The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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DUX' bumchum
May 10, 2009
We can get top 4 because we've already been spanked by the current top sides? Even if we could beat the bottom sides that comment would be idiotic, but we struggle to beat anyone, so no idea why he's saying that?

Alejandro Angel

New Member
Sep 16, 2018
I am very disappointed in everything, the players seem to have no plan and good players are looking average. Mourinho seems to be just bidding his time waiting for the sack, a manager who wont live in the city he works in is just disrespectful.
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Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Oct 31, 2012
Washed up old man talking about his greatest hits. My Inter side did this, this reminds me of my Porto team, my Madrid side that...

Just give him the money he’s working so hard to get sacked for.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2012
He is anti football.

He's embarrassing.

Should be sacked asap and never allowed to step foot in OT again.

Sentient Meat

Full Member
Aug 28, 2014
I was absolutely disgusted by the team's inability to put together two consecutive passes.

A good portion of responsibility must fall on Jose for choosing this team... and signing people who he can't get along with.

However, management didn't lose this game... the players did.

We can move on from Jose, but if we don't change out the players... nothing much will change.


Full Member
Nov 16, 2010
Mexico via west London.
You are stuck on Mourinho's past glories instead on analyzing the dire, static, uninspired football right in front of your face. Past success doesn't ensure future success. The world doesn't work like that.
It definitely doesn't ensure success but past performance can give a reasonable indicator to how future performance may pan out. It seems no one took the debacle at Chelsea seriously enough and we are paying now.


New Member
Jan 28, 2014
We should calm down right? I mean he will not be sacked before he is sure out of top 4. That's the way it is at our club. Years go by and nothing change. No ambitions no dignity. Shame.


The One and Only
Nov 28, 2006
Imagine if we’d let him sign that one centre half he’s been moaning about who would have bridged the 19 point gap and had us playing watchable football. Let the good times roll....

Regardless of whether he's been backed to the extent that he was promised, or even should have been, he's been doing a pretty poor job for a sustained period. Top 4 is very close to being beyond reach now. I can't think of one convincing reason to persevere with him. Moreover, giving him money at this point is almost certain to be a entirely pointless. Almost as pointless as giving him his new deal when he was hitching his skirt at PSG.

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location
I think there is too much talk of getting rid of Jose, with very little serious suggestions of who should take over. Remember Jose was an immensely popular choice esp among fans when he joined Utd.
There is literally no basis in fact of any of the points made in this post.

Try reading this thread and the dedicated thread regarding his possible replacements.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
So we'll wait until top 4's impossible, get a manager in that needs the summer to assess the squad, spend in the 2020 summer window, fall even further behind because 19/20 will be headed by a new manager but with this same squad and we'll all be wondering why the new manager couldn't succeed.


Full Member
Nov 3, 2015
Except the problem is people said exactly the same thing under Moyes and then again under LvG. 75% of posters declared that ANYTHING would be better and we had all the same posts about how people hoped we got “beat 8-0” to hasten their sackings

Forget Jose for one second - at one point, or after how many managers, do we stop and take a reality check because surely they can’t all be bad. Is it the next one? Or the next one? Genuinely interested
Moyes was simply not good enough for Utd
Lvg I think was past it but he did stabilise the ship & win a cup but the football was horrendous.
Maybe another year and things could of improved, I wanted him out though but atleast he had a plan.

Then Mourinho, what is happening this season isn't really on the club in my opinion it's more on the manager. Should really of expected it but the evidence is in his past. Madrid, both Chelsea Stints. Short term appointment he was the best available by a distance.
There is virtually no reason why Utd should keep him, he has never lasted 4 full seasons. When things go badly, he has never turned it around and things go badly at almost all his clubs what is happening here is not unique to Utd, it was much worse at Chelsea and that side won the fecking league in the previous & following season.

Utd need a long term plan this time around, I think Utd need a manager that focuses on the style of play and the team. Making the team better than they are, utilising the youth and slowly beginning to play better football. It will take time but I think Utd need a modern coach. Moyes just wasn't that good, LVG was past it & Mourinho is also behind the times.
In terms of options, I really don't know.
Zidane to replace Mourinho isn't the solution though IMO, he'd be a great fit with a team that's nearly the finished product.
Conte, no thankyou.

I just think the next manager needs to build a team first, attempt to win everything that's infront of you but put the team first not the trophies as that will bring the long term rewards.


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
Things that won’t change when Jose is sacked

- The new manager wont be responsible for contracts. That will be Ed

- The new manager wont choose how we prepare for a season, where we Tour, when or who we play. That will be Ed

- The new manager wont have final say on who we sell. That will be Ed (I’m sure the new manager will have input)

- The new manager won’t handle player sales. That will be Ed

- The new manager wont buy players. That will be Ed (I’m sure the new manager will have input)

So if you think Zidane walks in and our problems are solved, think again.

This isn’t even a defence of Jose per se’, it’s a cry for people to realise that a non-footballing accountant is making key footballing decisions at our club, usually in the interests of making money for shareholders. I’d like to know which manager could thrive in this environment because two CL winners have now failed
I don't get this post. If Mourinho had his way Martial would be swapped with Alexis and if you seriously think Ed Woodward is identifying the targets someone is lying to you.

- Mourinho picks the team (Matic and Lukaku somehow are always on the team sheet)
- Mourinho is in charge of training (the players constantly look like they've never played together)
- Mourinho handles tactics (they are obviously shit)
- Mourinho asks for the players (which players he wanted would have made a difference)

So if you think keeping Mourinho and hiring a DOF solves all problems, think again.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
Except the problem is people said exactly the same thing under Moyes and then again under LvG. 75% of posters declared that ANYTHING would be better and we had all the same posts about how people hoped we got “beat 8-0” to hasten their sackings

Forget Jose for one second - at one point, or after how many managers, do we stop and take a reality check because surely they can’t all be bad. Is it the next one? Or the next one? Genuinely interested
Spot on. All sacking Jose would do is accelerate sacking the next manager.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2016
Really is a shame that we still have the footballing worlds Kanye West in charge...

Member 90887

We aren’t finishing 4th and I'd be surprised if we got 6th at this rate. We’ve not played well in months. It’s not just a small dip we’re having, we’ve been shite all season.
I agree with that, i was just calling out the posters that chooses their quotes because of some agenda they have.

We will be nowhere near 5th, let alone 4th.


Full Member
May 8, 2013
I'll start by saying I've been apathetic in regards to Mourinho getting sacked for a long time, and for quite a while actively want him out (though I generally refrain from constantly moaning). But yeah it's clearly time to go, however there is no way that will be today. We've seen our owners are,for some reason, reactive rather than proactive in regards to these things. And there's no way that he'll be gone before top 4 is mathematically impossible, barring some meltdown unrelated to football results. A lot of people seemed to think a negative result today would spark the end, but if they didn't sack him after the awful results against smaller earlier in the season, it wasn't going to be today. Maybe if we had gotten absolutely embarrassed today, but we weren't. That's not to say it wasn't incredibly bad, it was but it just felt expected at this point.

Anyway we're stuck watching this shite for a while longer I fear, though I'd love to be wrong. Also I want to reiterate that the club's problems run much deeper than the manager.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Won no trophies in what - 4 seasons?

At home, against a broken United side. Well done.

Mourinho pulled the 'hand to ear' gesture after beat Juventus away in a crucial CL game.

I'd be very keen to see this Liverpool side against the same Juve...
I think that is not from today's game.


New Member
Jan 28, 2014
What else can go wrong for the board to sack him? I mean top four gone, C.L best chance we go to the last 8 which I hugely doubt. So what else they are waiting for unless other than saving few millions?


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
Spot on. All sacking Jose would do is accelerate sacking the next manager.
Not sacking him creates more problems and let’s the club fall even further. He’s toxic and is doing a terrible job.

Even Gary Neville thinks his time is up.

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
If there was a genuine plan in place, ie a incoming DOF, and us waiting to go for someone like Poch at the end of the season, then I'd be happy to see this season out Jose, afterall he's doing more damage to his reputation than he is to us, but there is nothing to suggest this is true, so who cares who we go for, just as long as we get shut of Jose, it can't be any worse.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Are we the only club which waits till the top 4 is gone or something similar to get it done?
I mean how big is that severance pack anyway.
Ed being incompetent again.


Full Member
May 17, 2018
If that was Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Real Madrid or any other big European club and they were in 6th in their league and they just got spanked by their rivals, the manager would be gone. Chap is looking to be sacked. Absolute joke how he set that team up today and how we are playing. It's been over a year now since we are playing shite football and we havnt improved. He is getting left behind as a coach/manager or whatever he wants to call himself.


New Member
Sep 7, 2014
I agree with that, i was just calling out the posters that chooses their quotes because of some agenda they have.

We will be nowhere near 5th, let alone 4th.
We’d need to go on one of our best runs ever to claw back 4th at this rate. Given that we’re through to the last 16 of the CL already and we’re not going to place in the league. Now is a great time to get rid. Even if they give it to McKenna & Carrick until May I’m fairly confident it won’t get worse. I reckon there’d be a palpable sigh of relief around the club which would be good for a 5 or 6 game bounce until our underlying problems resurface.


has whacked the hammer to Roswell
Jun 5, 2012
The Republik of Mancunia | W3102
Except the problem is people said exactly the same thing under Moyes and then again under LvG. 75% of posters declared that ANYTHING would be better and we had all the same posts about how people hoped we got “beat 8-0” to hasten their sackings

Forget Jose for one second - at one point, or after how many managers, do we stop and take a reality check because surely they can’t all be bad. Is it the next one? Or the next one? Genuinely interested
All three have had one thing in common, though: banal, rigid, shit-on-a-stick football which doesn’t compute with the footballing DNA this club is famous for. The players we have - certainly the creative, attacking ones - aren’t suited to that type of football and as a result, they play terribly week after week and are totally bereft of confidence.

I have absolutely no doubt we’d see a marked improvement in terms of performances and results under a more proactive, positive manager. These players are crying out for it after five years of soul-destroying footballing philosophies.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2014
No, he wasn't! He was always a divisive choice. Many of us (including myself already have been anti-Maureen from the start).
Plenty of us believed he was a risk worth taking, but a risk nonetheless, and are disappointed but really not surprised by what’s happened over the last year or so.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
As Roy Keane said earlier, they still haven't won anything yet.
And I still think City will win it again.
This is an idiotic way to look at it. Only 2 trophies matter. They lost the final of one last season and are currently top of the other. It's 100 times better than what could have ever been expected considering the mess Klopp inherited.

Then you get Jose bragging about trophies. The fecking league cup and the europa league that no decent club ever even wants to find themselves in. Wake the feck up.
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