Auction Draft Q/F: Zlatan7 vs. GSTQ

Who will win this match

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Aug 3, 2017
Zlatan7 vs—————————————————————————————— GSTQ

Tactics Zlatan7

The two subs making their appearance in this match are Wim Suurbier and Georgio Chiellini.
Suurbier will provide an attacking outlet down the right and Chiellini joining my new signing Nesta as a strong Italian centre back pairing.

The formation change for this match will be more of a ‘70 Brazil shape.

Wim Suurbier coming in as right back is ideal for this formation and his role of attacking down the right. Part of the great Ajax team he was quick with lots of style, but also strong into a challenge.
He has the speed and energy to overlap Robben on the outside as Robben loves to cut inside.
Zambrotta will move to the left for this match, equally able on either side, he won’t have much attacking responsibility here, although able to go forward he may be tasked with helping keep tabs on GSTQ front line a lot of the time and staying with the centrebacks while Suurbier goes forward.

If GSTQ sets up in a similar way with two up top and zico behind, Nesta will have the challenge of keeping Ronaldo quiet and I’m sure Chiellini has shown enough to be able to put up with Mbappe. Zico is an obvious problem creating for these two so Rijkaard will be tasked with shutting this down, while conceding possession Rivelino will also drop back in with Busquets.

Busquets and Rijkaard will look to intercept and turn posssion over quickly and then hit the front 4. Rijkaard also able to run with the ball and carry it forward.

Joining the front four is Tostao, another new signing, forging a great partnership with Pelé for Brazil I think he’d work well with Baggio. Tostao will roam the front line often dropping deep to contribute to the build up and pull the defence around, if they follow him there’s going to be space for Baggio and especially Robben to exploit coming in from the right. It would be a fluid front left 3 with Tostao, Baggio and Rivelino all interchanging while on the attack, Baggio will be happier here primarily on the left channel but still able to drop deep and pick up the ball, to drift either side and get into the box.
Robben would stay out right but obviously attack the box, just not as interchanging as the other 3.

Tostao. Also showing his link up with Rivelino

Roberto Baggio (excuse the music, sorry)

Wim Suurbier

All the best @GSTQ

Tactics GSTQ

Style of play
: Quick counter attacking football. Build from the back when not counter attacking with the idea of pacing things up in the final third.

Changes done from the last round:

Keeping the rules in mind, Clodoaldo and Ivo Viktor, the players rested in the first match join the starting 11

I have tried to improve the line up based on some of the points/criticisms raised by the neutral voters which I agreed with.
The things I tried to address were :

1. Adding a more proven player longevity and peak wise up top instead of Kylian Mbappe
2. Adding versatility to the front 3 with a different kind of player than Ronaldo (Since Mbappe and Ronaldo were quite similar)
3. Adding someone with heading ability to make use of wingbacks' crossing ability.
4. Strengthening the left side of the defense.

So the new players that come in are :

1. Mario Kempes who addresses point 1, 2 and 3 primarily replacies Kylian Mbappe
2. Fabio Cannavaro and Rainer Bonhof to address point 4 in place of Riccardo Ferri and Branco
3. Clodoaldo replaces Bonhof in midfield

Addressing the roles of few of the newly added players:

Mario Kempes:

He adds a lot to the final third in various ways which include scoring, creating, heading and stretching the pitch on the left. He is playing in his favored position and is perfect foil to the Brazilian GOAT's around him. His hard working nature also adds a lot of presence when it comes to retrieving the ball.

Rainer Bonhof:

He is probably the most versatile player in my team. He is playing the role of a left wing back who impacts both the flank and joins the midfield with his surging runs to begin attacks from the back. When he runs centrally, we have Kempes to stretch the pitch wide. Although he is someone who played in the midfield in a B2B role for Germany throughout his career, his Gladbach days were filled with him playing all over the pitch in defense and midfield. In the games I watched, I saw him play as a B2B midfielder, a right wingback, a left wingback and libero as well. He was so good at bringing the ball out of defense that at least in 2 different games the commentators mentioned his game was quite reminiscent of the great Franz Beckenbauer himself.

Below is how harms described him in the past as well (probably has watched more of Bonhof than myself)

harms said:
He played as a right and left wingback and played as a man-marking center back before. I'd hazard a guess that he probably played as a fullback as well, he was very versatile.

Of course, not being a fan of just anecdotes and testimonies myself, in case anyone wants to check him out playing the role in a real game, below is his performance from the 1977 European Cup final against Liverpool where he played in pretty much the same role. Its a full match and not a video compilation of the player.

Liverpool won the game but Bonhof was one of the best performers of the day. Below is a quote from an article after the final in 1977

At times Gladbach produced some breathtaking moments in attack and, after they had drawn level, Rainer Bonhof, the outstanding individual of the night, looked as if he might haul the Germans to victory.

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My initial thoughts looking at the line ups is that GSTQ is quite a defence Heavy team with zico being tasked with an awful lot of creative play trying to find the two attackers on the break.

I feel comfortable that I would have most of the ball here with Busquets setting the tempo and having players such as rikjaard, Rivelino, Baggio and tostao around him, all comfortable to take the ball under pressure and carry it forward or look for killer passes, there’s goals and creativity everywhere.

Obviously GSTQ will be dangerous on the counter but as I mentioned, Rijkaards primary task is to stop zico. I think if I sacrificed one man to take zico out of the game, GSTQ is going to be over reliant on his wingbacks getting forward and may end up getting too exposed.

His defence will be hard to break down as it looks such a low block but I’d be confident they’d get pulled about enough to leave holes.
My initial thoughts looking at the line ups is that GSTQ is quite a defence Heavy team with zico being tasked with an awful lot of creative play trying to find the two attackers on the break.

Firstly, the team is not just limited to counter attacking.

And just because the formation is a 5-3-2, doesn't mean only the Number 10 will be the creative force, you have to look at the type of the players too rather than just positions.

Most obvious ones being:

1. Kempes : Loved to drop deep to collect the ball, was a great dribbler, was never really just a striker despite banging in 6 goals in the 1978 WC. Way too versatile both position and style of play wise to be just categorized a finisher waiting for passes from Zico.

2. Ronaldo himself : The guy was not Zico when it comes to creating chances, but he was still amazing at it. He was a phenomenon alright as a finisher and runner at defense, but was quite unselfish as a player and created loads for teammates.

3. While Tigana is a B2B player and Clodoaldo is the more defensive of the two, Clodoaldo actually was never just a plain DM. He was a very good dribbler and the stories of him and Gerson exchanging roles in the 1970 WC to break down stubborn defense is stuff of legends. There are videos of Clodoaldo's creative and dribbling side on show from that WC on youtube if you want to check them out.

4. Bonhof : I have already made a quite detailed post on him in OP.

5. Baresi : Not many better than him at bringing the ball out of defense and letting the attacker through with a single pass.

I could add a few more like Kaltz who was famous for his long passing and Ferrara who was great on the ball as well, but the general disagreement being, Zico being the only creative force is a very wrong notion on your part.
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I feel comfortable that I would have most of the ball here with Busquets setting the tempo and having players such as rikjaard, Rivelino, Baggio and tostao around him, all comfortable to take the ball under pressure and carry it forward or look for killer passes, there’s goals and creativity everywhere.

Obviously GSTQ will be dangerous on the counter but as I mentioned, Rijkaards primary task is to stop zico.

Okay, so to split that into two parts :

1. Busquets is playing his usual deep lying role setting the tempo (which I have no problems with)
2. Rijkaard is helping in carry it forward (again no problems, he was a great B2B player as well)

So if you are caught on the counter, wouldn't that give Zico a free run at Busquets? Sure, you will have Rijkaard running back but with a player like Zico, he doesn't need too much time to tear a team apart especially with the pace of strikers he has up front.

When you say Rijkaard's primary task is it stop Zico, I think he should play the pure DM role or else there will always be times when Zico will be caught free and I wouldn't trust Busquets with that at all.

Of course, I understand why you prefer Rijkaard as not a pure DM as then Busquuets is not a good partner to him in that role, but I think, in the overall scheme of the opposition in front of them, it is not a great balanced partnership.
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Ok, apologies, I didn’t mean to imply he would be the ONLY creativeness but I’d still say you would rely heavily on him.

If he was starved of the ball and limited his creative chances you would be sacrificing a striker to drop deep more often and leaving Ronaldo alone up front.

Obviously other players are on the field who can pass and carry the ball but Zico is your primary creative influence
Zambrotta will move to the left for this match, equally able on either side, he won’t have much attacking responsibility here

I think the plan to not give him much attacking responsibility is a bad one for your setup.

You have Rivellino who was not a pure winger and would tuck in all the time (although he can whip a cross at times) including move into the midfield, but you would want someone who is constantly available for overlaps to stretch the play.

My back 3 already is perfect for narrow attacks and not having a full back to worry about makes it all the more easier.
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Good points about Rijkaard and Busquets and I agree with them primarily. Obviously if Rijkaard does carry the ball forward on an occasion he will be leaving zico (would zico track him?) and the risk of a counter is always there.

I also mentioned previously that Rivelino will be drifting into the middle, especially so if he sees Rijkaard galavanting forward up the right so Busquets is not going to be totally alone and isolated.
And I know Riv is not a DM but he will certainly help to congest that middle where zico is trying to break through
Ok, apologies, I didn’t mean to imply he would be the ONLY creativeness but I’d still say you would rely heavily on him.

If he was starved of the ball and limited his creative chances you would be sacrificing a striker to drop deep more often and leaving Ronaldo alone up front.

Obviously other players are on the field who can pass and carry the ball but Zico is your primary creative influence

Yes of course I'd heavily rely on him. He is my best creative force on the pitch, no question about it.

Starving of the ball is out of question here mate. There are two ways to do that -

1. Overload the midfield - Which you can't, you have at best 3 in midfield including Rivellino or Baggio whoever drops, while I have 3 at all times too
2. Bring out a possession engine - Wouldn't expect Busquets and Rijkaard as a duo with a support cast of dribblers like Rivellino to pull that off.

So this wont be a game with either side dominating the possession with say a 60-40 kind of situation. It will be a game where you attack, you lose the ball. I attack, I lose the ball.

On leaving Ronaldo upfront alone, he is more than capable of doing something alone himself as well even if Zico were to go for a break :)
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I think the plan to not give him much attacking responsibility is a bad one for your setup.

You have Rivellino was not a pure winger and would tuck in all the time (although he can whip a cross at times) including move into the midfield, but you would want someone who is constantly available for overlaps to stretch the play.

My back 3 already is perfect for narrow attacks and not having a full back to worry about makes it all the more easier.

Fair point again, I did mention that he would go forward, but not at the consistency that Suurbier would be doing on the right hand side. I didn’t want to leave my defence to exposed against Ronaldo down that right.

And with Rivelino moving inside that doesn’t mean the left flank is empty, it means there’s space there for Baggio or even tostao to take advantage of
And I know Riv is not a DM but he will certainly help to congest that middle where zico is trying to break through

A big fan of Rivellino myself and have watched him work off the ball enough to support Gerson and Clodoaldo in midfield (not just limited to 1970 but in 1974 as well).

Of course, that pressing was off the ball when the opposition was building attacks and not as a tracking back on counters kind of role.
And with Rivelino moving inside that doesn’t mean the left flank is empty, it means there’s space there for Baggio or even tostao to take advantage of

It will never be empty agreed. Tostao himself drifted left all the time in the 70's team.

But none of them will stretch the pitch. By stretch I mean make the 5 man defense as wide as possible with overlaps to open gaps.
The role you have given Suurbier is a good one for the same reason. The Zambrotta role is not I think.
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Yes of course I'd heavily rely on him. He is my best creative force on the pitch, no question about it.

Starving of the ball is out of question here mate. There are two ways to do that -

1. Overload the midfield - Which you can't, you have at best 3 in midfield including Rivellino or Baggio whoever drops, while I have 3 at all times too
2. Bring out a possession engine - Wouldn't expect Busquets and Rijkaard as a duo with a support cast of dribblers like Rivellino to pull that off.

So this wont be a game with either side dominating the possession with say a 60-4- kind of situation. It will be a game where you attack, you lose the ball. I attack, I lose the ball.

On leaving Ronaldo upfront alone, he is more than capable of doing something alone himself as well even if Zico were to go for a break :)

Starving of the ball may have been wrong but rikjaard being all over him is not going to give him an easy creative match in my opinion.

I agree that neither team is possession heavy but I would just edge it.
I could also see it going the attack each way you mention
Starving of the ball may have been wrong but rikjaard being all over him is not going to give him an easy creative match in my opinion.

Not attacker will ever have an easy match with Rijkaard involved :)

But no DM will get a second's peace with the likes of Zico in their pomp as well, especially one who is not even playing a pure DM, but a B2B role.
Not attacker will ever have an easy match with Rijkaard involved :)

But no DM will get a second's peace with the likes of Zico in their pomp as well, especially one who is not even playing a pure DM, but a B2B role.
Probably a quote used to death by now in the drafting community I guess, but not for the last time :

Ronaldo was probably the only attacker who gave Nesta nightmares, famously dueling and winning in UEFA 98 final.

That match had been hyped as a meeting between the best attacker and the best defender in Serie A. Ronaldo destroyed his opponent. “It was the worst experience of my career,” he said. Nesta watched the match repeatedly on video, trying to work out what he had done wrong, until he finally had his Eureka moment: there was nothing anyone could have done. “Ronaldo,” he said, “was simply unstoppable.”
Cute quote

I promised myself I won't use it but it was too tempting not to :)

To be fair to Nesta, you could have put anyone there from history against R9 in those couple of years and they would come second best.
Ferrara, Cannavaro, and Baresi is a superb back 3. I dislike seeing Bonhof at wingback and Kempes is slightly underwhelming in a lineup that depends heavily on the front 3 for their attack. Love the Ronaldo - Zico combination though.
Ferrara, Cannavaro, and Baresi is a superb back 3. I dislike seeing Bonhof at wingback and Kempes is slightly underwhelming in a lineup that depends heavily on the front 3 for their attack. Love the Ronaldo - Zico combination though.

Bonhof as LWB, sure, but Kempes I'd disagree with you there mate. Sure, it's no Romario, Ronaldo, Zico trio, but then if it does end up being one, what is the whole point.

Kempes' resume is amazing. His role here suits him to his last skillset.
I suppose stopping zico and Ronaldo is an impossible task.
If Rikjaard and Nesta are not going to do it I think the only way I could have done it is 5 at the back and 3 DMs and opt for lightning attackers and break away football. I thought I could outscore him with the direction I chose though.
I suppose stopping zico and Ronaldo is an impossible task.
If Rikjaard and Nesta are not going to do it I think the only way I could have done it is 5 at the back and 3 DMs and opt for lightning attackers and break away football. I thought I could outscore him with the direction I chose though.

My draft experience is that nobody stops Ronaldo. Possibly only Nesta and Baresi maybe considered enough to stop him.
Bonhof as LWB is underwhelming but he is the kind of player than can frustrate Robben. Still, I will give the upper hand to Robben and Suurbier to dominate that flank.

I think Kempes is exactly the kind of striker that will complement Ronaldo and Zico. You don't need a playmaker-ish second striker ala Del Piero there especially with Zico and Ronaldo. Having someone like Kempes who was mobile as feck and could offer runs beyond the backline would be vital.

Zlatan has got a good team but I am a bit skeptical about that front 4. It has the potential to work and be absolutely sex but at the same time it has the potential to absolutely falter, especially with so many player who like to cut inside and play more or less in and around the same zone.
Bonhof as LWB is underwhelming but he is the kind of player than can frustrate Robben. Still, I will give the upper hand to Robben and Suurbier to dominate that flank.

I think Kempes is exactly the kind of striker that will complement Ronaldo and Zico. You don't need a playmaker-ish second striker ala Del Piero there especially with Zico and Ronaldo. Having someone like Kempes who was mobile as feck and could offer runs beyond the backline would be vital.

Zlatan has got a good team but I am a bit skeptical about that front 4. It has the potential to work and be absolutely sex but at the same time it has the potential to absolutely falter, especially with so many player who like to cut inside and play more or less in and around the same zone.

Thanks for your input mate, pretty much agree with it all.

My team looks good but could also be a risk, my vision of it is absolutely sex :)

I don’t think risks are the way to go here though.

Edit: I may aswell add a bit more to this and the front four being a risk.

Looking at Brazil ‘70 front four,I know the players are of different quality but could play the role here.

Rivelino/ Rivelino - same position and role
Pelé / Baggio - will drop deep and play make, attack the box and excellent finisher
Tostao/ Tostao - same position and role
Garrincha/ Robben - bombing wingers cutting inside with over lapping full back (Suurbier)
I think Kempes is exactly the kind of striker that will complement Ronaldo and Zico. You don't need a playmaker-ish second striker ala Del Piero there especially with Zico and Ronaldo. Having someone like Kempes who was mobile as feck and could offer runs beyond the backline would be vital.

Almost word to word my exact logic when I was scouting for that position.

Interestingly, for the mould of players I was looking for, Kempes and Puskas were the only two that were fitting perfectly into the setup.
My draft experience is that nobody stops Ronaldo. Possibly only Nesta and Baresi maybe considered enough to stop him.

For me the CB that matches up best against fenomeno is Figueroa. I'd take Don Elias over Baresi, Scirea and definietly Nesta against R9
For me the CB that matches up best against fenomeno is Figueroa. I'd take Don Elias over Baresi, Scirea and definietly Nesta against R9

Not questioning why Figueroa is first but why is Baresi second best? After his heroics with Romario, he would be my first choice against a similar player in Ronaldo
For me the CB that matches up best against fenomeno is Figueroa. I'd take Don Elias over Baresi, Scirea and definietly Nesta against R9

I see why you'd consider Figueroa instead of Baresi. I was just picking the CB pairing I thought would be most vote friendly against R9 in drafts
My draft experience is that nobody stops Ronaldo.

Strangely, Ronaldo is not so revered in these drafts. His stats are not so good in these drafts. In some drafts, he changed of managers many times.

Possibly only Nesta and Baresi maybe considered enough to stop him.

On a general note, it would be a shame not to see the whole picture.

Who are his teammates? Who are the opposing defensive midfielders?

I mean any great player requires a collective answer.

The list of top central defenders is much longer than most of us would think: Figueroa, Kohler, Thuram, Desailly...
I don’t think risks are the way to go here though.

True that - like in any field in the real life - some of us can be narrow-minded and conservative.

For example, if you present a WM formation, guaranteed crash :)

Looking at Brazil ‘70 front four,I know the players are of different quality but could play the role here.

Rivelino/ Rivelino - same position and role
Pelé / Baggio - will drop deep and play make, attack the box and excellent finisher
Tostao/ Tostao - same position and role
Garrincha/ Robben - bombing wingers cutting inside with over lapping full back (Suurbier)

Your offensive quator makes sense but - in terms of style of play (I don't refer to quality) - Robben/Garrincha not really the same qualities/style; the same applies to Pele/Baggio. Djalama Santos not reallt an over lapping full back etc.
Voted for GSTQ.

The quality of his defence made the difference despite the fact I was surprised to see the right-footed Bonhof as a LWB (in a team without a pure left-winger.)

I was fan of Kylian in the starting 11. Not a big fan of Kempes but on the air he would exploit the passing skills of Kaltz.

Crespo would have been a smart acquisition and I don't know if I am right to rate Crespo higher than Kempes tbh
@Ecstatic thanks for your input and I agree those players styles are different when you look into them but they also had similarities (reaching)
@Ecstatic thanks for your input and I agree those players styles are different when you look into them but they also had similarities (reaching)

I like your team and your front 4 and your tactical system is consistent.

If I had to improve one position, it would be in defence or midfield: for example a box-to-box instead of Busquets.

Rijkaard did cost 170m, instead of him, you could have had

-------------------Leo Junior (-140)------Kante-
Roberto Carlos (+50) ----Bergomi (+50)--Nesta--- Carlos Alberto (+40)

And then we can start talking football :D

You had done a great job for your 1st draft, it's just that the other team is not so bad :)