Pogba's run up | Pogba mocks it on social media

Our best outfield being called a clown by our fans. Some of you need to slap yourselves. I get the frustration over our shit start to the season we've had but at the moment nobody can do right. Pogba scoring one and getting one assist gets called a clown, people were moaning about Jose not playing Shaw but when he gets a new contract it's time to moan again. Lukaku going through a shit patch and people want him sold as if it's the first time a striker is having a goal-drought. Criticising our defenders and criticising Jose for wanting a new defender. Fergie's reign spoilt us all but I don't get how some of our fans can be such fickle fecks.
Our best outfield being called a clown by our fans. Some of you need to slap yourselves. I get the frustration over our shit start to the season we've had but at the moment nobody can do right. Pogba scoring one and getting one assist gets called a clown, people were moaning about Jose not playing Shaw but when he gets a new contract it's time to moan again. Lukaku going through a shit patch and people want him sold as if it's the first time a striker is having a goal-drought. Criticising our defenders and criticising Jose for wanting a new defender. Fergie's reign spoilt us all but I don't get how some of our fans can be such fickle fecks.

It's not that surprising really, given for how long we've been successful. It's like coming of a drug, and many are clearly not taking it well.
Our best outfield being called a clown by our fans. Some of you need to slap yourselves. I get the frustration over our shit start to the season we've had but at the moment nobody can do right. Pogba scoring one and getting one assist gets called a clown, people were moaning about Jose not playing Shaw but when he gets a new contract it's time to moan again. Lukaku going through a shit patch and people want him sold as if it's the first time a striker is having a goal-drought. Criticising our defenders and criticising Jose for wanting a new defender. Fergie's reign spoilt us all but I don't get how some of our fans can be such fickle fecks.

Fickle fecks? We’ve been a meme/joke for years now. It’s not just us. You sound like LVG “expectations are too high”

Yeah we’re not expecting a title every season but being a team that plays like a top 4 team Isn’t much of an ask.

Also, what makes pogba a clown is that he doesn’t relies his jokes and humor style is funny when he’s actually playing well
He can be frustrating at times on the pitch but you can see why he is popular in the game. He's a funny guy. That was hilarious.
I don't get the argument that he does it for attention when he's been doing it since he was an unheralded youth during his academy days

A lot of you come across as a miserable lot getting upset and taking offence to just about anything he does

Just to clarify...

He does his stupid run up, the fans understandably make their frustration known, he of course misses, taps in a rebound and then does the "sush" celebration to his own fans...

Yet, people still defend him and wonder why people give him shit?
Just to clarify...

He does his stupid run up, the fans understandably make their frustration known, he of course misses, taps in a rebound and then does the "sush" celebration to his own fans...

Yet, people still defend him and wonder why people give him shit?

Yup. The run up means nothing, how can people not get that into their heads? If anything it makes it harder for the keeper.
He can do whatever he wants as long as he's providing assists to our strikers, scoring goals and anchoring defense and attack. Penalties are 50/50, doesn't matter if you run or walk, if the goalie jumps the right way you are fecked.
Just to clarify...

He does his stupid run up, the fans understandably make their frustration known, he of course misses, taps in a rebound and then does the "sush" celebration to his own fans...

Yet, people still defend him and wonder why people give him shit?

Well if people are booing him why shouldn't he shush them?
Because he's given them a reason to boo him in the first place?
And then he goes and misses the fecking thing :D

He then scored the rebound and assisted on the 2nd goal yet you still want to trash him,you sure you're a United fan?

Asking because you seem rather obsessed with shitting on our best players based off your post history
He then scored the rebound and assisted on the 2nd goal yet you still want to trash him,you sure you're a United fan?

Asking because you seem rather obsessed with shitting on our best players based off your post history

So we're openly questioning the support of posters who criticize their own players?

I take it you have never been to a game at OT before and heard what the match goers have to say.
So we're openly questioning the support of posters who critisize their own players?

I take it you have never been to a game at OT before and heard what the match goers have to say.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth :rolleyes:

I've got no problems with criticism when its warranted,just finding it funny how the 'back the manager regardless' crowd never seem to extend that courtesy to our players even when they perform well
No wonder Ferguson showed him the door, an embarrassment to the club and himself, sometimes its easy to see where pundits like Souness and Keane are coming from!
No wonder Ferguson showed him the door, an embarrassment to the club and himself, sometimes its easy to see where pundits like Souness and Keane are coming from!
Why have people decided to re-write history regarding Pogba's initial departure? Ferguson didn't show him the door, in fact he was desperate to keep him by most accounts, even sending Rio and Evra to convince him to stay. Pogba rejected the contract and the rest was history. Let's not pretend that Ferguson didn't rate him.
He then scored the rebound and assisted on the 2nd goal yet you still want to trash him,you sure you're a United fan?

Asking because you seem rather obsessed with shitting on our best players based off your post history

Thanks for putting words in my mouth :rolleyes:

I've got no problems with criticism when its warranted,just finding it funny how the 'back the manager regardless' crowd never seem to extend that courtesy to our players even when they perform well

I never said I was backing the manager regardless of anything. Might want to practice what you preach, Constable Orifice
Can't believe we have 8 pages of run up discussion. Score them, good. Miss, bad. How? I couldn't care less.
You realise out of the top 10 conversion rates in the premier league only the top 6 have a rate of 8/10 or better?

That’s not true at all. Hundreds of players have 8/10 or better.

Also: Yes. I set lofty goals. I want my penalty taker to be as close to infallible as possible. 9/10 should be the unrealistic goal. 8/10 should be a passing grade.
He can do whatever he wants as long as he's providing assists to our strikers, scoring goals and anchoring defense and attack. Penalties are 50/50, doesn't matter if you run or walk, if the goalie jumps the right way you are fecked.

Penalties are not even close to 50/50.
No wonder Ferguson showed him the door, an embarrassment to the club and himself, sometimes its easy to see where pundits like Souness and Keane are coming from!

Ferguson fought to keep him actually
If he had a good conversion rate I'd love his run up. Little things like that make football more fun. But he needs to change it if hes not putting the penos away.
Theres only ever been two penalty takers ive ever felt 100 percent comfortable with.
Ruud and Irwin.
With regards to Pogba he definitely needs to stop doing that stupid run up.
He can do whatever he wants as long as he's providing assists to our strikers, scoring goals and anchoring defense and attack. Penalties are 50/50, doesn't matter if you run or walk, if the goalie jumps the right way you are fecked.

Not really. Outside of the 2006 WC final against Italy, Zidane pretty much always put it in the same spot, left side, most often bottom corner with the odd upper ones. If your technique is correct, even if the goalkeeper jumps the right way you should still be able to score the majority of them.

Pogba is going to fix this, he's not an idiot and pretty self-aware. The fact that he brought out the possible change right after the game tells me he's going to cut out the slow run up soon enough.
Nothing wrong with his slow steps "run-up", it's the shooting that needs improvement.

I can see the slow steps is annoying to many fans, but so does to the keeper and opposing outfield team.
Also, the number of steps and the quickness of it are always different - one game Pogba will do a short quick steps, then the next game a long steps. The recent game is perhaps his longest ever slowest step run-up. It keeps the keeper guessing. Not bad.

The shooting is not bad, but not convincing either. Pogba's post match comments indicate he'll improve his penalty.

No wonder Ferguson showed him the door, an embarrassment to the club and himself, sometimes its easy to see where pundits like Souness and Keane are coming from!
Impressive feat having a stupid opinion and getting your facts wrong at the same time.
Love him so much, God where would this team be without him in so many ways. That said, he's not the best pen taker but who else who is guaranteed to be on the pitch should take them. It should be Rom but he's not on the pitch either....