United fans are protesting at Carrington

Looks like Red issue has some issues on his own...
Dear Protesters

Just a quick tip here, please can you protest in a way I find both politically and socially acceptable.

Yours sincerely

Random internet person.
Dear Protesters

Just a quick tip here, please can you protest in a way I find both politically and socially acceptable.

Yours sincerely

Random internet person.
If they had two braincells to rub together they'd have gone and protested outside of the companies that sponsor United. Want to hit the Glazers where it hurts? Give the sponsors bad PR and affect their stock prices, not turn up at the training ground and actively harm the players chances of preparing for a game this week.
If they had two braincells to rub together they'd have gone and protested outside of the companies that sponsor United. Want to hit the Glazers where it hurts? Give the sponsors bad PR and affect their stock prices, not turn up at the training ground and actively harm the players chances of preparing for a game this week.
Go on then :)
If they had two braincells to rub together they'd have gone and protested outside of the companies that sponsor United. Want to hit the Glazers where it hurts? Give the sponsors bad PR and affect their stock prices, not turn up at the training ground and actively harm the players chances of preparing for a game this week.


Player's weren't even there
Glazer protests back on? Get in. I remember when I was abused on the way to the ground in 2011 for wearing my green and gold scarf to the game.

I've had my green and gold scarf to games a very long time, never had anyone say a word. Guess you stumbled upon cnut by mistake.
If they had two braincells to rub together they'd have gone and protested outside of the companies that sponsor United. Want to hit the Glazers where it hurts? Give the sponsors bad PR and affect their stock prices, not turn up at the training ground and actively harm the players chances of preparing for a game this week.
Your choosing a very strange hill to die on here bud.

Not cool calling them brainless when they are at least making the effort to get the fans feelings across.
Good on those lads. Clearly just a small-ish group of mates who have managed to cause their small protest to be all over the news. If they’d publicised what they were planning to do to get more people on board, they’d have been stopped before they got anywhere near the training ground.

There will be a much bigger organised protest coming but that’s still being planned. I’ll certainly be there when it happens.
Easy to sit at home and pass judgement on people actually trying to do something, 100% with any of the people that went to Carrington today and hoping to join the people at Old Trafford on Saturday!
Good on the protestors, and hopefully it means the security around Carrington is stepped up. I've always found it to be, frankly, shit.

I just do not understand that bedsheet though,

'We decide when you play'? Whaaaat?
If they had two braincells to rub together they'd have gone and protested outside of the companies that sponsor United. Want to hit the Glazers where it hurts? Give the sponsors bad PR and affect their stock prices, not turn up at the training ground and actively harm the players chances of preparing for a game this week.
Job done by them actually. They made all the major news headlines. Probably will be on the back pages tomorrow too.
Fair play to them for getting in there, making their point and getting heard by some people at the club before leaving. I respect the fact that Ole, Carrick, Fletcher and Matic took time out to speak to them. I've no doubts that all of those sympathise with the supporters concerns. A lot people would have just sent the security onto them and ushered them out. Unfortunately for them the owners and board are never really going to be at the training center, and it's questionable whether they'll even play the slightest bit of attention to this.
Your choosing a very strange hill to die on here bud.

Not cool calling them brainless when they are at least making the effort to get the fans feelings across.
Not trying to die on anything, I'm questioning the rationality and effectiveness of going to a place where no one knew about a SL or agreed to take part in it and protesting with your mums bedsheets.
What a confusing protest.

We decide when you play?

Why is the u of the you a different colour?

Protesting against the owners surely needs to be led by people different to these pillowcases pillocks
Not trying to die on anything, I'm questioning the rationality and effectiveness of going to a place where no one knew about a SL or agreed to take part in it and protesting with your mums bedsheets.
Ummm because it got major coverage and would have sent a message to the owners, better than doing nothing and slating those who are trying to get our voices heard though, that much is obvious.
Ummm because it got major coverage and would have sent a message to the owners, better than doing nothing and slating those who are trying to get our voices heard though, that much is obvious.
Yeah you're right, that green and gold movement probably would have been more effective if people know why 70,000 people were wearing different coloured scarfs/t-shirts for months on end. We probably should have been more vocal about that.

A group of lads going for a day out at the training centre isn't news.
They’ve effectively turned up with a duvet cover with a slogan that might as well have read ‘Tits Akimbo’ for all the sense it made

Almost as if they didn’t expect to get into the facility so had to make a sign urgently when they were there but in the excitement forgot why they were there so they made a sign protesting kick off times

Why are all our protests led by people who make Bez look like Carol Vorderman with bigger boobs?
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Easy to sit at home and pass judgement on people actually trying to do something, 100% with any of the people that went to Carrington today and hoping to join the people at Old Trafford on Saturday!

Exactly. These are the died in wool lifelong local fans- the ones that will end up getting the most screwed over. United are in their community. In some cases their friends and family work or play for the club. Generations of fans brought up on it. It’s very very important to them. People on the internet sitting at home all day calling them stupid is fairly typical of your average apathetic out of touch international United fan. They are a Glazers dream.
Exactly. These are the died in wool lifelong local fans- the ones that will end up getting the most screwed over. United are in their community. In some cases their friends and family work for the club. Generations of fans brought up on it. It’s very very important to them. People on the internet sitting at home all day calling them stupid is fairly typical of your average apathetic out of touch international United fan. They are a Glazers dream.

You know all this because real fans use cryptic slogans?
Yeah you're right, that green and gold movement probably would have been more effective if people know why 70,000 people were wearing different coloured scarfs/t-shirts for months on end. We probably should have been more vocal about that.

A group of lads going for a day out at the training centre isn't news.
Your idea to sit behind a keyboard and bash those getting off their arses is a much better plan though I'm sure. :smirk:
It’s a start. What are you doing to help the cause?
Not consuming any United media through official channels. Not purchasing anything United related. Unfollowing anything associated with United, including sponsors on all socials and not paying to watch any of the games. I'm largely getting any United news through this place and family/friends. The Glazers and Ed can't refer to me as a 'engagement on socials' so therefore I don't count towards their marketing scheme.
Not consuming any United media through official channels. Not purchasing anything United related. Unfollowing anything associated with United, including sponsors on all socials and not paying to watch any of the games. I'm largely getting any United news through this place and family/friends. The Glazers and Ed can't refer to me as a 'engagement on socials' so therefore I don't count towards their marketing scheme.
How long have you been doing this?
What are you on about? Their signs were crude but the point still stands. They went there and said their piece which is a lot more than anyone who is giving out on here has ever done. Fair play to them. More power to them.

No. They had a chance to make a stand but they messed it up.

Do you really think anyone called Joel Glazer to tell him some fans wrote something on a sheet that didn’t really mean anything at the training ground today?

Like hell they did.

My issue isn’t protesting the owners. It’s why protesting the owners had to be taken over by the same bunch of embarrassments that led the charge last time.

Sorry expecting a sign to be clear about the aims of the protest isn’t a high bar. It really isn’t. It’s an embarrassment and makes it harder to raise issues needed to be raised about our ownership as it stereotypes people who have issues with the owners as fools and that’s damaging and it helps the Glazers

This is what happened last time. Allowing morons to take centre stage in the case against the owners will be a repeat of 10 years ago and the outcome will be exactly the same.

So no not ‘fair play to them’, feck them.