Footballers crying

Nope. It's not archaic. It's not very manly. Traditional does not mean outdated nor wrong.

Traditional thinking says its ok to cry for men if they experience deep happiness or sadness though.

Maybe you are thinking of fake manliness that is used as a way to hide insecurities? Like that man that is very aggressive and disruptive because he has a fragile ego.
One of the best things about the end of season relegation battles is watching some bell in the crown bawling his eyes out because Bumblefeck FC have been relegated.

It should be contextual as with most things, but it does happen a tad too much nowadays. If you are a club great leaving after 20 years, that's fine. Karius crying after the CL final makes sense to me, as he might never play another one and he cost his team the game, so that causes great emotional stress. Crying because you didn't win a play-off final is just stupid. And it's not "Teh gendaerzzz!!!" because it's equally lame for grown women to cry a lot as well. It makes more sense to me to see players crying after ACHIEVING something great, winning the World Cup for example.

At the end of the day, it's a sport not a fecking war.
One of the best things about the end of season relegation battles is watching some bell in the crown bawling his eyes out because Bumblefeck FC have been relegated.

It should be contextual as with most things, but it does happen a tad too much nowadays. If you are a club great leaving after 20 years, that's fine. Karius crying after the CL final makes sense to me, as he might never play another one and he cost his team the game, so that causes great emotional stress. Crying because you didn't win a play-off final is just stupid. And it's not "Teh gendaerzzz!!!" because it's equally lame for grown women to cry a lot as well. It makes more sense to me to see players crying after ACHIEVING something great, winning the World Cup for example.

At the end of the day, it's a sport not a fecking war.

It's funny that you say it should be contextual but then go on to slate players gutted after losing a play-off final. Not every player is top Premier League quality. For some, just being able to have played Premier League is something they strived for and might not get another chance to do.
The question I'd like to ask is what's wrong with showing how you really feel as a fully grown adult male on live tv? Let's face it, for most of these guys a model wife and a Lamborghini are by-products of the life-long dedication you've put in to be a top footballer. You put in your very best to get there and then fail - no amount of material possessions can make up for that.

He shouldn't "really feel" like that

Unless he's a nonce ;)
If only more males could bottle up their emotions, act like men and save it for private outbursts like beating their wives, abusing alcohol and drugs or maybe even just hanging themselves. There just isn't enough toxic masculinity in the world.
If only more males could bottle up their emotions, act like men and save it for private outbursts like beating their wives, abusing alcohol and drugs or maybe even just hanging themselves. There just isn't enough toxic masculinity in the world.

:lol: You know most men do not beat their wives, abuse alcohol or do drugs right?
I can't say I necessarily understand it, but I have no problems with footballers crying when getting a serious injury, losing out on a major trophy or similar. It is impossible to imagine the pressure these players are under - not only from thelselves, but also millions of fans, the media, etc. Most likely it is only healthy to get the emotion out rather than putting on a stern face and bottling it up.

Fans crying on the other hand is pathetic, in my opinion. If your team losing a game of football is enough to bring you to tears, you have invested too much of your life in that team.
I'd prefer to have a player who cries after a defeat than one who just dabs off the pitch.

I like players who absolutely hate losing. whether it means they cry or kick a Palace fan in the head. I can't stand these new teenage millionaires who don't care.
I'll be honest i can't stand capricious people crying for no reason while a huge percentage of humanity is living in the hell. But i do respect an individual crying due to frustation and impotence whe he cares too much about his cause, in sports and in the life.
I'd cry if Sir Alex died. I was in bits when he had his bleed on the brain. It's not really football of course.

I'd never cry over Man Utd losing any game or anything like that.
If only more males could bottle up their emotions, act like men and save it for private outbursts like beating their wives, abusing alcohol and drugs or maybe even just hanging themselves. There just isn't enough toxic masculinity in the world.
'Toxic masculinity'. Jesus. :rolleyes: Maybe balancing the toxic masculinity with toxic femininity is solution? You know, like fighting fire with fire.

Maybe that's why footballers are crying! They are fighting toxic masculinity in the world! 1 tear at a time.
If only more males could bottle up their emotions, act like men and save it for private outbursts like beating their wives, abusing alcohol and drugs or maybe even just hanging themselves. There just isn't enough toxic masculinity in the world.

Wouldn't even put them in the human category.
I'd cry if Sir Alex died. I was in bits when he had his bleed on the brain. It's not really football of course.

I'd never cry over Man Utd losing any game or anything like that.

I cried every time we lost when I was a kid.
Wouldn't even put them in the human category.

I cried every time we lost when I was a kid.

Good job I didn't like football until I was 11. I was man then.
I'd be telling my brain I'm a fully grown adult male on live tv if you feel a bit sad now over this football match don't worry kid you've got a model for a wife and a Lamborghini at your mansion for a home. Chin up

What a pathetic, close minded attitude you have.
With regard to the Salah episode, I don't think it is right to cry when you go off injured. If I was a player on the other team I would be looking at him thinking we have these guys beat already, it would be a massive psychological boost.

I would rather my star man do a Ronaldo-esque touchline role like the Euro 2016 final, kicked every ball from the sideline, great example.
I'm guessing we are talking about the CL Final here. I think the only reason Liverpool players were crying was because they got knocked back down and realised they weren't as invincible as they thought.
Traditional thinking says its ok to cry for men if they experience deep happiness or sadness though.

Maybe you are thinking of fake manliness that is used as a way to hide insecurities? Like that man that is very aggressive and disruptive because he has a fragile ego.

No, I'm talking about Carvajal crying like a baby after he pulled his hamstring on the biggest stage. Take it like a man, be stoic. It's not like his parents passed away.
Crying over footy is absurd, an example of the snowflake generation we now have.
Yes. English.
It's a cultural thing basically. Especially if you are 30+ from the UK, Ireland or some of the Nordic countries at least that showing emotions like that is "girly".

I understand what you mean but I don't think Salah was a baby or Carvajal. Basically they got injured so not only the top game of their (at least Salah's) career is done for but possibly the World Cup as well so emotions started to flood over them.

I did find Karius a bit pathetic crying on the pitch like that and then hanging about, trying to apologize to the fans. That wasn't very becoming and he should better have tried to kept his composure and dealt with it afterwards instead of right then and there. Perhaps he was just mourning his career but still.
No, I'm talking about Carvajal crying like a baby after he pulled his hamstring on the biggest stage. Take it like a man, be stoic. It's not like his parents passed away.

Unless you are 6ft4, ripped and packed with muscle, cut trees with an axe and fight alligators with your bare hands I'm not having that.

It's laughable for some Joe Schmoe to try to say who is and isn't a man.
It's a cultural thing basically. Especially if you are 30+ from the UK, Ireland or some of the Nordic countries at least that showing emotions like that is "girly".

I understand what you mean but I don't think Salah was a baby or Carvajal. Basically they got injured so not only the top game of their (at least Salah's) career is done for but possibly the World Cup as well so emotions started to flood over them.

I did find Karius a bit pathetic crying on the pitch like that and then hanging about, trying to apologize to the fans. That wasn't very becoming and he should better have tried to kept his composure and dealt with it afterwards instead of right then and there. Perhaps he was just mourning his career but still.

I'd argue this point in reverse. Karius was in a position in which running down the tunnel would have got him pelters. To his credit, he was brave and apologised to the people that travelled miles of money to watch him spoil their night. Getting upset along the way is justified.

Crying because you've pulled your hamstring is just daft. It's already been mentioned above that it doesn't present a great image in terms of team psychology. You're injured. Get up, get on with it and give the bloke who's replacing you a high five and some encouragement. Don't sob and sulk like a toddler.
Are we trying to imply Real defeated Pool because Salah's crying demoralized the Pool players... Jeez.
So much manlyness in this thread! Full of chest haired full bearded spartans.
Well this thread took on a life of its own. :lol:. Typically, for the Caf, people’s reactions were polarised at the extremes of the opinion spectrum. Only a small handful of moderate posts.
Are we trying to imply Real defeated Pool because Salah's crying demoralized the Pool players... Jeez.

Not directly, but the manner in which Salah left the pitch had a somewhat detrimental effect. If he walked off the pitch with his held high whilst shouting encouragement to his teammates, rather than crying like a baby at the prospect of missing the world cup, we may have seen a very different Liverpool team in the second half. At least one that showed some fighting spirit anyway.
Not directly, but the manner in which Salah left the pitch had a somewhat detrimental effect. If he walked off the pitch with his held high whilst shouting encouragement to his teammates, rather than crying like a baby at the prospect of missing the world cup, we may have seen a very different Liverpool team in the second half. At least one that showed some fighting spirit anyway.

You literally pulled all that out your ass, with such confidence. Do you have a direct line to the club's psychologist or something?
Not directly, but the manner in which Salah left the pitch had a somewhat detrimental effect. If he walked off the pitch with his held high whilst shouting encouragement to his teammates, rather than crying like a baby at the prospect of missing the world cup, we may have seen a very different Liverpool team in the second half. At least one that showed some fighting spirit anyway.
Seems like a far fetched inference from the incident and loads of hindsight.
I don't see a professional team playing UCL finals not having fighting spirit in 2nd half because their best player got injured in first half.
Ironically, the manly men brigade sounds so insecure about their manhood that they can't even weep without convincing themselves that they lost their bollocks.
With regard to the Salah episode, I don't think it is right to cry when you go off injured. If I was a player on the other team I would be looking at him thinking we have these guys beat already, it would be a massive psychological boost.

I would rather my star man do a Ronaldo-esque touchline role like the Euro 2016 final, kicked every ball from the sideline, great example.

Ronaldo did cry when he got injured in the final? Then he cried again when they won it? Not sure why it makes a difference anyway like, not as if anything Ronaldo done off the pitch won Portugal that match.
Here's Roger Federer crying after loosing Australian Open final to Nadal.

Federer is arguably one of the greatest and most universally beloved sportsman in history of any sport. Sportsman crying isn't something unique to football. How much these guys work to reach these finals is INSANE, coming up short at that moment is absolutely heart breaking. Keep in mind that they are always 1 big injury away from ever playing at the highest level so any final could very well be their last chance to win a trophy.

I am shocked reading stuff like "they shoudln't cry because there are people dying of hunger". If people are not allowed to show emotions over any matter that's not as grim as thousands of children dying of starvation, no one will ever cry about anything else.
You literally pulled all that out your ass, with such confidence. Do you have a direct line to the club's psychologist or something?


No I do not :lol:

You shouldn't so nonchalantly dismiss the psychological effects of witnessing a traumatic event, one such as to watch your teams top player and talisman to boot being carried off the pitch in fits of tears and anguish, can have on a player being asked to perform in a near-pressure cooker environment like a CL cup final.

Karius made a couple of uncharacteristic errors on the night of which he may never recover and its all Salah's fault. Yes, Salah cost Liverpool the CL title and his punishment should be that of instant dismissal.

Just my opinion.
Here's Roger Federer crying after loosing Australian Open final to Nadal.

Federer is arguably one of the greatest and most universally beloved sportsman in history of any sport. Sportsman crying isn't something unique to football. How much these guys work to reach these finals is INSANE, coming up short at that moment is absolutely heart breaking. Keep in mind that they are always 1 big injury away from ever playing at the highest level so any final could very well be their last chance to win a trophy.

I am shocked reading stuff like "they shoudln't cry because there are people dying of hunger". If people are not allowed to show emotions over any matter that's not as grim as thousands of children dying of starvation, no one will ever cry about anything else.
You're not allowed to be happy and enjoy your life too because people are dying of hunger don't you know... I hope you guys acting in accordance to what constitutes a 'real man' donate everything you have and never smile otherwise stop being hypocrites you're.

Feckin hell some people.
It makes football far more emotional which is better for me than having a mask face.