Do we have a dark mode/theme for the caf?


Full Member
Dec 14, 2005
The site is pretty well optimized for mobile... But I have dark mode on pretty much every where.. the caf is one glaring exception.

Is there a dark mode or any theming option? Iirc, we have had themes in the past..
Could it be added?
Have asked the same in the past but apparently it hasnt been made available. It is definitely available in Xenforo and I've seen it in other forums hosted on it and it's pretty handy.

Hope it gets added here. Dark mode is great for everything and puts less strain on the eyes. And like you say everything else has gone dark now so switching to the caf is like someone shining a bright light in your face.
Since the site is now upgraded do we now have a dark mode available? It's aggressively white and bright at the moment.
I'd like a dusk mode. I don't want black, but a bit darker could be good.
Considering dark mode is such a big thing on mobile now it would really make sense to have a dark skin for the Caf. The new one is insanely bright.
You lot are insatiable :lol: give the man a day off!
For people on PC during the meantime, how about using Flux? I use it every day personally. It reduces blue light and creates a warm display that's easier on the eyes.

It's on Mac as well, but Macs now have a nighttime mode anyway which does the same. It's great isn't it? Although you have to remember to take it off if you're online shopping.
It's on Mac as well, but Macs now have a nighttime mode anyway which does the same. It's great isn't it? Although you have to remember to take it off if you're online shopping.
Brilliant. Nothing worse than a bright white screen for long periods. I have it on night time mode 24/7. Couldn't look at a screen without it now. Yeah that's the only downside but it's worth it for sure.
Good stuff.

I'm not familiar with Stylish. Does that work for Android?
I think so.


I'm thinking of doing a darker, but not total dark theme. Like instead of blacks and grays, darker reds, so it's not a complete "dark" theme. Most likely based on these kind of colours


Would anyone be interested in me doing it? I'm going to try anyway, I just need to know if it's worth persisting or not when I feel like giving up if nobody else would use it :lol:

It'll be based on the theme I'm using on the Caf now, so just imagine the below layout using the colours from above

A true dark mode for oled screens would be heavenly!
I'm thinking of doing a darker, but not total dark theme. Like instead of blacks and grays, darker reds, so it's not a complete "dark" theme. Most likely based on these kind of colours


Would anyone be interested in me doing it? I'm going to try anyway, I just need to know if it's worth persisting or not when I feel like giving up if nobody else would use it :lol:

It'll be based on the theme I'm using on the Caf now, so just imagine the below layout using the colours from above

I'd be interested Olly!
I'm thinking of doing a darker, but not total dark theme. Like instead of blacks and grays, darker reds, so it's not a complete "dark" theme. Most likely based on these kind of colours


Would anyone be interested in me doing it? I'm going to try anyway, I just need to know if it's worth persisting or not when I feel like giving up if nobody else would use it :lol:

It'll be based on the theme I'm using on the Caf now, so just imagine the below layout using the colours from above


Big time, go for it man!
I'm thinking of doing a darker, but not total dark theme. Like instead of blacks and grays, darker reds, so it's not a complete "dark" theme. Most likely based on these kind of colours


Would anyone be interested in me doing it? I'm going to try anyway, I just need to know if it's worth persisting or not when I feel like giving up if nobody else would use it :lol:

It'll be based on the theme I'm using on the Caf now, so just imagine the below layout using the colours from above

I'd be very interested in that.
Ok I've done it, this is what it looks like;




This is just the fixed version, I'll do the full width/fluid version later today, it wont take long but I need a break :lol: Also I've gone over everywhere I can think of but I'm sure I've missed something somewhere so just let me know if you notice anything and I'll fix it.

Get it here -
Works on mobile @Olly Gunnar Solskjær only bit I've noticed so far is the white arrow under people's tag lines, but as it's been designed for desktop I'm guessing that'll be hard to correct.

Edit: Also noticed it the search bar covers all the notifications and everything as well.

For people that want basically the same theme for mobile though I've found kiwi browser has a night mode and uses basically the exact same set up as chrome
Works on mobile @Olly Gunnar Solskjær only bit I've noticed so far is the white arrow under people's tag lines, but as it's been designed for desktop I'm guessing that'll be hard to correct.

Edit: Also noticed it the search bar covers all the notifications and everything as well.

For people that want basically the same theme for mobile though I've found kiwi browser has a night mode and uses basically the exact same set up as chrome
Thanks for pointing those out :) I've fixed them and updated the code here -

How do you make it work on mobile? Looks really good to me on desktop.
How to get this to work on chrome on an Android phone
I have no idea about using it on mobile tbh, maybe @P-Nut can say how he did it?
Whilst Chrome does not allow for extensions on the Android version, Chromium based browsers do. Got it to work on Kiwi, a Chromium based browser.

Thanks for the style. Looks really nice.
Oh cool, so you just install Stylus (or similar addon) like you would on a desktop and it works the same?

No problem :)
Oh cool, so you just install Stylus (or similar addon) like you would on a desktop and it works the same?

No problem :)
Yeah. Just installed the stylus extension and followed the link you posted and it worked. Let me see if I can post some screenshots

Last edited:
Yeah. Just installed the stylus extension and followed the link you posted and it worked. Let me see if I can post some screenshots

Oh nice.

I updated the code BTW so the problem in the first screen should be fixed (the red bar).

Edit: Wait it isn't, one min.