Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Unless he’s Sanchez’ agent too, I’m wondering why he thinks Mkhi holds the key?

Can someone enlighten me?
Probably just bigging up his client so it doesn't look like he's a cast-off.
So, we're getting money + Sanchez? I'd imagine we'll get £10m in cash too, which will cover the agents fee.

Free swap by just increasing the wages left over by Mkh. Good business that.
not forgetting that we’re going to save on Zlatan’s wages soon
Guys over at Abu Dhani upset by this? Thankfully Sanchez’s agent is not from their neck of the woods, else they’d flay him alive.

Their regime keeps workers in appalling conditions, rejects homosexuality, abhors democracy and is accused of torture. Hard to see how they can take the moral high ground.
It could all end up a disaster but it could also be a rare deal that works out for everyone involved.
Despite them crying, Mkhi to the goonbags actualy makes a lot of sense for all parties. He would suit their style better than ours

This could explain a lot. Arsenal pissed off with city low balling so asked if they could buy Mkhi and offer Sanchez to make the deal happen.

Probably looked like other option was he goes in summer and Arse want money.

Given this suggestion United thought yep let’s make it happen and do one over another rival whilst upgrading a similar aged player.
That makes sense we spoke to Sanchez and he told us his price! They Get Mkhi and value from Sanchez before he goes for free
This is a good take on it. Wouldn't be surprised if Mhki was open to the move from the start, but they're stalling for that very reason.

Raiola actively speaking out and trying to set the narrative is PR 101.

Notice how they talk about Mkhi being calm, how much contract is left. It's all about shaping the narrative as "Mkhi could have seen out his contract and looked elsewhere....but he chose arsenal".

There are little things in all of the Raiola briefings that highlight not only is he shaping the narrative, but he is actively pursuing the transfer.

IMO, we should all be fecking ecstatic right now. I think this deal is about to happen.
Unless he’s Sanchez’ agent too, I’m wondering why he thinks Mkhi holds the key?

Can someone enlighten me?

You ever done any business deals in your life? You spin it your way so you look like you got the better end of the deal. No one wants to be the one that got robbed. He’s doing his job and that all that matters to his client. It’s a ego driven business.
That's not true, it's happened plenty of times, did you not know? Now you know.

I don't see this one collapsing, too much desperation from basically all parties to get a deal done.
I think this is spot on now.
Chelsea have moved to sign Andy Carroll which means they’re looking for a different style of player
Unless he’s Sanchez’ agent too, I’m wondering why he thinks Mkhi holds the key?

Can someone enlighten me?
It's all down to Wenger, he wants replacements for Sanchez but probably has no money to spend.

Miki makes sense for him, but think he doesn't want to go to arsenal and so he and Raiola will bend us over to make it happen.

Basically no one wants to be at Arsenal. We would probably need to bid £50m cash to get Sanchez without miki included.

That's my view.
It'll be interesting to see exactly how Mkhitaryan figures in the deal if he does agree terms with Arsenal. There's been a lot of noise about a part exchange but nothing on the fee.
You ever done any business deals in your life? You spin it your way so you look like you got the better end of the deal. No one wants to be the one that got robbed. He’s doing his job and that all that matters to his client. It’s a ego driven business.
No I’m not a business man which explains why I’m on a football forum asking about it
Amuses me seeing all the posts saying Mkhitaryan suits their style of play. In theory yes but have you watched him in the last few years? The man can barely control a ball at times.
So, we're getting money + Sanchez? I'd imagine we'll get £10m in cash too, which will cover the agents fee.

Free swap by just increasing the wages left over by Mkh. Good business that.
No chance..

Their regime keeps workers in appalling conditions, rejects homosexuality, abhors democracy and is accused of torture. Hard to see how they can take the moral high ground.

But they play really attacking football?
Even in their worst of despair gooners are good for a laugh.

yeah, just went through their "martial for alexis swap" thread and they were getting kinda excited, then this one guy asked "why would martial want to join us?"

We all would like him to have, but there is 0 chance. The same with Sterling, why they should us join?

Sanchez will play on the right and Martial on the left for United.

and this is the reply he got:

Don't let the recent malaise around the club fool you, this is still a prestigious club. As if Anthony ****ing Martial is too big to join.

then the reports came out that our board along with mourinho and martial had no interest in even entertaining this nonsense, and the person that replied above posted this straight after:

My apologies

I think Mkhytarian doesn't really fit in at United under Mourinho and would be better to leave and play elsewhere, but if he doesn't feel Arsenal is the right move he is perfectly entitled to say no and sit tight until the right move comes along.
I just hope the deal doesn't hinge on him going to Arsenal as part of the package and if he doesn't want to go there United will pay Arsenal the cash sum they want for Sanchez.
I'm utterly resigned to this, I just don't want Mhki.

Cash only please and let us move on with some dignity.

Chilean journo sharing this on Twitter. Safe to say City's briefing war isn't winning everyone over.

Their regime keeps workers in appalling conditions, rejects homosexuality, abhors democracy and is accused of torture. Hard to see how they can take the moral high ground.
Not this shit again.

Head over to Rawk mate they'd love you over there
Raiola speaking about the deal is excellent news for us. It means Mkhi wants to go to Arsenal and only the details need to be sorted out. I'm pretty sure this swap will happen by the end of this week. Since we are able to offer a player, there is no chance for City or Chelsea to butt in.
Not too sure people can be moaning about Raoila when you consider the fees United are paying Sanchez's agent...
Just not having that Mkhitayran is on 200k a week, he signed a 4 year contract at Dortmund in 2013 when he signed so was probably on £70,000 a week tops back then. I'd have thought realistically he's on about £160,000 a week. If he is on 200k a week then Woodward made a huge error.
Raiola actively trying to shape the narrative of the transfer is such a "its happening" moment, we all need to prep for the confirmation tweets.

That's how confident I am now.
So, if all is as it seems and it's literally down to Mkhi agreeing to go to Arsenal... what would possibly stop him? He must realise that he's not got a future at United, and could flourish at Arsenal?

What money is he on atm? Are Arsenal likely to be going in much lower?
If Wenger puts an arm around him, He will be your second best player, the state of your squad

The state of Arsenal's squad being exaggerated right now although I can understand why given how it's performing. I think the manager is the bigger problem. A top manager would see there's something to work with IMO although it badly needs investment.
It is a non sense argument. What is this? 1960's drama? Who cares about gentleman agreements? Any agreement would come into picture if City had already gotten a bid accepted with Arsenal, negotiated terms with Sanchez and then he made an about turn after United came into the picture with bigger deal. City are not going to make a decision against their interests just out of some honour code. I have no idea why people continue to peddle this non sense anyway. City have given a perfectly valid reason as to why they pulled out. Inflated as it may be , they do have a wage structure in place and don't want to upset it. Even that argument is not foolproof IMO given players signed for free always get inflated wages and the fact that outlay for another attacking player in Sanchez tier would cost them much more.

To me it is a bit rich of City to try and take the moral high ground when they were trying to low-ball Arsenal.

So if the story is to be believed - in the summer they agreed a £60m fee with Arsenal and agreed terms with Sanchez, but the deal did not go through because Arsenal could not find a replacement.

So spool forward a few months and City offer only £20m to Arsenal - Arsenal say they want £35million. At that point City either negotiate and agree or walk away. They can't make any comment about a prior agreement as that agreement was never signed and they have not secured the rights to speak to Sanchez this time as they have not agreed a fee with his employer.

Given all the players they have on their books they could have easily offered a swap deal, or entered into proper negotiations with Arsenal. Instead they arrogantly took a "take it or leave it" attitude with Arsenal based on the assumption that Sanchez would only work under the sweet genius of Peanut-Pep!

Lesson learned there for Pep - you are not in Bayern or Barca are in the second tier club in Manchester when it comes to reputations!
Sending Mkhi to Arsenal, to play under a manager who would indulge his mercurial tendencies - while sending one of the best players in the league our way - would be the best deal we've done in years.
Reading between the lines, this is so happening. It's so far out there, Wenger basically admitted it, City briefed it last night, Mou openly spoke about it and now Raiola as well.

If Sanchez doesn't sign for us, I'll follow through on the promise @Pexbo didn't during the Vidal saga.

Please feel free to remind us what exactly @Pexbo promised during the Vidal saga :lol:
There's nothing in it because the best outlet in the UK (BBC) said "City believe Chelsea are interested". It was a nothing story planted by City PR from the moment they pulled out.
That, and Jose, twice, said last night that other clubS are interested in Sanchez. Could have easily been referring to city not knowing/believing they pulled out of the race
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