Television The Propgropthrop

That was shite. Just botches, mistimings, no real spots, no one really shone or looked great. I thought Dana Brooke actually stood out but only because she did a couple of interesting things and took a big bump for her elimination, which was more than most of them. A good choice for a winner but I'm pretty sure they made Bianca look like an absolute baddass last year, this year other than the Naomi save herself spot I can't remember a thing she did.
I knew Natalya was entering number 30, and yet somehow I was still disappointed.

Right choice for the winner though.
That was shite. Just botches, mistimings, no real spots, no one really shone or looked great. I thought Dana Brooke actually stood out but only because she did a couple of interesting things and took a big bump for her elimination, which was more than most of them. A good choice for a winner but I'm pretty sure they made Bianca look like an absolute baddass last year, this year other than the Naomi save herself spot I can't remember a thing she did.

Seeing people on reddit say this is in the top 2/3 rumbles ever. Honestly wonder if they watched a different match. So much seemed sloppy
The finish to that LMS match was horrible. Shame, because there were some fun moments.
Randy's gonna win. Boring.

I don't know who bad bunny is. Guess I'm officially old.
Never thought I'd see

Edge and Christian, in the gear, in a WWE ring, ever again.

I'm happy.
No Keith Lee, I’m surprised about that

Apparently Mia Yim had to isolate, so Keith Lee has too as well as they are together. She was supposed to be in the Women's rumble but got replaced by Santana Garrett.

Was is it we missed the first spear in ages last year and this time it's a double spear from Edge and Christian. Just fire Dunn already.
Haven't watched wrestling in a long time, but tuned in for the mens rumble match.

For some reason it is really weird to see someone in the ring with no shoes on :lol:

Also that bodyguard bloke looks massive. Is he actually mobile and can perform well, or just another massive lump that isn't entertaining?
Geez I don't watch for like 5 years, and it's basically the same bunch being put forward still.
Nice rumble match. No complains with edge winning. Edge/roman or edge/McIntyre, I am cool with either.
Better of not having her in it. Guess they needed to eliminate Alexa before she went into her “trance” otherwise Alexa would have needed to go on and win the rumble.

I'm hoping it was WWE's way of saying "Enough of this shit."

She will still get far more attention for that picture she posted earlier than anyone actually in it.
I mean Edge, in 2021. So what, Orton wins the title so these two face again? Hopefully it's better than last years match. Surely AJ or Bryan would've been better. Bryan vs Roman sounds interesting.

I'm guessing Edge v Roman. Determine who has the best spear.

Whoever wins the Rumble should be winning the title. Otherwise it's a waste of a rumble.
Why ? He's good.
He's a pedo enabling covidiot.
I mean Edge, in 2021. So what, Orton wins the title so these two face again? Hopefully it's better than last years match. Surely AJ or Bryan would've been better. Bryan vs Roman sounds interesting.

Gets a pass from me, was out of action for so long it doesn't feel like a Cena or a triple H (or even an Orton) winning the rumble. Hopefully mania will have fans, and it'll be awesome.

He doesn't necessarily win mania either and can easily see him putting whomever over.
Actually enjoyed the men's rumble match. Good few suprises, some newer guys looked great, played up current storylines. It's what you should get from a rumble. Minor gripe, seeing some NXT guys in it, if the brands are supposed to be equal, just to tease some unseen matches.
Now I'm cursing myself for only betting €2.50 on it!
Correctly predicted all the non-rumble matches (wasn't hard) but still didn't put money on it.

Even predicted flair and Bianca in the final 4.

fecked it.
Even you can predict every match, it goes to show what an awfully stale product it really is.
I mean, regardless of the the product being stale or not, it's pretty easy to guess rumble matches since it's the beginning to the road to wrestlemania.

Don't think that's the best example if staleness.