Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Rewatching first season of the Community, and while I remember it being good, but don't remember it being awesome, which it is.

Love all the characters.
@oneniltothearsenal are you still watching Euphoria and have you seen the latest episode? Mindblown.
So I wasn’t sure if I had missed anything or it just wasn’t brought up before but it wasn’t until the very last minute that it twigged that Jules is transgender.

As for the rest of what is going on I find that guy Tyler or Nate very intriguing, he is someone you want to hate and I’m never quite sure what he is going to do as he comes across as quite a scary character capable of anything but man is it gripping.
I’ll be all over it :lol:
:lol: I'm just finishing the first series in preparation, I forgot all about it. I've noticed that as it's gone on there's been more cleavage appearing, I don't remember that earlier in the series and I'm sure I'd have noticed.

I hope it's got a higher budget and everything doesn't look plastic or rubber. Talim is quite decent at action scenes too, so I'm hoping for more of those for her.
:lol: I'm just finishing the first series in preparation, I forgot all about it. I've noticed that as it's gone on there's been more cleavage appearing, I don't remember that earlier in the series and I'm sure I'd have noticed.

I hope it's got a higher budget and everything doesn't look plastic or rubber. Talim is quite decent at action scenes too, so I'm hoping for more of those for her.
Yeah being an avid and dedicated admirer of her Instagram she has posted a few videos of her throwing hands. Seems she does a lot of martial arts or boxing and she looks pretty good at it.

I quite like that the special effects and stuff are pretty rubbish. It kinda adds to the show for me. It’s typical ScfyB movie standard but in a series.

She has to at least give the creepy bar dude a happy ending.
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Yeah being an avid and dedicated admirer of her Instagram she has posted a few videos of her throwing hands. Seems she does a lot of martial arts or boxing and she looks pretty good at it.

I quite like that the special effects and stuff are pretty rubbish. It kinda adds to the show for me. It’s typical Scy-fi B movie standard but in a series.

She has to at least give the creepy bar dude a happy ending.
I read something about her being trained in MMA as well as acting.

It's not even that standard though. There's times they are sword fighting and the rubber swords are wobbling away, at least they have plastic breast plates to protect them I suppose.

The only ending that creep needs is a drowning. The bits where he hunches his back and shoves his face against her while cringing make my skin crawl.
@oneniltothearsenal are you still watching Euphoria and have you seen the latest episode? Mindblown.
So I wasn’t sure if I had missed anything or it just wasn’t brought up before but it wasn’t until the very last minute that it twigged that Jules is transgender.

As for the rest of what is going on I find that guy Tyler or Nate very intriguing, he is someone you want to hate and I’m never quite sure what he is going to do as he comes across as quite a scary character capable of anything but man is it gripping.

Yes! That show is intense. Its really well done though because they handle so many issues so carefully.
Yes! That show is intense. Its really well done though because they handle so many issues so carefully.
Yeah agreed. It’s been renewed for season 2 so hopefully it keeps up the standard.
I can see why some our outraged about this in America given some of the stuff that has been shown. I’m thinking of the cam show dude and that mental patient in the last episode:lol:
There’s a new All Or Nothing on Amazon Prime.

They’ve also got Inside Borussia Dortmund for next month.
Anyone watching the 2nd season of Big Little Lies? I’m halfway through the season and while not the biggest fan of the show, the acting from Meryl Streep and Laura Dern is superb. Says a lot that they’re stealing every scene they’re in with Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon.
The Last Czars are absolutely horrific :lol: It's like a horny teenager's dream after scrolling through a few wikipedia articles.
I thought I recalled some positive reviews going into it. Such a shame, there’s so much underutilized potential for period drama there. I mean, you fecking have Rasputin to work with as a start.
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I thought I recalled some positive reviews going into it. Such a shame, there’s so much underutilized potential for set-piece drama there. I mean, you fecking have Rasputin to work with as a start.
Yeah, I've had huge expectations because it was an absolutely fascinating time filled with complicated, interesting (and often horrifying) stories and characters... and then they've made that!
Anyone watching the 2nd season of Big Little Lies? I’m halfway through the season and while not the biggest fan of the show, the acting from Meryl Streep and Laura Dern is superb. Says a lot that they’re stealing every scene they’re in with Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon.

I think it's brilliant. Cant wait to watch the final episode today.
Anyone have any recent shows that will come close to scratching my 'Lost' itch?

Saw a trailer with Jenifer Aniston that looked like a sequel to lost. A plane disappears for 5 years and comes back with all the passengers not ageing a day.

It’s called Manifest. Also googled and Jenifer Aniston isn’t in it. Trailer must have been a bundle of shows/ movies.

No idea if it’s good.
Saw a trailer with Jenifer Aniston that looked like a sequel to lost. A plane disappears for 5 years and comes back with all the passengers not ageing a day.

It’s called Manifest. Also googled and Jenifer Aniston isn’t in it. Trailer must have been a bundle of shows/ movies.

No idea if it’s good.

Its not.

Its a 9-1 ratio of formulaic family drama to barely compelling interesting bits about the mystery. I forced myself to make it to epi4 or 5 before I just couldn't bear it even with multitasking.
Sky have picked up Euphoria and I think it shows in the Uk 6th of August. Whole season is dropping. Really enjoying it. It’s super fecked up but yet kind of brilliant at the same time. It’s probably made for 18-30 yr olds so if things like Coronation street, Emerdale, Big little lies are your cup of tea you’re probably not going to like it.
Sky have picked up Euphoria and I think it shows in the Uk 6th of August. Whole season is dropping. Really enjoying it. It’s super fecked up but yet kind of brilliant at the same time. It’s probably made for 18-30 yr olds so if things like Coronation street, Emerdale, Big little lies are your cup of tea you’re probably not going to like it.

Wait, you just grouped Big little lies with shite english soap operas?
Watching it right now as we speak (am only on here because it’s the middle of season three. The only downtime in the show)


Yeah, it really picks up again when season four starts. The Economist and The Constant are some of the best episodes imo.
We just watched the first season and half of second season of Fleabag. I'm somewaht glad we only have three more episodes because of how relentlessly bleak it is at times, but on the other hand I could watch quite a bit more of it due to its shameless and dark humor.. over time, in smaller doses.
Big Little Lies Season 2 was such...crap. It really needs to end but I'm sure they'll give it another season.
She was in the great Sharp Objects!
*fanboy squeal*
