Reminder: Jose managed to turn Chelsea fans against Hazard

How anyone could ever take the agenda driven opinions of a vindictive man with the emotional intelligence of an ant regarding anyone's character seriously will always be beyond me. So glad that the narcissistic fraud been relegated to the dustbin of history
It was always about him. After our pre-season, I couldn’t take it anymore, hardly watched football. He was so far off, it is incredible
The amount of posters who wrote stuff like "and get Pogba out of the club too" was amazing at the time.
I hope they're all quiet and hoping people don't dig those posts out now.

Imagine if we'd lost him! Our absolute best outfield player by a million miles.
It will be nice when we stop seeing Jose Mourinho threads at the top of Redcafe.

He's gone. Good riddance.
Seems we were wise to this sort of crap from him, Martial would probably be gone now if we hadn't stopped him, and Pogba not far behind, I just hope we can get tie them down now he's gone.
It will be nice when we stop seeing Jose Mourinho threads at the top of Redcafe.

He's gone. Good riddance.

Nope let’s keep it going because there was a lot of poster chatting rubbish in here and I’m well aware they still have the same views when the evidence is clear. Let’s not let them tuck in there shell. They need to give up the sheep mentality.
I think his tenure will be remembered for his increasingly pathological malcontent. I stopped watching his interviews long before the end, they were so uncomfortable. It must have been appalling working with someone so negative and irrational.
The amount of posters who wrote stuff like "and get Pogba out of the club too" was amazing at the time.
I hope they're all quiet and hoping people don't dig those posts out now.

Imagine if we'd lost him! Our absolute best outfield player by a million miles.

Just goes to show how foolish people can look when they follow a herd mentality and do not apply critical thinking. It's frankly embarrassing.
Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

I hope the club takes a long hard look at this tenure to see what went wrong and avoid repeating it.
This I fully agree with.

For now, as a fan, I'm going to focus on enjoying football again though!
Mourinho feuding with and benching such a player... whether it's his man management of pogba that is the problem or his tactics (both), if he can't handle big personalities who are great footballers he can't handle manchester united. Mourinho is a fraud, look at the type of players he feuds with, he doesn't like football. Good riddance.
Seems we were wise to this sort of crap from him, Martial would probably be gone now if we hadn't stopped him, and Pogba not far behind, I just hope we can get tie them down now he's gone.
Wanting rid of Martial and Pogba in exchange for Perisic, Willian etc would be madness, and we should be happy the club didn't allow that to happen.
Just goes to show how foolish people can look when they follow a herd mentality and do not apply critical thinking. It's frankly embarrassing.

Quality escapes of natural selection.

Some guy went on a rant on how he would've threw the entire Chelsea squad in the reserves, and ran their contracts down for what they did to poor old precious Jose. You know the same Chelsea squad that went to win the PL the season after.
Some people on this board were screaming no to Mourinho before he even signed. Wish he never came to Manchester United. The darkest times (except off course Munich tragedy) were under him. the way he talked about the club, the way he acted on and off the pitch. Hate the guy. I am so glad he is gone.
Hope some supporters learned their lesson. Never back Jose Mourinho over talented flair attack minded players. He hasn't a clue what to do with them.
Mourinho had his day at Porto,Chelsea and Inter Milan.
His last throw of the dice was winning the title for Chelsea in his second spell.
The modern game has passed him by in the past few years.He cant compare to Guardiola,Klopp or Pochettino now.
Remember we only got him as there was nay other bugger available.
He,s gone.Lets forget him and look forward to the future.
Great manager of mediocrity, mediocre manager of greatness.

He's always been able to wring every drop of ability from average players but top stars won't accept the bullying and belittling he inflicts on them. The explosion of wages, and social media power, has made the elite players immune to this kind of treatment and he hasn't adapted.

Still feel he could do a good job somewhere like Porto or Valencia but he'll never get a big job again.
I just think he's a fantastic underdog manager. When he's at a club with a rich history, he has problems trying to instill that underdog mentality. Since he's a stubborn git, relationships break down.
It's no surprise his worst two managerial stints have been at clubs with a rich histihi and tradition of behaving and playing in a particular way. He'd be run out of town at a club like Barcelona.
Fifa should take away his coaching badges, football is better off without him. What he did to the club and the players is criminal.
It'd be nice if the cafe could take a lead from the squad and be happy and pull together now that the poisonous one has gone, rather than point scoring over who was right or wrong (and I say this as someone who was ridiculed for wanting him gone from probably a year ago now, so no agenda for wanting to move on here).
Fifa should take away his coaching badges, football is better off without him. What he did to the club and the players is criminal.
Alright, you can settle down now. He ultimately didn't do a great job for the club, but this is just getting ridiculously over the top.
I don't even blame him too much for the football because we all knew what we were getting into. The thing that really turned me against him was his constant negativity towards the club, fans and players and the fact that he always blamed someone else and never admitted that he was at fault too.
Honestly he shouldn't get anywhere near a big club with his form, and his gigantic ego will stop him from taking on any smaller clubs. Unless the Portugal NT job pops up I have literally no idea where he would go.

Needless to say, I'm glad he's not here any more.
I don't even blame him too much for the football because we all knew what we were getting into. The thing that really turned me against him was his constant negativity towards the club, fans and players and the fact that he always blamed someone else and never admitted that he was at fault too.
Part I hated mist was him constantly talking like he was doing us a favour by being our manager. His Sevilla comments were really a disgrace.
Fifa should take away his coaching badges, football is better off without him. What he did to the club and the players is criminal.
Nah, it's much better to let him coach anywhere else, so we can have fun again with his antics, failures, excuses and the friendly fire as well. I wish Real Madrid got him back as it's been rumoured. But surely they can't be so stupid.
Pogba isn't blameless. He is a professional player and is expected to perform to a certain level, even if he didn't like his manager.

However, it was foolish to pay so much for him and then put him in a restrictive structure and reduce his influence to that of a defensive player who needs to track runs and close down space. He clearly enjoys playing in this setup and the trust Ole puts on him.

For me, the jury is still out. I want to see his reaction when things don't go well under a different manager.

Yeah theres no way Pogba gets away with his behavior and performance over the past few months.

It doesnt help that he is also a really unlikeable character also.
Daft question.
The lessons have to be learnt by the club, not me.
Didn't you say "We"?

And why do you care so much about the Sacked One, man. Didn't you support Bristol?
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Didn't you say "We"?

And why do you care so much about the Sacked One, man. Didn't you support Bristol?

The 'royal we' my friend.
Well spotted. My local team is Bristol Rovers. The other end of the football spectrum I can assure you but Manchester United are my first love.

Anyway. Happy New year.
The 'royal we' my friend.
Well spotted. My local team is Bristol Rovers. The other end of the football spectrum I can assure you but Manchester United are my first love.

Anyway. Happy New year.
Yeh. Happy New Year to you, too. Hard to forget that "first love".
Nah, it's much better to let him coach anywhere else, so we can have fun again with his antics, failures, excuses and the friendly fire as well. I wish Real Madrid got him back as it's been rumoured. But surely they can't be so stupid.

I for one can’t wait to see him pop up at his next club. Watching a manager toss his best players under the bus, blame everyone but himself while the team crumbles around him with a sprinkling of some ridiculous self serving gesture like sticking three fingers up in the air. It’ll be gold to watch it again knowing that that joker isn’t affecting us anymore. I look forward to it :drool:

Our rivals must have really enjoyed themselves in the last calendar year or so, from Sevilla to the Liverpool match. Mourinho must have been some proper laughs for anyone not affiliated with United.
I'm wondering what the hell must be going through Jose's mind right now. He's seeing United fans so happy, the club rejuvenated and getting results. United was the club he always wanted to manage, but he's gone and now seen all his excuses turn to dust. I think the difference Ole has made has damaged Jose's reputation to the point where I think he's finished at club level. I reckon his next job will be to managed a national side.