2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Sounds like a great idea, we'd be left with parties with a more realistic view on how to run a country, rather than nutjobs that reckons abortions are wrong because god said so.

Yeah, but Høyre was also against abortions once. In fact, Høyre was against the dissolution of the Union with Sweden, though they came around at the very end. They were also nearly always against expanding the right to vote. Forgive me if I'm not too sympathetic to their "reaistic view on how to run a country", particularly after embracing the absurd libertarian+nationalist marriage which is FrP.

But yeah, feck KrF, we can definitely agree on that.

I feel I've slipped ever so slightly off-topic here, but this thread goes by so quickly that no one is going to even see this except you. In fact, we could probably just have our own separate debate about Norwegian politics in Norwegian. Men det ville blitt helt Texas.
I hope the whole swamp deepstate story is true and tomorrow morning Bill Gates and George Soros address the nation in a golden crown, declaring martial law in response to the peoples failure to pass the democracy exam.

They then unleash their army of undead lizard people, animated by the blood of stolen republican children and unborn featuses to round up the likes of Lindsey Graham and William Barr and publicly sacrifice them on the altar of Moloch.
Thanks -So 'mailed in' votes have been counted yes, not as being reported on TV that they only started counting once the voting closed?

Thanks -So contrary to TV pundits comments otherwise, thses mailed in votes have been counted, presumably these were East coast results being counted as the sun rose?

Still doesn't answer the question that if pollsters got it so wrong about actual voting day outcomes, where 10% to 13 % leads for Biden were being reported, why would they get it right over 'mailed in' outcomes? ... perhaps some enterprising pollsters had a crafty peek?

They have been counted in the most of the states which have declared, still being counted in others and to be counted in some I believe but the trend towards Democrats is clear.
Looks like they need to upgrade to SSD.


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Still doesn't answer the question that if pollsters got it so wrong about actual voting day outcomes, where 10% to 13 % leads for Biden were being reported, why would they get it right over 'mailed in' outcomes? ... perhaps some enterprising pollsters had a crafty peek?

Don't be silly. They also know that registered Democrats voted early far more that Republican voters did and it is safe to assume most registered Democrats voted for Biden.
You have to hand it to Trump.....I can't stand the man and the awful things he's said and done to people and If I were American I could never vote for him. Openly mocking that disabled journalist was a real low for example among countless others.

But he's an evil genius. He's whipped up his base into believing all the BS so no matter the outcome of this election he'll claim he's the winner. Even if Biden gets MI and sneaks the result and the White House, Trump will claim foul play and they will all go along with it. He's already suggesting it now.

In some ways an outright Trump win, although bad for the planet, might be the best possible result for Americans because if he doesn't win then I think major civil unrest is likely. Trump supporters won't take the election result like the democrats did in 2016. They'll fight it and riot no doubt because that's the levels we're dealing with.
They have been counted in the most of the states which have declared, still being counted in others and to be counted in some I believe but the trend towards Democrats is clear.
It’s a conspiracy!
Unless his presidency would result in abortions being banned all over the world, i'm not really giving a feck.

I think that speaks volumes about you as a person - «hey as long as it doesn’t impact ME» - but that’s only my opinion...
You have to hand it to Trump.....I can't stand the man and the awful things he's said and done to people and If I were American I could never vote for him. Openly mocking that disabled journalist was a real low for example among countless others.

But he's an evil genius. He's whipped up his base into believing all the BS so no matter the outcome of this election he'll claim he's the winner. Even if Biden gets MI and sneaks the result and the White House, Trump will claim foul play and they will all go along with it. He's already suggesting it now.

In some ways an outright Trump win, although bad for the planet, might be the best possible result for Americans because if he doesn't win then I think major civil unrest is likely. Trump supporters won't take the election result like the democrats did in 2016. They'll fight it and riot no doubt because that's the levels we're dealing with.


I understand your point but I just think there would be no good whatsoever from a Trump win.
Michigan narrowed a little more, it's now 55k between them. Lots of votes from heavily Democratic Wayne County and Ingham County still to come.
Because the US has party registration, and far more registered Democrats requested mail ballots than Republicans. In this at least the polls seem to be correct. And the election itself bears out the theory so far: pretty much every state where mail ballots were counted first started with clear Democratic advantages; pretty much every state that counts in-person votes first saw Republicans build up significant leads.

Thanks- the highlighted bit was what interested me, watching TV you would think non of the mailed in votes had been counted at all.
These WI results decide the state for those wondering. Even a slight biden lead is enough to win.
You have to hand it to Trump.....I can't stand the man and the awful things he's said and done to people and If I were American I could never vote for him. Openly mocking that disabled journalist was a real low for example among countless others.

But he's an evil genius. He's whipped up his base into believing all the BS so no matter the outcome of this election he'll claim he's the winner. Even if Biden gets MI and sneaks the result and the White House, Trump will claim foul play and they will all go along with it. He's already suggesting it now.

In some ways an outright Trump win, although bad for the planet, might be the best possible result for Americans because if he doesn't win then I think major civil unrest is likely. Trump supporters won't take the election result like the democrats did in 2016. They'll fight it and riot no doubt because that's the levels we're dealing with.
I think it's not so much genious as it is an utter lack of morals and willingness to lie constantly about everything and demean everyone who disagrees with you.

That's also part of what is wrong with politics. Being elected doesnt make you a good politician, doing good things after being elected does. It's not a fecking talent show, it's an important job. But hey, people are stupid so the people we elect are bound to be as well.
Listen, I know we all like the cut of Brttany's Jib, but do we need to see her nervous posts post over and over?

Uh oh. I’ve seen what happened now in the Sancho thread
Worst case scenario where Trump takes it to the supreme court and wins, is that not going to cause some mad shit riots like never seen before?
feck feck feck they are loading now!

Edit: The website keeps crashing as more people than the population of Brown County are hitting the server
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