Robinho sentenced to 9 years for involvement in sexual assault

Sexual crimes are markedly less socially acceptable now than they were a few decades ago.

Well given that we're supposed to evolve as a society it's more or less expected, provided you're right, isn't it? Cases where're there's some sort of a mass-justification for such acts as in the case of Polański should not be overlooked though.
Horrible, and he's not even gonna go to jail unless the brazilian governemnt decides to hand him over, which they probably won't
Its almost impossible to extradite foreigners from Brazil, let alone a Brazilian citizen.
You can demand in the Justice for decades before a final sentence despite some international treaties.
Personally I think 9 years is too much for rape considering murder only gets you around 20 in most countries. Also the court ordered him to pay the victim 60,000€ in compensation. What the heck? I think 3-5 years in prison and a high six- or seven-digit sum would be appropriate.

Why should the rich being able to buy themselves out of any crime? That is why this type of thing keeps happening with wealthy people from tax evasion to murder in some cases.
How do you get 9 years for that?

Filthy sex cases deserve to be hung by the neck until they are dead.
Failing that, someone should take a shotgun and blow the feckers head off..!!
It really grinds my gears that this is pretty much the first anyone's heard of it in Italy. Happened 4 years ago FFS

If he's only just been found guilty then that's how it should be. Now he has he can be shamed like the shitbag he is.
The minimum sentence for rape in Germany is two years. We can argue if that is too low, but 3-5 years is much more in line with the law than the mandatory 25-30 years that have been suggested.
If you were the victim would you be happy with 2 years incarceration for your rapist?
Boo fecking hoo, these people are not human. 5 years is feck all, they should be drowned in fecking lava. People who have opinions like yours really unsettle me.
Well said. Such opinions are not very enlightened. We've got to understand rape and sexual assault as the horrendous brutal abuse of power of one person over another, especially as in the current climate we are witnessing a major shift in women speaking out and not putting up with the sexual violence that has been systemically dished out to them under patriarchy.

We need to support those brave women who have gone public and stop this silly underestimating of the damage done with this brutal violation of their bodies. Anyone who can think 3 years is too much is part of the problem.
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Ffs, if the story is true lock him for life. The victim's life will never be the same. On the other hand - the stricter the law, the less people will even consider breaking it.
He lives in Brazil right now and he was found guilty in Italy, so will he actually go to prison?
Ffs, if the story is true lock him for life. The victim's life will never be the same. On the other hand - the stricter the law, the less people will even consider breaking it.
Is this true though? If it were the case then countries with super strict laws like cutting off your hand for stealing would have almost no crime. I think the reluctance to punish rapists too hard is the fear that they might just kill their victims to try and avoid getting caught. I agree about tougher sentences though but it would have to be in proper proportion.
Is this true though? If it were the case then countries with super strict laws like cutting off your hand for stealing would have almost no crime. I think the reluctance to punish rapists too hard is the fear that they might just kill their victims to try and avoid getting caught. I agree about tougher sentences though but it would have to be in proper proportion.
Well, it is true. I am sure stealing or shoplifting in a country like Iran or UAE is much less widespread than in, say, France, USA or UK. In my country pedestrians cross roads wherever they fecking wish. They do not care much about zebra crossings or traffic lights. I am sure that if they were fined heavily a couple of times or found guilty in traffic accidents caused by them, they would do their best to observe the rules.
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If it's true just shoot him like a rabid dog. 9 years is to little. feck this leniant bullshit when it comes to predators intentionally hurting and torturing people for their pleasure. Wish all the worst to fecking scum like that.
Losing 5 years of your life to incarceration is not remotely the same as being scarred for the rest of your life, with a myriad of issues brought upon on your mental and/or physical health, by someone else.


But would you rather be raped or spend 5 years in Prison?

Honest question. Thought problem. A truly horrible one. Not trolling. Just interested as I dont think it's a no brainer.

[I guess I'm speaking about that choice when the rape is being forced to have sex. Not violent rape at knifepoint for days on end. There are levels of course]

But would you rather be raped or spend 5 years in Prison?

Honest question. Thought problem. A truly horrible one. Not trolling. Just interested as I dont think it's a no brainer.

What a ridiculous question.

You even know how ridiculous it is, seeing as you have to clarify that you're not trolling.
What a ridiculous question.

You even know how ridiculous it is, seeing as you have to clarify that you're not trolling.

It's not as ridiculous as it sounds. I know someone that was raped. I know someone that was a good person that served 3 years in Prison. (Not for rape)

It's absolutely anecdotal but the girl is healthy, happy, successful, can talk about it, has two kids, great husband. The works.

The guy that went to prison a good person came out a very changed person.

There's no cookie cutter answer. It's horrible to consider. But Prison is no joke. 5 years is an insane amount of time. In my single case example the prison term was more damaging than the rape on the human.
If he is guilty, glad he got sentenced but will never serve the years (if he is smart)
It's not as ridiculous as it sounds. I know someone that was raped. I know someone that was a good person that served 3 years in Prison. (Not for rape)

It's absolutely anecdotal but the girl is healthy, happy, successful, can talk about it, has two kids, great husband. The works.

The guy that went to prison a good person came out a very changed person.

There's no cookie cutter answer. It's horrible to consider. But Prison is no joke. 5 years is an insane amount of time. In my single case example the prison term was more damaging than the rape on the human.

Usually I don't take part in these type of discussions but will for one time. Your sample size is negligible to even consider. It's just 1 person in both cases. There are 100s and 1000s of cases where people who went to jail come out of it and still commit the same crimes, whereas women who are traumatised for life for the incidents that happened.

reddit is hilarious. total pwnage
Usually I don't take part in these type of discussions but will for one time. Your sample size is negligible to even consider. It's just 1 person in both cases. There are 100s and 1000s of cases where people who went to jail come out of it and still commit the same crimes, whereas women who are traumatised for life for the incidents that happened.

No. It's not negligible. It's comparable.

Let's not get this twisted. Rapists are scum. They should go to jail. It's as bad a crime as you can think of and the people who are guilty deserve everything they get.

My original post however was getting to the fact that going to Prison for five years is going to fundamentally change who you are as a human being. TV seems to have immunized people to the actual horror of what incarceration does to people. That's the comparable aspect.
No. It's not negligible. It's comparable.

Let's not get this twisted. Rapists are scum. They should go to jail. It's as bad a crime as you can think of and the people who are guilty deserve everything they get.

My original post however was getting to the fact that going to Prison for five years is going to fundamentally change who you are as a human being. TV seems to have immunized people to the actual horror of what incarceration does to people. That's the comparable aspect.

I have completely different mentality reading and watching so many news on rape in India, almost everyday from 6-12 months old to 60 year old women. Rapists should be hanged, so yeah 5-10 years in jail wont change anything, they are still scum. I watched one of the rapist interview 2-3 years ago, I wanted to smash the tv as he had 0 regrets raping and killing a girl.

i disagree with your point, if rape victim can lead normal life after few years then kudos to them for having great mentality, but we have seen victims committing suicide too.
So rare to see someone argue that rapists are treated too harshly. Caf gonna caf.

Most of the caf jumped down his throat, so I'm not sure this can be a "caf gonna caf" moment when it's literally 0.01% of the caf doing it.
Personally I think 9 years is too much for rape considering murder only gets you around 20 in most countries. Also the court ordered him to pay the victim 60,000€ in compensation. What the heck? I think 3-5 years in prison and a high six- or seven-digit sum would be appropriate.

Personally I think anything other than Capital punishment is a bs sentence for rape and murder.
Personally I think 9 years is too much for rape considering murder only gets you around 20 in most countries. Also the court ordered him to pay the victim 60,000€ in compensation. What the heck? I think 3-5 years in prison and a high six- or seven-digit sum would be appropriate.

Are you serious? You think that rapists should get 3 to 5 years jail? I bet you would think differently if the victim was a loved one of yours.
Are you serious? You think that rapists should get 3 to 5 years jail? I bet you would think differently if the victim was a loved one of yours.

I don't agree with him but this is a silly argument. I'd want someone strung up by their bollocks if they nicked my car radio.
Personally I think 9 years is too much for rape considering murder only gets you around 20 in most countries. Also the court ordered him to pay the victim 60,000€ in compensation. What the heck? I think 3-5 years in prison and a high six- or seven-digit sum would be appropriate.

What the actual feck.
rape should be sentenced like murder. its the most disgusting crime in our society how is this harsh? :S

in reality 9 years seems "ok" as most of them get out under 5 years anyway at least here in europe.
Posters advocating for capital punishment or "drowning people in lava" should take a step back and think about what they are saying. This isn't the Middle Ages anymore. My suggestion of three to five years is actually in line with the law. Yet I'm the one being attacked for being ridiculous.
Posters advocating for capital punishment or "drowning people in lava" should take a step back and think about what they are saying. This isn't the Middle Ages anymore. My suggestion of three to five years is actually in line with the law. Yet I'm the one being attacked for being ridiculous.

Law can be changed and changes can be amended. It's not a fixed rule.

I would rather live happily knowing some scum on the earth is vanished rather than taking moral high ground and vouching for reduced penalty for them. You kill someone or rape someone? You don't deserve to live. Simple as that.
What the actual feck.

I know. He thinks the appropriate punishment for a gang rape is 3 to 5 years jail. The funny or scary thing is his opinion is not an isolated one there was a case of a swim star in the USA that served 3 months jail for sexual assault. The judge said mitigating factors were his clean record and youth. I am not for mob justice or cruel punishments but the punishment must be somewhat of a deterrent. Also, there should be equal justice for all and no one should be above the law regardless of their fame and fortune so Joe the plumber should be treated the same as Joe the football star or Joe the billionaire.

Lastly I have to say that posters that are advocating capital punishments are going a bit far. He should serve a fair jail term and then be rehabilitated back into society.
I think on top of jail, rapists should be chemically castrated. Seem harsh, but there's an easy way to circumvent it: DONT RAPE PEOPLE.
Law can be changed and changes can be amended. It's not a fixed rule.

I would rather live happily knowing some scum on the earth is vanished rather than taking moral high ground and vouching for reduced penalty for them. You kill someone or rape someone? You don't deserve to live. Simple as that.

No one deserves to die. Period. I can't express how troublesome I find it that people still support the death penalty in this day and age. Also taking someone's life to me is so much worse than any other violent or sexual crime and that has to be reflected in the sentence.
I don't get footballers. They probably have a big pick oft girls that would Shag them but they want to gangrape instead... Baffling.

If it's true, hope the cnut goes to jail and have to hold t-bag's pocket.

I'd imagine it's a metal thing. They're so used of having all the girls and treating them how they want so when put in a position with a girl that doesn't want to go the extra mile they probably just think it's fine to force themselves on them without any repercussions.

Hollywood is another fine example. Just thinking out loud though.
No one deserves to die. Period. I can't express how troublesome I find it that people still support the death penalty in this day and age. Also taking someone's life to me is so much worse than any other violent or sexual crime and that has to be reflected in the sentence.

People who kill other people don't deserve to die or killed? Interesting.