Prince Philip Dead | Ceremonial Funeral to take place on Saturday 17th April | Prince Andrew is NOT a pedophile

Look, ultimately a man has died and his family will be absolutely devastated. There will obviously be a lot of observers who will be upset by the news. I completely respect that. I wish his family every blessing I can, especially the Queen who has lost the love of her life.

But the absolutely pathetic, opportunistic, faux despair being pedalled by the mass media, and politicians using his death as a political football to once again try and force everyone into being overcome with grief, lest they be accused of being a terrible uncaring human being, is what pisses me off. Fair enough, the jokes when the body is "still warm" are a bit on the nose, but what about folk like Boris using it as an opportunity to stand by a grand lectern showing the cameras how prime ministerial he is? There's probably hundreds of cnuts firing up the printing presses for tomorrow's Special Memorial Edition front pages, and a hundred more cnuts adding the finishing touches to the new shirts and tea cup sets that they can't wait to see sell out on their website. Everyone is at it.

That we're meant to be crying on the streets, or waving flags for a week of national mourning, or that our lives have to be put on hold, or anything because someone who none of us actually know - when right now there's probably a young child dying after having the shit kicked out of them by an abusive parent and someone who had their disability benefits stripped off them by an uncaring system od'ing in their bathtub - is fecking appalling and just a reminder that people in general don't really give a feck when someone they don't know dies. Not unless there's something they can get out of it, such as having people see how sad they look as they stand outside the palace holding their candles in full view of the international press.
This is pretty much it.

I don't know the guy and I'm not upset but he was 99, worked (sic) til 96 (no money on earth would get me to do that), a husband, dad, granddad, great granddad and something people forget, served in WW2 on active service (which personally always gets a shit load of brownie points from me). His silly comments shouldn't be forgotten but shouldn't be the main thing he's remembered for either.

But, the UK media goes OTT and seems to feel it HAS TO devote hours/days to him. It's sad that others will die in far more tragic circumstances and no-one knows... cares?
It wasn’t what I meant...but possibly so, yes. Maybe posts that wouldn’t have been called out before are being called out now?

I’d say so, Brexit and Trump emboldened the racists and you’re now seeing the anti-racists call them out.

Think the point being that the rest of us should be displaying some instead of the, ‘ well he didn’t so why should I?’

The way I see it is there’s plenty of virtue signalling and gaslighting as to the man’s character going on by the establishment and people on social media, so I’ll have a bit of a joke at his expense. He’s not alive to feel disrespected; obviously I have sympathy for friends and family who have lost a loved one, but I can’t imagine they will be reading anything I have to say on the matter, so I don’t see the harm.
Wasn’t he just racist in the same way that loads of people his age are/were?

Raised in an era where they didn’t know better and too old to change their mindset by the time society had moved on. I mean, it’s not great but my gran (who died 30 years ago and would be the same age as he is know, if she was still alive) came out with some seriously dodgy stuff. Not with any hatred or malice behind it but still deeply offensive by today’s standards. I’d like to think she’d have changed her ways over the last few decades but can’t guarantee it. And how long is it since Phillip said something really badly inappropriate?

The royal family as a concept can get fecked, obviously, but the general vibe in this thread is definitely a bit crass.
Look, ultimately a man has died and his family will be absolutely devastated. There will obviously be a lot of observers who will be upset by the news. I completely respect that. I wish his family every blessing I can, especially the Queen who has lost the love of her life.

But the absolutely pathetic, opportunistic, faux despair being pedalled by the mass media, and politicians using his death as a political football to once again try and force everyone into being overcome with grief, lest they be accused of being a terrible uncaring human being, is what pisses me off. Fair enough, the jokes when the body is "still warm" are a bit on the nose, but what about folk like Boris using it as an opportunity to stand by a grand lectern showing the cameras how prime ministerial he is? There's probably hundreds of cnuts firing up the printing presses for tomorrow's Special Memorial Edition front pages, and a hundred more cnuts adding the finishing touches to the new shirts and tea cup sets that they can't wait to see sell out on their website. Everyone is at it.

That we're meant to be crying on the streets, or waving flags for a week of national mourning, or that our lives have to be put on hold, or anything because someone who none of us actually know - when right now there's probably a young child dying after having the shit kicked out of them by an abusive parent and someone who had their disability benefits stripped off them by an uncaring system od'ing in their bathtub - is fecking appalling and just a reminder that people in general don't really give a feck when someone they don't know dies. Not unless there's something they can get out of it, such as having people see how sad they look as they stand outside the palace holding their candles in full view of the international press.

Not just that. We’re maybe two thirds the way through an international pandemic where over 130,000 people in this country have died alone, and we should feel grief and mourn the passing of one man above all others, purely because he married into our monarchy? Not for me, ta.
Exactly. Even the radio stations are playing sombre music. Your being forced to mourn someone you don't even know. It's like we should all be grateful about how brilliant he was.
It's not that. It's that he was a part of British public life for such a long time, and that he was the Queen's husband. He became an institution simply because of who he was and how long he lived.

Whether you like or dislike the monarchy, it's a kind of shift in the status quo and it has to be acknowledged in a proper way. These things matter as time goes by. When the Queen dies, there will be a long period of national mourning because people will see it as the end of something important, something that will always afterwards be changed, the end of the old ways.
Think the point being that the rest of us should be displaying some instead of the, ‘ well he didn’t so why should I?’
Most of the moaning on here has been about the amount of coverage on tv and his racist remarks. I don't see how that is indecent
Look, ultimately a man has died and his family will be absolutely devastated. There will obviously be a lot of observers who will be upset by the news. I completely respect that. I wish his family every blessing I can, especially the Queen who has lost the love of her life.

But the absolutely pathetic, opportunistic, faux despair being pedalled by the mass media, and politicians using his death as a political football to once again try and force everyone into being overcome with grief, lest they be accused of being a terrible uncaring human being, is what pisses me off. Fair enough, the jokes when the body is "still warm" are a bit on the nose, but what about folk like Boris using it as an opportunity to stand by a grand lectern showing the cameras how prime ministerial he is? There's probably hundreds of cnuts firing up the printing presses for tomorrow's Special Memorial Edition front pages, and a hundred more cnuts adding the finishing touches to the new shirts and tea cup sets that they can't wait to see sell out on their website. Everyone is at it.

That we're meant to be crying on the streets, or waving flags for a week of national mourning, or that our lives have to be put on hold, or anything because someone who none of us actually know - when right now there's probably a young child dying after having the shit kicked out of them by an abusive parent and someone who had their disability benefits stripped off them by an uncaring system od'ing in their bathtub - is fecking appalling and just a reminder that people in general don't really give a feck when someone they don't know dies. Not unless there's something they can get out of it, such as having people see how sad they look as they stand outside the palace holding their candles in full view of the international press.

Now this is a post I can get behind.
Wasn’t he just racist in the same way that loads of people his age are/were?

Raised in an era where they didn’t know better and too old to change their mindset by the time society had move on. I mean, it’s not great but my gran (who died 30 years ago and would be the same age as he is know, if she was still alive) came out with some seriously dodgy stuff. Not with any hatred or malice behind it but still deeply offensive by today’s standards. I’d like to think she’d have changed her ways over the last few decades but can’t guarantee it. And how long is it since Phillip said something really badly inappropriate?

The royal family as a concept can get fecked, obviously, but the general vibe in this thread is definitely a bit crass.

No one is too old to change their mindset if they live with an open mind; there’s plenty of people grew up with golliwogs who wouldn’t think of speaking to people like he did.
No one is too old to change their mindset if they live with an open mind; there’s plenty of people grew up with golliwogs who wouldn’t think of speaking to people like he did.

I’m not a keen follower of the royal family. When did he last say something properly offensive? I vaguely remember him saying some dreadful stuff in the 80s but that was a completely different era. Has he been at it more recently?
It's not that. It's that he was a part of British public life for such a long time, and that he was the Queen's husband. He became an institution simply because of who he was and how long he lived.

Whether you like or dislike the monarchy, it's a kind of shift in the status quo and it has to be acknowledged in a proper way. These things matter as time goes by. When the Queen dies, there will be a long period of national mourning because people will see it as the end of something important, something that will always afterwards be changed, the end of the old ways.
I was a part of common public British life, he was certainly not. He was a part of elite life, no more.
I’m not a keen follower of the royal family. When did he last say something properly offensive? I vaguely remember him saying some dreadful stuff in the 80s but that was a completely different era. Has he been at it more recently?

Not entirely sure to be honest, I just know he has rarely gone to a function without saying something questionable at best.
Wasn’t he just racist in the same way that loads of people his age are/were?

Raised in an era where they didn’t know better and too old to change their mindset by the time society had move on. I mean, it’s not great but my gran (who died 30 years ago and would be the same age as he is know, if she was still alive) came out with some seriously dodgy stuff. I’d like to think she’d have changed her ways over the last few decades but can’t guarantee it. And how long is it since Phillip said something really badly inappropriate?

The royal family as a concept can get fecked, obviously, but the general vibe in this thread is definitely a bit crass.
You're right, but I feel the extreme vibe in this thread is just a reaction to the opposite end of the spectrum extreme vibe that's coming from everywhere else. We're a funny species.
It's not that. It's that he was a part of British public life for such a long time, and that he was the Queen's husband. He became an institution simply because of who he was and how long he lived.

Whether you like or dislike the monarchy, it's a kind of shift in the status quo and it has to be acknowledged in a proper way. These things matter as time goes by. When the Queen dies, there will be a long period of national mourning because people will see it as the end of something important, something that will always afterwards be changed, the end of the old ways.
I guess this is what my problem with the whole thing ultimately comes down to. His death seems to matter more because he was a public figure. That, in our society, we place a value on life based on its visibility is something that doesn't sit right with me.

It's natural, though. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't say I was the same. I'll always put my kids first because they're my kids. But then there's that part of you that suddenly becomes overwhelmed with emotion when you stop and say to yourself "Oh, shit. There's billions on this planet living in poverty". But then five minutes later you're on Amazon browsing for a new toaster instead of signing up as a volunteer with the Salvation Army.

So, for me anyway, that's ultimately why my reaction to this news is as blunt as it is and why I hate the whole media circus that comes with things like this. It's a deep rooted, instinctual feeling of empathy conflicting with that evolved trait to ignore the plight of those not related or visible to us. And all sense of irony is ignored. Sort of like our reptilian and mammalian brains are fighting for 12 rounds with no clear winner in sight.
I’m not a keen follower of the royal family. When did he last say something properly offensive? I vaguely remember him saying some dreadful stuff in the 80s but that was a completely different era. Has he been at it more recently?
No, he stopped Royal Duties years ago but it’s the way of the world that if you are a member of an institution that divides so many people, the stuff you’ve said is going to be recycled. Context won’t ever be an reason anymore. It’s trial by social media
It's not that. It's that he was a part of British public life for such a long time, and that he was the Queen's husband. He became an institution simply because of who he was and how long he lived.

Whether you like or dislike the monarchy, it's a kind of shift in the status quo and it has to be acknowledged in a proper way. These things matter as time goes by. When the Queen dies, there will be a long period of national mourning because people will see it as the end of something important, something that will always afterwards be changed, the end of the old ways.

The most sensible and reasoned post.
What your point?

A young black man is gunned down by the police in mysterious circumstances. They claimed he shot first, they later admitted that wasn’t true. Their official story changes several times throughout the investigation. Despite you knowing all this your reaction is “one more scumbag off the streets”.

Yet you come across a few mild jokes in a thread about a, categorically proven racist, 99 year old and you throw a hissy fit? It’s weird.

I find all the “he’s not even cold yet blah blah” posts weird tbh, if someone dies we should all do a 180 on our opinions? We’re discussing a public figure on a football forum, we’re not shouting over the fence at Buckingham to Lizzy about the time Phil called the Chinese slitty-eyed and that she’s not allowed to mourn.

I mean the fecking Sun has his “17 funniest gaffes” today and number 3 is him asking a Aboriginal businessman if they still throw spears at each other. Yet a few in this thread are wetting themselves because some people have made a joke on his behalf.

He lived a hell of a long time and through different eras, it’s not that surprising he has some outdated or fecked up views, but those coming into this thread and whining about those Phillip jokes are just the absolute worst.
No, he stopped Royal Duties years ago but it’s the way of the world that if you are a member of an institution that divides so many people, the stuff you’ve said is going to be recycled. Context won’t ever be an reason anymore. It’s trial by social media

Put yourself in the shoes of someone whose in the literal monarchy for a change
No, he stopped Royal Duties years ago but it’s the way of the world that if you are a member of an institution that divides so many people, the stuff you’ve said is going to be recycled. Context won’t ever be an reason anymore. It’s trial by social media

I don't think you need context to decide whether asking an aboriginal "Do you still throw spears at each other?" is racist or not. That's not trial by social media at all; his character and attitude towards people of a different race lower status was there to see before social media even existed, but after his comments were decidedly inappropriate.
I’m not a keen follower of the royal family. When did he last say something properly offensive? I vaguely remember him saying some dreadful stuff in the 80s but that was a completely different era. Has he been at it more recently?

You'd think they'd be lining up to answer you given how offended by the man some on here so clearly are.
I don't think you need context to decide whether asking an aboriginal "Do you still throw spears at each other?" is racist or not. That's not trial by social media at all; his character and attitude towards people of a different race lower status was there to see before social media even existed, but after his comments were decidedly inappropriate.
Yet we have an elected prime minister who’s said worse in recent years. I’m not convinced that he was the racist people like to portray him as.
You'd think they'd be lining up to answer you given how offended by the man some on here so clearly are.

I think the offended party here is you and a few others because a few people dared to make a joke about your favourite royal.

Honestly, it never fails surprise me some of the low level shite some people post on here in the hope of getting a laugh.
I mean Christ man, give your head a wobble.

To answer Pogue’s question, he told a 14 year old at a Bangladeshi youth club that he looked like he was on drugs, and asked who else there was on drugs. He asked an Aboriginal businessman if they still went around chucking spears, he told a woman he’d get arrested for unzipping her dress, he asked black politician Lord Taylor of Warwick “what exotic part of the world do you come from?”, he commented to a British student who had been trekking in Papua New Guinea “managed to not get eaten then?”.

Those are just some of his greatest hits, all well after the 80s.

I’m pretty sure looking at the jokes this guy made, he could probably handle some at his own expense. He doesn’t need you and the other cheerleaders defending his honour.
Apparently the bbc have the exact same Philip tribute playing on bbc1 and bbc2 simultaneously cancelling all the planned shows (including masterchef final) On bbc4 they pulled the woman’s rugby international to show a blank screen instead.

You lot are mental.
Yep and I’ve missed Gardeners World with Monty Don. I’m gutted
Apparently the bbc have the exact same Philip tribute playing on bbc1 and bbc2 simultaneously cancelling all the planned shows (including masterchef final) On bbc4 they pulled the woman’s rugby international to show a blank screen instead.

You lot are mental.

:lol: the mental bit is that we get called ignorant if we point out what you just pointed out.
Any last slim vestiges of hope that this country wasn’t batshit insane and too far gone to repair are dwindling tonight.
Any last slim vestiges of hope that this country wasn’t batshit insane and too far gone to repair are dwindling tonight.

Hows that joke coming along?
Honestly, it never fails surprise me some of the low level shite some people post on here in the hope of getting a laugh.
Unpopular opinion on here, but I just don't see it like this at all, not sure many sane people do either.