (CL or Europa) but again only the one game matters. Black & White.

Ever since Ole joined our weaknesses have been clear. He wasn't supported in addressing any of them last summer and we still need the same players. CB, CM, RW. Klopp & Pep were both given all the support they needed to fill those voids, they done so and only then achieved what they were expected to.
Why does it not matter for Inter and Conte? Because they won the league! Like I said, if you fail in one competition, you have to go above in another.

I don't think we exceeded expectations? Last year we were 3rd with only half a year of Bruno and no Pogba for 3/4 of it. This year the expectation was to improve on it, the summer window was a disaster til the end but after it was done I expected top 4 without much hassle (mainly a points improvement) and a decent showing in the cups, and hopefully a trophy. We pretty much met expectations in the league, (2nd or 3rd is the same if you don't challenge for the league but aren't in a top 4 fight either), but we flopped in the cups. Yeah we had some good results but got knocked out of the group because we bottled it against Istanbul, so of course that's a huge failure?

Yes all teams struggle more to break down deep defences. But when comparing clubs with similar levels of squads, similar wage and spending levels, then we are far worse at it in comparison to where we should be and it's been a common issue with us (more than normal). We don't sustain pressure. We don't really apply pressure but more just play it safe and hope for something to fall our way, rather than putting opponents under sustained pressure.

Why does Klopp not get criticism? Probably because he was runner up in the CL 3 years ago, got 97 points and won the CL 2 years ago, then won the league a year ago? Simple answer...

Yes, I agree we need to strengthen to properly challenge for the league. But that's not the reason we flopped in the CL and failed to win any other cup. We just get it wrong on the day or don't have the right mentality in those games, for whatever the reason. It's been too many occurances over the past 3 years where we lose to lesser teams. It's one thing getting knocked out to a better team like City (and even then, we have a good league record against them, but get hammered in the cups), it's another to get knocked out as favourites or at worst level, and it's happened 5 times under Ole's tenure so far (not counting getting knocked out of the group phase).


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
AIK Stockholm
It makes sense to extend his contract now to give players and incoming signings assurance that the Ole train will keep rolling on for another three years atleast.

Players seems to love Ole and the toxic environment that crazy frog left is finally gone. Now let’s back him properly and see where we are next year.


New Member
Dec 28, 2013
Honestly, Real, Barca and Chelsea have the right idea. A coach underperforms with them and they're out the door no questions asked.
I concur. It should be a performance driven culture not one based on nostalgia.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
Ok, so question to you: do you think he has come out on top against the top managers since he's been in charge, more often than not? The Pep stat is strong, sure, but have we had such control over games because of brilliant tactics?
Bear in mind with the Pep stat that every game against Pep that has been must win, Pep has won. We have faced them twice in domestic cup semi finals and twice been knocked out by them (lost over two legs in one).


Full Member
Nov 29, 2016
No, hes not in demand right now and if he was, it would be from a lesser club. He hasnt done enough for us to secure him this early. He needs to be back in the summer window, if so and he still fails, then off he goes.

The club need to be smart with the transfers, buy players who have a potential market value and dont splash out on future dead wood such as Morgan Scheiderlin.

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
I think he’s earned the right to see it through. He’s clearly building something, and even if it doesn’t materialise we’ll be a better team by the time he leaves.

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
We exceeded expectation in the league. Don't pretend otherwise just to suit your agenda. Most people thought we'd struggle for top 4 before the season. We beat better teams in Europe than most the teams actually in Europe (CL or Europa) but again only the one game matters. Black & White.
Hmmm, not entirely true that.

Not gone through the whole thread but the first page not a single person has us outside the top 4 and most have us top three.
I think after the Spurs game a few went knee jerk and started predicting relegation but based on that thread and the predict where United will finish thread . Most definitely felt United would be top four(three even)


New Member
Sep 15, 2015
It makes sense to extend his contract now to give players and incoming signings assurance that the Ole train will keep rolling on for another three years atleast.
When has any ANY player ever said, geez I wanna sign for the club because I want to play under Ole? No one!

He's totally out of his depth at a club of Manchester United's caliber. And he's a mediocre coach (or rather a self-admitted non-coach) that can't develop any one's playing career.